ForumsGames[Main Thread] CoD? Put it here!

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Apparently the effort of cleaning up the forums has been biased, so the CoD group get their own thread for discussing as well.

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5,856 posts

anyone else notice that all of the good people stopped playing MW2, i played today and it wasn't nearly as hard to get killstreaks as it used to be and therefor not as fun, this saddens me.

~manly man

2 posts

12th Prestige in MW3

5,856 posts

3rd soon to be 4th prestige in black ops, twice in MW3 and i've almost prestiged in MW2

280 posts

I got to 4th prestige on BO before my wii broke. Then i got a new wii and got to 3rd prestige before THAT wii broke(murphy lives outside my front door D Now i have my 3rd wii and im 1 lvl away from 1st prestige so technically im almost 8th prestige.

15,595 posts

I'm sixth prestige in MW3 and second in Black Ops (only prestiged to get a token for MW3), but I have more XP than a lot of fifteenth prestiges in MW3. I just don't like the idea of prestiging to get more classes, especially not the part about resetting. I think it should be automatic like Battlefield; once you reach the highest level it just keeps going until colonel 100. Also while you're leveling up the classes come at certain levels; such as you'll get an extra class when you reach the second prestige, then another at the fourth, and it keeps going like that.

5,856 posts

second in Black Ops (only prestiged to get a token for MW3)
i take it that MW3 is on of your favorite call of duty games, sad i seem to be on of the people who likes black ops and MW2 but not MW3

~manly man is disappointed by you people
15,595 posts

i take it that MW3 is on of your favorite call of duty games

Why would you assume such a thing? I've declared several times that MW3 is terrible compared to the other CoDs.
1,081 posts

sad i seem to be on of the people who likes black ops and MW2 but not MW3

You like MW2 but not MW3? Wow. MW2 is terrible, you talked about some of the guns on MW3 being overpowered but MW2 is filled with like 5 guns that are overpowered! The spawning is worse than in MW3 and the noobtubes are just annoying.
5,856 posts

Why would you assume such a thing? I've declared several times that MW3 is terrible compared to the other CoDs.
i though i remember you not liking it but anyway let's go to the first part that post. i would assume that because you have only prestiged 2 times on black ops and 8 times in MW3 and you said that you probably have more XP than some people who have prestiged 15 times(BTW they increased the max prestige to 20 i do believe)and all you(and most everyone on this thread)seem to be talking about is MW3 although i do kinda understand that because i am going to go and prestige on every call of duty that has it and get some prestige tokens and prestige once more in MW3 then go get gold on every gun on MW3, then maybe over a long period of time reach max prestige in black ops

ok i'll give you the noobtubing but that's it, the maps on MW3 are terrible, small and pretty much only CQB MW2 and well every other CoD i've played Multiplayer on have much bigger and better maps the spawning is mixed in MW2 but nothing that can't be controlled and please name those five guns i can't name one(except the intervention, but only if there is a quickscoper behind it) if you're thinking the ACR than it does have a downside to it, it aint that powerful and yes the famas is a little OP but it isn't that popular and it takes 1-2 bursts to kill someone

~manly man is getting annoyed with this one
676 posts

MW2 pros and cons

Pros: Fast paced, and people say certain guns are overpowered but I think its balanced, Maps are amazing, and titles and emblems were cooler and more

Cons: Noob tubers, Trickshotters

MW3 pros and cons

Pros: Fast paced, I like the way of leveling up weapons better

Cons: Support, Stealth bomber being in support, emp being in support, assault package sucks why use it, overpowered weapons, plus a lot of noobs


MW3=Black Ops but i like black ops just a tiny bit more

156 posts

What I hate most about MW3 is support. A killstreak is rewarded for playing good and going on a streak. There is no reason that some loser player who can't do anything deserves something as powerful as a stealth bomber for just getting a certain amount of kills total. This annoys me to the highest degree...

Also, people who are actually good get buzzkilled from getting killstreak rewards they deserve from the stupid rewards from the sucky players. UGH.

5,856 posts

yeah, when i was watching the trailers the support package seemed like a good idea, i don't like it anymore, there is no excuse why a n00b should get a stealth bomber or a jugernaut suit it is just wrong, but at least infinity ward only makes every other Call of Duty, and i somehow just realized that that means that infinity ward and treyarch have 2 years to make a game not 1, i fail

~manly man

35 posts

The only reason i play cod is just because of zombies multiplayer is infested with campers, trickshoters on little kids who hack and think they are cool but zombies is fun and with the easter eggs and waw custom zombies made zombies the biggest in the cod series it may not be a game but it is a game mode/mini game cod maty suck (expect cod 4) but zombies saved it i feel that the new non liner storyline thats is going to be fetured in bo2 is going to be annoying and the quadroters will be over powered but i am just looking foward to a classis game of 4 pople zombies but with the new 8 playe zombie system i hop the 4 player system remains.

5,856 posts

[/quote]The only reason i play cod is just because of zombies multiplayer is infested with campers, trickshoters on little kids who hack and think they are cool but zombies is fun and with the easter eggs and waw custom zombies made zombies the biggest in the cod series it may not be a game but it is a game mode/mini game cod maty suck (expect cod 4) but zombies saved it i feel that the new non liner storyline thats is going to be fetured in bo2 is going to be annoying and the quadroters will be over powered but i am just looking foward to a classis game of 4 pople zombies but with the new 8 playe zombie system i hop the 4 player system remains.[quote] what do you mean custom zombies? yes i think they will still have 4 person zombies and they will also have 4 Vs. 4 zombies somehow, and new zombie game modes and they will still have the original with rounds and all of that good stuff and they said they are going to integrate zombies into the multiplayer engine, i'm not sure what that means but it sounds cool and maybe it means like a zombie hoard as a killstreak, that would be awesome. hope i helped

~manly man

192 posts

Its true 4v4 in BO2

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