ForumsGames[Main Thread] CoD? Put it here!

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Apparently the effort of cleaning up the forums has been biased, so the CoD group get their own thread for discussing as well.

  • 3,990 Replies
5,952 posts

... well for me the little quote button is missing some im going to use quotations marks instead.

"I was really disappointed the way Soap died. I mean I dont really care that he died but I wish I didnt have to carry him so far just to watch him die D:"

have you no heart? soap was one of the best charecters in the game and your just upset because you had to bring him? come on man...
well i guess i kinda understand given how you have never played mw2 or cod4 before...

5,952 posts

I died 3 away from a Moab on free for all. It was awful.

599 posts

I died 3 away from a Moab on free for all. It was awful.

that sucks. that really really sucks.

I have a feeling that I can get a moab soon... I ahve been thinking alot about classes and watching alot of videos... I can feel it...
15,595 posts

I died 3 away from a Moab on free for all. It was awful.

I can't count how many times I've died a few off one by getting panic knifed, dead mans hand, and last stand. But after you get your first few moabs they're not really fun to get anymore.
599 posts

Iv never gotten a MOAB do u get any titles/emblems for getting a certain amount of them or anything?

15,595 posts

Iv never gotten a MOAB do u get any titles/emblems for getting a certain amount of them or anything?

No, but there's a secret challenge to it. I think once you get two moabs you get a certain amount of XP, then again at 5 or 10, and it keeps going.
347 posts

But after you get your first few moabs they're not really fun to get anymore.

Yeah, when I got my first one I was so excited, but now I'm like meh. I've only gotten 7 but I'm still not that excited when I get one.

No, but there's a secret challenge to it. I think once you get two moabs you get a certain amount of XP, then again at 5 or 10, and it keeps going.

What do you mean about the secret challenge thing? I haven't noticed anything when I've gotten mine.
599 posts

What do you mean about the secret challenge thing? I haven't noticed anything when I've gotten mine

like i said ive never gotten one but iven noticed on some peoples videos on utube u get a challenge completed once u get ur second MOAB
5,952 posts

still no quote button...
"I can't count how many times I've died a few off one by getting panic knifed, dead mans hand, and last stand. But after you get your first few moabs they're not really fun to get anymore."

i lost one to a knife, one to dead mans hand, and this time i lsot it to some doosh with the striker. i hate that gun. but i can feel it...soon...soon i will get a moab.... soon. i didnt even win the game. i just sorta gave up and flipped out after i died. i forgot that i didnt leave the game. i finished 26-4. thanks to elite it look like i have the best chance of getting a moab on downturn, the seatown, and then resitance just judging by kd. anyways, my new montage is almost done. i need i think 1:30 minuets and then im done.

15,595 posts

What do you mean about the secret challenge thing?

Found this on a web site:
MW3 Secret Challenges

The Loner - 2500 XP - Get a 10 Pointstreak going with 0 Pointstreaks selected .
6 Fears 7 - 1500 XP - Get a 7 - 8 - 9 Pointstreak going.
Mother Of All Bombs (M.O.A.B.) - 2500 XP - Call in 2 M.O.A.B 's . (Call it in 5 times = 5000 XP , 15 = 10000 XP , 25 = 10000 XP )
Fallout Shelter - 1500 XP - Get killed by an enemy M.O.A.B.
Infected - 1000 XP - Killed by an infected .. ?
Renaissance Man - 1000 XP - Kill 3 different people with 3 different guns in one life.
Transfer - 1000 XP - Stab someone that's infected . ( similar to MW2 STD Challenge )
Sidekick - 1000 XP - Get 3 kills in one life with your secondary weapon.
Click Click Boom - 1000 XP - Get a kill with C4 while in Last Stand.
Hijacker - 2500 XP - Hijack 10 crates . (50 = 5000 XP , 200 = 10000 XP )
...with a Vengeance - 1000 XP - Avenge a fallen teammate .
Martyrdoh - 1000 XP - Kill an enemy that's cooking a frag grenade.
Martyr - 1000 XP - Get a kill with a martyrdom death streak .
Living Dead - 1000 XP - Survive Final Stand .
672 posts

The MOAB (Mother of All Bombs) is a hidden killstreak available with any Strike Package. It's earned by getting a 25 killstreak, not including Strike Package kills. The MOAB works pretty much like the Tactical Nuke from Modern Warfare 2; it kills every enemy on the map and causes an EMP-effect for the enemy team by eliminating all enemy equipment, electronics and killstreaks for 1 minute.

The MOAB doesn't end the match. The team that uses the MOAB will have double XP for the remainder of that match.

I decided I would look this up so we knew or not and this was what I found

MW3 Secret Challenges

The Loner - 2500 XP - Get a 10 Pointstreak going with 0 Pointstreaks selected .
6 Fears 7 - 1500 XP - Get a 7 - 8 - 9 Pointstreak going.
Mother Of All Bombs (M.O.A.B.) - 2500 XP - Call in 2 M.O.A.B 's . (Call it in 5 times = 5000 XP , 15 = 10000 XP , 25 = 10000 XP )
Fallout Shelter - 1500 XP - Get killed by an enemy M.O.A.B.
Infected - 1000 XP - Killed by an infected .. ?
Renaissance Man - 1000 XP - Kill 3 different people with 3 different guns in one life.
Transfer - 1000 XP - Stab someone that's infected . ( similar to MW2 STD Challenge )
Sidekick - 1000 XP - Get 3 kills in one life with your secondary weapon.
Click Click Boom - 1000 XP - Get a kill with C4 while in Last Stand.
Hijacker - 2500 XP - Hijack 10 crates . (50 = 5000 XP , 200 = 10000 XP )
...with a Vengeance - 1000 XP - Avenge a fallen teammate .
Martyrdoh - 1000 XP - Kill an enemy that's cooking a frag grenade.
Martyr - 1000 XP - Get a kill with a martyrdom death streak .
Living Dead - 1000 XP - Survive Final Stand .

672 posts

Oh hahh sorry about that Ghost I must have been in the middle of composing when you put that

599 posts

I decided I would look this up so we knew or not and this was what I found
MW3 Secret Challenges
The Loner - 2500 XP - Get a 10 Pointstreak going with 0 Pointstreaks selected .
6 Fears 7 - 1500 XP - Get a 7 - 8 - 9 Pointstreak going.
Mother Of All Bombs (M.O.A.B.) - 2500 XP - Call in 2 M.O.A.B 's . (Call it in 5 times = 5000 XP , 15 = 10000 XP , 25 = 10000 XP )
Fallout Shelter - 1500 XP - Get killed by an enemy M.O.A.B.
Infected - 1000 XP - Killed by an infected .. ?
Renaissance Man - 1000 XP - Kill 3 different people with 3 different guns in one life.
Transfer - 1000 XP - Stab someone that's infected . ( similar to MW2 STD Challenge )
Sidekick - 1000 XP - Get 3 kills in one life with your secondary weapon.
Click Click Boom - 1000 XP - Get a kill with C4 while in Last Stand.
Hijacker - 2500 XP - Hijack 10 crates . (50 = 5000 XP , 200 = 10000 XP )
...with a Vengeance - 1000 XP - Avenge a fallen teammate .
Martyrdoh - 1000 XP - Kill an enemy that's cooking a frag grenade.
Martyr - 1000 XP - Get a kill with a martyrdom death streak .
Living Dead - 1000 XP - Survive Final Stand .

lol ghost of matrix just posted th exact same thing the post b4 u
5,952 posts

*sigh* all the little link and quote and blue buttons are not appearing on my computer. so yeah.
this is probably the best mw3 montage i have seen.

15,595 posts

all the little link and quote and blue buttons are not appearing on my computer.

You could have javascript disabled. Search around for it in your web browsers options.
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