ForumsGames[Main Thread] CoD? Put it here!

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Apparently the effort of cleaning up the forums has been biased, so the CoD group get their own thread for discussing as well.

  • 3,990 Replies
1,182 posts

ummmmmmm i know all of u are pollllly hard core CoD heads, but im still gonna say it.... feel free to call me stupid but i dont care...... machine gun bullets flying, grenades bein let loose, enemies all over.... i will LITERALLY run clear across the board just to stab u........ its so much more fulfilling then shooting someone.... not as much as a no scope, headshot, or explosive to the crotch but still...

1,287 posts

Anyone looking to party up in Black Ops or Modern Warfare 2? Im a low level in both but trust me. I've been playing COD for a long time and am pretty darn good if I may say so myself. I play for fun but to win at the same time. Got got 2+ k/d and w/l on both games.

Hit me up. A mic is preferred though :P oh...and just go positive. Is that so much to ask? lol

6 posts

Black Ops sucks. Are you kidding me? It's so freakin slow that my dead grandma could pwn every1 in the freakin lobby! And then the campers! Jesus christ man!

1,182 posts

maybe..... u have a crappy connection hmmm, usin dial up hmmmm, nail connection hmmmm, windows 98 hmmmm, XD
jk, jk.....yeahh...

332 posts

Honestly this may sound like a gay idea but it is the 150th anniversary of the civil war. cod should have a civil edition

3,025 posts

Or at the very least, bad games become boring much faster than very good ones, which can be replayed several times.

It doesn't have to be a good game, how long does it take before you're bored insane does not equate to how good a game is - unless that is its focus (replayability factor). Is ME2 a bad game because I don't like playing it in my free time? Hell noaw. Is CoD a bad game? Yes, if you ask me, but how many hours have been dedicated to MW2 alone?

Arguing "what made someone buy a game" is pointless, when they end up buying the game regardless, which is the main point ;P

I'm arguing that the product itself may not be the idea of actually buying it but instead playing with friends. If you had Co-Op F.3.A.R or Co-Op CoD, you like F.E.A.R 3 more but your friends play CoD, is it accurate to say that the sale to that person buying CoD likes it more?

Sales are simply a way to show consumer interest and how successful the product is. Not "quality" in how you think I mean it.

Okay, perhaps I should not trust 10s of millions of people to give their opinion on what is worth their money? :P Situations are different for everyone, sure, I have over £300 spare for when I need it, but even so I only plan on getting Age of Empires Online (which is free), possibly Frozen Synapse and Mass Effect 3 this year.

Oh, and I'm fairly certain I'm renewing my subscription for World of Warcraft.

Bonuses won't bring someone over that wasn't considering buying the game in the first place

I think the newest Medal of Honor is a fair assessment. I'm fairly sure a lot of people bought that item (preordered it*) so that they could get their hands on Battlefield 3's Beta.

A price is simply something a customer has to compare a products "value" to. While it's true that a cheap price can help increase sales, it's not a guarantee. There's plenty of indie games that remained unsuccessful even at a 10$ price tag. It simply means people don't value the game enough to buy it (even at such a price).

Yes, but that is not mentioned in statistics, all you hear are the sales numbers, not how much the game has grossed OR how much was spent developing it.

Thus I find it's fairly inaccurate. :P

And the problem is? Nobody buys a game they know they won't enjoy just because their friends have it. Again, one must value the product first, before convincing is possible.

It's rediculously easy to find entertainment, you don't need games etc to prove that. Heck - you don't even need a large amount of technology to do that, again, it's quality. Chances are a game like CoD is entertaining for the vast majority of people -- they may like something better, but that "something better" doesn't have their friends playing it. They find value in the lesser (although sufficient) quality of entertainment CoD can offer.

However, keep in mind that any brand is perfectly capable of destroying itself with bad quality products. Just look at poor Sonic nowadays T_T

The bad traits of CoD are the flawed ones - balance and technical issues, other than that, I find it's a minimally good game but nonetheless entertaining. Other games deserve such recognition, or rather, games should take a shared recognition.

One cannot talk sales without talking about business, because those are inseperably linked. ;D

Yes, it indeed is, but why is it Magicka sold much less than CoD but I still find it entertaining? Granted, it's made for messing around (much like CoD if you ask me) with friends, but it still is pretty challenging and certainly fun at times. Furthermore - £30 I paid for the rip off that is Black Ops.

How much for Magicka?

Swap those around, and I still wouldn't buy CoD, but I'd happily buy Magicka.
That sentence is wrong considering I DID buy Black Ops, but I heard it was reverting to the likes of CoD4 - sadly I was wrong. :<

Sorry, but I don't play SC2, so I can't exactly relate. :S

Simply put the most popular mods on SCII are the ones shown on the front page, the least played ones I think at the back page.

So not only will new mods be difficult to start up but my god will it be difficult getting others to play - which is more often or not the case in SCII mods. Footmen, Smashcraft, EURO Wars, Zealot Frenzy, Zone Control, Star Battle, etc -- all require more than one player to play properly (Footmen and Star Battle can have up to 12...)

- H
482 posts

Black Ops sucks. Are you kidding me? It's so freakin slow that my dead grandma could pwn every1 in the freakin lobby! And then the campers! Jesus christ man!
Gameplay's only slow if you're a retard who doesn't know how to sprint. And campers? Really
? MW2 was the biggest camp-fest in FPS history. As for gamespeed, Black Ops pace is better than an SnD match ending in 5 seconds due to noob tubes.
482 posts

Unless you killed all the campers.
And then, guess what. They go back to their favorite spot and keep camping! I know that's a little too much thought for you to handle, but it's true.
5,552 posts

And then, guess what. They go back to their favorite spot and keep camping! I know that's a little too much thought for you to handle, but it's true

Lol on Cod4, there was this moron who kept camping in the same spot. So everytime I walked by that area, I shot where he sat, and killed him. Needless to say, he kept accusing me of hacking, whereas I just called him a camping idiot :P
482 posts

I'm not retard.
Camp by there camping spot, and if you have any skills, you kill him before he...
A) Notices You
B) Gets to his Camping Spot
C) Kills You

You were just complaining about campers and now you're saying to camp... lol.
1,830 posts

I went 124 and 3 today. I was playing hardcore headquarters and was going against a clan that only used the L96, flak jackets, and didnt aim. They hadn't even prestiged yet and the best K/D spread on one of their profiles was 0.41. I was using a Kiparis with Rapid fire and and the china lake. I was using scavenger pro, steady aim pro, marathon pro, Nova gas, and semtex. I used the Attack chopper, Chopper gunner, and attack dogs. It was pretty easy because they didnt throw grenades and we were playing on nuke town. So I just camped. At one point I killed 4 guys with my nova gas.

127 posts


That's hilarious. i probably would have done so-so, even if i was on the winning team!

482 posts

I was using a Kiparis with Rapid fire
Interesting, not many people use the Kaparis. My SMG of choice is personally the MPL, closely followed by the Scorpion.
482 posts

Annihilation is out! Thoughts from those of you on Xbox?

8 posts

I think COD is a really fun cool game to play, i like it more than the other first person shooters because for one its more realistic as in, you can shoot a guy with a couple shots and he will die, but if you play halo or some other syfi FPS it takes a while for you to kill them. Another reason why i think its more superior is because the game play, wepons are better in my opinion that the other FPS.

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