ForumsGames[Main Thread] CoD? Put it here!

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Apparently the effort of cleaning up the forums has been biased, so the CoD group get their own thread for discussing as well.

  • 3,990 Replies
5,952 posts

FFA gunplay is my favorite I think, but drop zone is close.... I never really liked infected much, it's too slow for me and it's boring. I like all or nothing the bust from FFA gunplay. Then one in the chamber

156 posts

I only play the game unless I have a full squad of 6 players who are as good or better than me. (2.13) This way we absolutely obliterate all competition albeit other parties of highly skilled players. Also, there is a zero possibility of ending up with commonly lousy randoms as your teamates that go 1-27 in TDM or 5-78 in Domination.
Another thing we do is to leave lobbies until we have a person in our party as host, so we don't have to worry about migrations when people rage-quit.

Tips for other players:

If you have radar, and you see a guy coming up, DO NOT GIVE HIM A CHANCE. Go prone if you need to, but make sure that the guy aproaching will have absolutely no chance of taking you out. Temporarily camp if you want to call it that, but whatever you do, that guy does not deserve to kill you and you should take full advantage of your radar whenvever possible. To ensure victory, maybe throw a stun grenade or flash right before the red dot comes around the corner.

If you are not using a class with a radar immune perk (ghost/assassin), use a Counter-Spy Plane. They may seem pretty puny but they can really throw off an enemy team.

Sprint less, especially when you're near corners. I'd say 70% of the reason people die in Call of Duty is because of unneccesary sprinting. They're so caught up in trying to get to the enemy as quick as they can that they end up getting caught in the wrong moment and they're shot before they can bring their weapon up. Most of the time, if you keep it cool and take it slow, you end up getting the drop on the sprinting people.

If people are camping, LET THEM GO. Don't attempt to revenge kill them or try and get back at them. Most of the time you will not suceed and even if you do, it's not going to prevent them from camping again. The best thing to do is to avoid the area that the camper killed you. They rarely move from their post so you will never have to deal with them again. If the camper is in a spot that is susceptible however, instead of going head on at them like the majority of players do... Try and find alternate routes to throw them off, or try utilizing your equipment and grenades to your advantage.

Use optic as little as you can. If the iron sights are usable, use them. Optics in my opinion are a waste of an attachment and I think things like rapid fire, grip,silencer, extended magazines and dual magazines are much more useful.

HIP.FIRE. If you are in a close-quarter situation, it's not a bad idea to teach yourself to hip-fire as a habit when these suprise situations turn up. Trying to aim in situations like those will result usually in you missing every single shot, and adding a death to your score. Learn to hip-fire as a second nature, it will become extremely useful when going on streaks. Some submachineguns can totally go on their own only hip-firing, and some of them actually do better than aiming.

Use Use Use your tactical grenades. They're not there for no reason. In combination with scavenger, you can nearly always ensure a stun on the opponent with every encounter, giving you a huge upper hand. Nothing is worse for the opponent than getting stunned and unable to aim at you fast enough.

When firing anything from a very far distance (even assault rifles) BURSRT FIRE. Tap the trigger lightly and shoot 1 or 2 at a time. This is a deadly technique that will suprise snipers and take them out in a snap, along with long range assault rifle users. If you're feeling confident, you can do it with a submachinegun, but I do not recommend that as it takes too many bullets for the kill.

C4 is the most powerful tool. It's perfect for busting campers in nearly every scenario, really fun for suprising people planting bombs or capturing objectives, and is basically a blast to use if you learn how to use it in general. It has saved me a countless amount of times and I highly recommend its use.

Finally, it's never wrong to change styles. In CoD, you have to be adaptive, and be adaptive fast. If the enemy begins gaining air domination, switch to a stealthy class and have a rocket launcher class. If the enemy is rushing, put on a defense style class and change up your style of playing. If the enemy is playing extremely defensive, play long range and try to take them from a distance. If the enemy team is outright awful, rush like crazy on them with assault rifles and subs. Unpredictability is priceless in games and will always keep enemy teams confused. In search and destroy, if you meet a guy in a route and he kills you, change up the route from before and usually you'll catch him waiting and looking down the route you previously took. Easy kills.

Sucess in Call of Duty is not all just basic skills, what seperates a good from bad player is how quickly they can outsmart the opponent.

7 posts

I'm level 64 prestige 8

280 posts

That was the kind of post that i think deserves a merit malkoir. Good job!

1,370 posts

That was the kind of post that i think deserves a merit malkoir. Good job!
I don't mean to hate but all of that is pretty basic tactics/tips or at least to me they are

I will say I agree with all you said though especially about adapting because I think that is a key part of being a good player I hate it when people keep trying the same tactic when it is clearing not working because a small change can make a huge difference of how well you do.

I only play the game unless I have a full squad of 6 players who are as good or better than me. (2.13) This way we absolutely obliterate all competition albeit other parties of highly skilled players.

I personally never play in parties just because I don't have many friends who play mw3 so I normally am in a party of 2 or 3 and have to put up with randoms I get annoyed when they do bad but that wont stop me playing I just give it 50% and see how it goes and if it's go all out and try to carry my team normally ending in a near loss but IDC as long as I know it wasn't my fault
5,952 posts

I personally never play in parties just because I don't have many friends who play mw3 so I normally am in a party of 2 or 3 and have to put up with randoms I get annoyed when they do bad but that wont stop me playing I just give it 50% and see how it goes and if it's go all out and try to carry my team normally ending in a near loss but IDC as long as I know it wasn't my fault

Me too. I hardly ever play with friends, as most don't understand what "get online now" means. And when I do it's very rare that its a full party. I usually play by myself or with one friend. And I always get te crappy team....
Oh I figured something out. I'm ranked fairly high on domination, and have been playing better people, but I joined my friends party and he is ranked way lower than I am, and we played worse people. Not sure if you guys knew that or not, just thought it might help improve some kds
1,081 posts

I feel your pain. I always carry my team of randoms, even when I join late. I really don't care if I win or not, as long as I gave the other team a challenge i'm satisfied with myself, that's why I have a high KD and an average win/lose ratio lol.

Oh I figured something out. I'm ranked fairly high on domination, and have been playing better people, but I joined my friends party and he is ranked way lower than I am, and we played worse people. Not sure if you guys knew that or not, just thought it might help improve some kds

If you play solo you're usually matched up with people close to the same KD as you.
156 posts

Oh I figured something out. I'm ranked fairly high on domination, and have been playing better people, but I joined my friends party and he is ranked way lower than I am, and we played worse people. Not sure if you guys knew that or not, just thought it might help improve some kds

Yeah, the game tends to balance out who enters matches together, so if your low level friend is host, you are more likely to face easier competition.
650 posts

Really. I knew the game matched up depending on level, but I wasn't exactly sure.

5,856 posts

really all of you guys just play MW3, here are the top five things i hate about it

1:the maps

2:spawn of satan




5,952 posts

Really. I knew the game matched up depending on level, but I wasn't exactly sure.

It's not done by level. If I'm level 80 5th preside but I never played headcourters before, I'm at tr bottom of the leaderboards. This means I play worse people.
156 posts

What I don't understand about MW3 people is, that they always complain about people using the Type95, but they don't use it themselves? If it's such a good weapon, why should you use any other?

5,856 posts

What I don't understand about MW3 people is, that they always complain about people using the Type95, but they don't use it themselves? If it's such a good weapon, why should you use any other?
they don't use it themselves because they hate it when other people use it because it is the noobiest most OP gun ever

~manly man
332 posts

1:the maps
2:spawn of satan

Maps yeah they get boring after 10 games especially if you glitch like a b**** (me).
Spawn of Satan?????????
Quick scoping is hard as crap but its not annoying.
Type 95 is over powered but its no big deal
Acr is a piece of crap. so whats the problem
1,081 posts

1:the maps

I agree with you. Every map is a head glitching heaven.

2:spawn of satan

Is that when you spawn in front of the enemy?


What so bad about quickscoping? It's not that hard to take down a quickscoper.


Both guns have their disavantages. If you talk about the MP7 then that's a different story.
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