Forums → Games → [Main Thread] CoD? Put it here!
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Apparently the effort of cleaning up the forums has been biased, so the CoD group get their own thread for discussing as well.
Really Highfire Gstroy and everyone else.
If you know it all so good.
Make your own ****ing game.
I bet you even couldn't create a platform game
If you know it all so good.
I agree honestly, but it doesn't seem to make a lot of sense - perhaps the attachments need to be less significant? Noobtubes to be regarded more as surgical tools - taking out guys behind cover or something.
How would they do that? I don't know
Is the grenade launcher overpowered? I don't know. I am not in the position to judge and I actually could probably come up with a way of defeating it.
Really Highfire Gstroy and everyone else.
If you know it all so good.
Make your own ****ing game.
I bet you even couldn't create a platform game
This reminds me so much of debate class. Arguing over random issues, a few people caring way too much about it, and a heavily opinionated argument.
Infact, this is debate class. Highfire reminds me of that annoying kid who for every sentence you would say, he would say an entire paragraph.
Taking apart your argument, and dragging on classes with crap after crap. We get your what your trying to day, **** it!
Please, just put a TL,DR every post that takes up half the page. Or just put this as your sig, instead of H.
I am the hipster of gaming. -FPSs suck unless everyone else says that they suck. PC is obvisously the best, and people on consoles suck, unless they all move to the PC. Retro games man. I played Duke Nukum Forever to be ironic.-
lulz, just because we know what a good game is and what a good game isn't, the importance of immersion, progress, innovation, and inviting forms of storytelling, doesn't mean we can necessarily make a game. Some of us lack the technical capabilities, others don't care. Making a game and assessing a game are two totally different activities.
This reminds me so much of debate class. Arguing over random issues, a few people caring way too much about it, and a heavily opinionated argument.
Infact, this is debate class. Highfire reminds me of that annoying kid who for every sentence you would say, he would say an entire paragraph.
Taking apart your argument, and dragging on classes with crap after crap. We get your what your trying to day, **** it!
Please, just put a TL,DR every post that takes up half the page. Or just put this as your sig, instead of H.
I am the hipster of gaming. -FPSs suck unless everyone else says that they suck.
PC is obvisously the best,
and people on consoles suck, unless they all move to the PC
Retro games man. I played Duke Nukum Forever to be ironic.-
CoD is a great serie of games you have to admit thAt but the newer ones aren't refreshing
CoD is a great serie of games you have to admit thAt but the newer ones aren't refreshing
Well you aren't the only one who can write to long pieces of text so here are my reasons why black ops is just awful.
Absolutely the worst game I have ever played, hands down. They did good on some points, then totally and utter blew everything else over. Here's why:
- Spawns were always bad in CoD, but BO has the absolute worst spawning you could possibly have short of total chaotic spawn placement. You literally spawn at any spawn point the game feels like placing you with total disregard for where enemies might be located. Basically, every spawn is a random Tactical Insertion, what with killing an enemy, only for them to literally spawn 3 feet behind you, or for you to spawn on the exact same point while they kill you over and over again. And it happens all the time. Every death, every kill.
- Graphics might be on par with N64, maybe not quite, I can't tell. Has nothing to do with poor graphics cards or old TV sets. I play a 360 on a 20-year-old tube TV, and Halo 3's, Halo Reach's, CoD4's, CoD: WaW's, and MW2's graphics were beautious. So if Black Ops' graphics suck, I'm lent to believe that, um... the game's graphics just suck. No excuses. Even on my friend's HDTV, with HD on, the graphics are average at best, depends on where you're standing and what you're looking at. The textures are poor and the rendering is absurdly slow. You run into a new area of a level or map, or pick up a new gun, you can literally stand there and watch for about 3-5 seconds while the game takes the blurry N64-ish graphics and morphs them into something an early, medium-budget 360/PS3 game might use. I ran into a stairwell in a building once, and noticed the railing had the most pitiously low polygon count I've ever seen in a 360 game. I could've given you a total poly count estimate in about 5 seconds just on that particular rendering. There's a weird shine to everything and the graphical feel is just... ugh. The colors combined with the poor textures and weird cel-like shading produces a juvenile, cartoonish feel, and I can't shake that they might've rated this game E on graphics alone if not for the presence of what you could call 'blood' when you shoot someone, or the gore that magically appears when you blow someone up, which is funny because the body of the victim remains intact. Remember that leg you blew off? Yeah, that grew back rather quickly, didn't it. Wait, where'd the gibbed leg go? Oh, it's gone. Must've run away on its own somehow, huh... Anyway, the feeling you get when you see the graphics better explains it than I can... In short, the graphics are cartoonish, bland, clunky, heavily pixelated, low-poly and poor resolution. Being the next generation of CoD after MW2's brilliant graphics, this is really sad.
- Sound effects are as bad, if not worse than the graphics. The music is good in some areas, maybe not the best in others. The music on the Zombies menu is very nice, and Elena Siegman continues to make awesome songs for the Zombie maps, so there's a plus. Unfortunately, music aside, the sound effects make it sound like you're firing air guns, or little kids' cap guns, or a bundle of cheap Wal-Mart fireworks poppers. Sniper rifles go "oof" when you shoot them, and grenades sound atrociously weak when they explode, it's just "PUFF" or "POP" compared to MW2's "BOOOOOOM". Which is okay, because the grenades are pretty weak. I guess the juvenile sound effects were designed to go hand-in-hand with the juvenile graphics. Everything sounds unbelievably fake. The MP5k, for instance, sounds like someone whipping the wall of a public restroom with a belt (and we all know how sounds echo in a public restroom.) Whereas one gun sounds like it's fired from within a small room, another sounds like you're shooting from a totally different place. What kills me is the reload sound effect for the RPK - my God, the worst sound effect in the game. The plastic crunching sound of your character inserting the clip gives that really uncomfortable feeling in the nails where you could scratch your skin off, or against a chalkboard, which is a more tolerable sound for me. If you've ever actually heard a gun fired in person, up-close - you know, real guns, not just binary ones - you'll hear the difference in realism. And the killer example of horrible sound - game-winning killcams. When it slows down for dramatic effect, you can certainly count the individual shots - but with each bullet comes the sound of three firing. Treyarch was clearly riding on the fact that in normal-speed gameplay, nobody could tell the difference. Then you slow things down and it all makes sense: they couldn't be arsed to break up the sound effects into individual shots. Is it my TV's speakers? If it is, then I don't know how to explain every other game I've played from my PS2 to my 360 having great sound effects - and they weren't much better, if at all, on my friend's plasma HDTV, in HD mode. Even then, it's not entirely a matter of sound QUALITY - it's the sounds themselves, too.
- Hit detection. Or maybe lag, I honestly can't tell. MW2 had serious problems with lag, and it ain't my connection. I have friends with literally less than 1/100th my connection speed and their connections were equally as fast as mine playing MW2 or BO - which are as fast as they ever get. Each house I go to, each 360 and each game copy I play on each IPS on various connection speeds produces the same ridiculous lag on both games. The difference is, when there was a seeming hit detection issue in MW2, you could easily attribute it to lag and probably be right about it. Thing is, you can't easily tell in BO, because the gameplay is so clunky you're not totally sure if that 15-foot knife stab (or was that Sephiroth's sword?) was lag or just terrible programming. There doesn't seem to be lag - even the killcams are pretty much on-par with actual occurrences in my experience. The issue is... you shoot... and you miss by three feet... and you still hit them somehow. Even better, your shot landed on the ground a foot to the right of your target's boots, and you get a headshot. Sorry what? Which head was I aiming for again? Seriously, I think it's a combination of lag and detection issues, it just happens way too often and without warning. Even better are the shots that DO hit but go straight through the target. Targets that, even if it were lagging a little, should have been hit for sure (for instance, someone running in a straight line at you, and the bullet quite clearly makes a pass through their abdomen with no hitmarker, sound effect, or damage dealt. Theater Mode tends to reveal a lot.) This issue is so frequent and frustrating, it is an absolute game-breaker on its own and makes literally every last enchange in the game an unfair one. This combined with the spawn system broke the game into pieces. Literally, for those who broke their BO discs the night they bought it. I almost did.
- Gameplay is rigid and weird. It doesn't feel right. Past CoDs felt fluent. I can't shake the subtle rigidity and clunkiness of the control.
- Slow, campy, frustrating gameplay. MW2 was a nasty breeding ground for campers, but this game does no better. Claymores now have a very quiet click you'll likely never hear followed with an explosion that follows so quickly you're led to think someone shot the device for the kill. I remember when it was fair in MW, when you could hear the click and dodge it barely in time, often dying, but still with a fair chance to survive. Three perks in MW2 armed players against claymores, and FMJ combined with SitRep meant you could spot and shoot them through walls from across the map. If left with nothing else, you could survive by jumping over it or moving back. Usually, at best, the dude who planted the claymore saw the hitmarker and knew someone was near, but was forced to face off against them. In BO, without Flak Jacket, there is literally no possible way to avoid a claymore once tripped, mainly because it explodes the near instant you do trip it. Lightweight doesn't change this. Campers also get motion sensors and camera spikes to watch for nearby enemy movement and to watch a corridor in thermal vision while they corner-camp their character in safety. If the camera blows up or spots someone, you'll know to quit jackin' off and grab the controller again. This makes the game more relaxed, slow-paced, and campy, therefore frustrating to quicker-paced and hardcore players alike. Yes, patience is key, and so is checking your corners - well, it was, until BO came out, then it made no difference anymore because in the time it takes to check one of many corners, the camper notices and kills you. Or their camera spike/motion sensor sees your first, or their claymore blows you up. Flak Jacket means you may not be able to flush campers out of their hiding spots with grenades, and Ghost is a popularly overused perk that essentially destroyed the whole concept of the UAV, or Spy Plane as it's called in this game. So instead, everyone uses RC-XD as their 3-killstreak, worsening camping even more thanks to the RC's remote-controllability from a safe, cozy camp spot. Ghost combined with silencers and Ninja makes for a very slow game as nobody can be detected and now anyone can have a gillie suit - not just snipers.
- Irritating killstreaks.
- Perk setup sucks. They made Marathon and Ninja in the same perk slot, so now Marathon/Lightweight classes can forget pairing silence with speed. Warlord is a joke, over half the attachments can't be used with either certain other or any other attachment, and the PRO version is this random effect somewhat unrelated to the perk's original effect, which probably should've been given to Scavenger's PRO version instead. They should've just made it so the secondary weapon could have two attachments. Hacker has a random and impractical PRO version, too. Marathon doesn't give you unlimited sprint until unlocked PRO - which isn't terrible, but IW's idea of quicker climbing for the PRO version was more useful and practical. It feels like a waste Treyarch had to blow the PRO version on extending the original effect. Tactical Mask is an utterly useless perk until you get a PRO version, which is annoying to get and isn't terribly useful in most cases anyway. Hardline's PRO effect is creative but unfortunately a little too much off the beaten trail and gives players an extra chance at getting a good killstreak for just 5 kills. It's more of a roll in chance than an opportunity in skill.
- Shotguns and pistols suck. Dual Pythons are about the best you'll get out of the pistols, which is pretty good actually, but single pistols suck in both accuracy and damage. Shotguns were made primary again - bad move. They're weaker with shorter range than in CoD4, and the number of shots it takes versus the number of shots you get with a shotgun in this game is atrocious. You get the Olympia to start, which is basically a double-barrel shotgun, and you put two shells into a target five feet away. They don't die. Instead, you have to sit through a long reload through which the target will regenerate his health. Or, you can switch to your pathetic pistol, which probably won't save you. The SPAS12 is generally regarded as the best shotgun - which takes about all 7 rounds in the clip to kill a target standing more than spitting distance from you. Horribly, horribly unrealistic. So much, that they should've just taken shotguns out altogether. They're useless and very poorly represented in this game. Yes, it's only a game, it's not intended to be totally realistic - but I don't expect a typical unarmored human to survive several 12-gauge shells from a military shotgun straight into their abdomen. Oh, and the final shotgun you unlock? The dual-wield version of that gun is insanely - insanely - weak. You very literally have to be about 3 feet from a target for the pellets to reach them. Then, you have to hope more than 2-3 pellets hit, because the spread is so huge. Then, you have to hope you can do enough damage with two whole clips to kill - while standing in knifing range the whole time. Seriously, I know pre-patched 1887s in MW2 were OP like hell, but this... this is unnecessary.
- Currency system sucks. You work hard to unlock something, then you have to buy it, too. The other issue is, nobody works for anything anymore - except unlocking things they can't use. Remember in MW1 and 2 when you had to really show your worth by getting headshots for your camos, titles and emblems? Well guess what, any half-assed 12-year-old whiner with a K/D ratio of .7 can now have teh c00l3st c4m0z in teh gaem, right from the moment they unlock camos at around level 20. Same goes for callsigns, you customize your callsign now, so no more cool callsigns to show off your accomplishments, just your perversions and racist beliefs and dirty humor with depictions of the KKK hanging blacks, and penises, and whatnot. I have pictures on my phone of some of the **** people create. It's just wrong, man.
- Equalized. No Stopping Power = everyone's 40% harder to kill. In fact, I think it goes beyond that, because even without SP you could get quick kills in MW2, WaW and CoD4. In BO, it takes much longer, sometimes the better half of a 30-round clip to kill a target. It's sad, because it gives an unfair advantage to the player who was shot first - giving them time to turn around and shoot back and maybe get a kill. This turns CoD into something more like Halo, where you had such a ridiculously high amount of health you'd dry your ammo stocks out after 3-4 kills. Logically, if you're the first to shoot someone, they should probably die. Not in BO. Ammo runs low quickly, the clunky gameplay system makes aiming difficult, and the low damage just makes the already slow-paced, relaxed games even longer and more boring. Plus, no SP means everyone uses whatever perk they feel like now - there's nothing to stop players from using Ghost. No incentive to stop them. Everyone used SP back in the day because everyone NEEDED that power. Nobody has that power anymore, so they just slap on Ghost or some other perk that drags the game on. I thought SP should've been in the form of caliber customization; Black Ops is making me think twice about that.
- What's new? Well, let's see, we still don't have to option of customizing gun stocks, ammo types, calibers, armor, or any sort of thing (short of Flak Jacket, if you want to pretend that's customization.) There's right about the same number of guns in this game as MW2 - or maybe this game doesn't use guns, since they're all weak and sound like cap-guns at best. The attachments are nothing new, except for some cool stuff you can do with the reticules and lens colors, but they're just cosmetic, and have no real function on the battlefield. Sure, you can put your callsign and clan tag on your gun now - nothing wrong with that, but not exactly ground-shattering either. Prestiging? Yep still there, and you still lose everything when you Prestige, too, except now there's 15 Prestiges, and at the 15th one you get a flimsy golden finish for every gun in the game, which can be bought with a few matches' worth of CoD points - unlike CoD4, where you had to painstakingly get Red Tiger on every gun in a gun class to earn your golden camo, and it was a nicely-detailed, well-colored, very shiny and awesome camo, not the canary-yellow smooth-as-baby-*** gold that completely envelopes BO's guns and even the bullets themselves. Unrealistic? Hyeah, and expensive too I imagine. Seriously, the list goes on and on - the gameplay is very much the same and yet different for the worst in BO. There's hardly the innovation we expected, just the occasional "Oh, that's cool," feeling when you see new things like the crossbow, but nothing that will blow you away or keep you playing for very long. BO is essentially a carbon-copy of MW2, pasted in the Cold War era with old, clunky guns to compliment the clunky graphics, sound and gameplay. Of course, they did some good things, too - like make it so the player who drops another into Last Stand gets the final kill even if someone else finishes them off, or the fact you can revive and be revived in Last Stand, which I thought was swell, albeit maybe a bit unfair and unrealistic. Killstreaks don't stack kills up, which is good for preventing camping - too bad they made the maps campy and confusing, so it's worked against.
Overall, Black Ops gets a 5/10 from me, just because I'm sure there are far worse games out there, but for me personally, it's the worst I've ever laid hands on, and would be a 2/10 just compared to what I've played. It might've broken the record for the number of sales made on release day, but I bet it broke the record for the number of returns the next day, too.
Well you aren't the only one who can write to long pieces of text
here are my reasons why black ops is just awful.
Absolutely the worst game I have ever played, hands down. They did good on some points, then totally and utter blew everything else over. Here's why:
- Spawns were always bad in CoD, but BO has the absolute worst spawning you could possibly have short of total chaotic spawn placement. You literally spawn at any spawn point the game feels like placing you with total disregard for where enemies might be located. Basically, every spawn is a random Tactical Insertion, what with killing an enemy, only for them to literally spawn 3 feet behind you, or for you to spawn on the exact same point while they kill you over and over again. And it happens all the time. Every death, every kill.
- Graphics might be on par with N64, maybe not quite, I can't tell.
Has nothing to do with poor graphics cards or old TV sets.
I play a 360 on a 20-year-old tube TV, and Halo 3's, Halo Reach's, CoD4's, CoD: WaW's, and MW2's graphics were beautious
So if Black Ops' graphics suck, I'm lent to believe that, um... the game's graphics just suck. No excuses. Even on my friend's HDTV, with HD on, the graphics are average at best, depends on where you're standing and what you're looking at. The textures are poor and the rendering is absurdly slow. You run into a new area of a level or map, or pick up a new gun, you can literally stand there and watch for about 3-5 seconds while the game takes the blurry N64-ish graphics and morphs them into something an early, medium-budget 360/PS3 game might use. I ran into a stairwell in a building once, and noticed the railing had the most pitiously low polygon count I've ever seen in a 360 game. I could've given you a total poly count estimate in about 5 seconds just on that particular rendering.
There's a weird shine to everything and the graphical feel is just... ugh.
The colors combined with the poor textures and weird cel-like shading produces a juvenile, cartoonish feel, and I can't shake that they might've rated this game E on graphics alone if not for the presence of what you could call 'blood' when you shoot someone, or the gore that magically appears when you blow someone up, which is funny because the body of the victim remains intact. Remember that leg you blew off? Yeah, that grew back rather quickly, didn't it. Wait, where'd the gibbed leg go? Oh, it's gone. Must've run away on its own somehow, huh... Anyway, the feeling you get when you see the graphics better explains it than I can... In short, the graphics are cartoonish, bland, clunky, heavily pixelated, low-poly and poor resolution. Being the next generation of CoD after MW2's brilliant graphics, this is really sad.
- Sound effects are as bad, if not worse than the graphics
The music is good in some areas, maybe not the best in others.
The music on the Zombies menu is very nice, and Elena Siegman continues to make awesome songs for the Zombie maps, so there's a plus.
Unfortunately, music aside, the sound effects make it sound like you're firing air guns, or little kids' cap guns,
Sniper rifles go "oof" when you shoot them
and grenades sound atrociously weak when they explode, it's just "PUFF" or "POP" compared to MW2's "BOOOOOOM".
Which is okay, because the grenades are pretty weak. I guess the juvenile sound effects were designed to go hand-in-hand with the juvenile graphics
Everything sounds unbelievably fake
- Hit detection. Or maybe lag, I honestly can't tell.
Thing is, you can't easily tell in BO, because the gameplay is so clunky you're not totally sure if that 15-foot knife stab (or was that Sephiroth's sword?) was lag or just terrible programming
There doesn't seem to be lag - even the killcams are pretty much on-par with actual occurrences in my experience
The issue is... you shoot... and you miss by three feet... and you still hit them somehow.
Literally, for those who broke their BO discs the night they bought it. I almost did.
Gameplay is rigid and weird. It doesn't feel right. Past CoDs felt fluent. I can't shake the subtle rigidity and clunkiness of the control.
MW2 was a nasty breeding ground for campers
Claymores now have a very quiet click you'll likely never hear followed with an explosion that follows so quickly you're led to think someone shot the device for the kill
Three perks in MW2 armed players against claymores, and FMJ combined with SitRep meant you could spot and shoot them through walls from across the map.
In BO, without Flak Jacket, there is literally no possible way to avoid a claymore once tripped,
If the camera blows up or spots someone, you'll know to quit jackin' off and grab the controller again.
This makes the game more relaxed, slow-paced, and campy, therefore frustrating to quicker-paced and hardcore players alike
well, it was, until BO came out, then it made no difference anymore because in the time it takes to check one of many corners, the camper notices and kills you.
Flak Jacket means you may not be able to flush campers out of their hiding spots with grenades,
and Ghost is a popularly overused perk that essentially destroyed the whole concept of the UAV, or Spy Plane as it's called in this game
So instead, everyone uses RC-XD as their 3-killstreak, worsening camping even more thanks to the RC's remote-controllability from a safe, cozy camp spot.
Ghost combined with silencers and Ninja makes for a very slow game as nobody can be detected and now anyone can have a gillie suit - not just snipers.
- Irritating killstreaks.
They made Marathon and Ninja in the same perk slot, so now Marathon/Lightweight classes can forget pairing silence with speed
25 Reasons why Black Ops is the worst Cod ever
1.The surprising amount of low-resolution textures and jagged edges, whenever you slow down and look at the details.
2. It features the best fire effects you ever saw on the previous generation of consoles.
3. Frame rate â" remember how impressed you were at the smoothness of the previous games? Despite running on the same engine, Black Ops seemingly boasts half as many frames per second as the Modern Warfare series!
4. The disjointed missions and uninteresting in medias res structure of the story
5. Briefings are now packed with so much flashing imagery and noise, itâs surprising thereâs been no seizure lawsuits.
6. Will the heroes save the world from the Russian sleeper cells with the deadly nerve gas known as Nova 6? Spoiler: The answer is in every clichéd film and episode of 24 that has done this bioweapon plot before.
7. Modern Warfare 2 had lines like âBut the sands and rocks here, stained with thousands of years of warfareâ¦They will remember us.â Black Ops has lines like âTHE F****** NUMBERS!â
8. The plot twist stolen from a film that veers the game into some kind of science fiction or magic territory. It makes the action movie nonsense of Modern Warfare 2 look sensible.
9. Said twist is so heavily foreshadowed that most players guessed it before the game tells you it twice, then shows it, and then makes you play for another ten minutes before the actual flashback-filled reveal.
10. There is genuinely a guitar riff as a character puts on his sunglasses. In a dark room. Without a hint of irony.
11. It lacks the variety and set-pieces, the highs and lows of Modern Warfare 2. Itâs just meaninglessly shooting hundreds of people while explosions go off. Itâs everything people that havenât played video games think they are.
12. Lack of emotional resonance due to poor cinematic presentation. When important characters die or events occur, it makes no effort to provokes any feelings.
Especially compared to say â" the death scenes in the Modern Warfare series.
13. You play it less. Thereâs one entire mission where the only control you have is to move your head in a 90 degree arc. Complete with random changes to jarring third person camera angles.
14. So many scripted melee kills that they become both flavourless and meaningless.
15. As a step backwards in the series, enemies will keep respawning unless you push forward. Naturally this leads you to rush forward, which can get you killed. Especially when you can easily get ahead of where the game wants you to be.
16. Relating to that problem, Treyarch have hilariously placed a lot of checkpoints before unskippable scripted events and animations, so you can watch the melee kill and body-hiding before the broken stealth section â" again and again!
17. The bad checkpoints are made worse when you fail due to the game not effectively communicating what it wants you to do.
How many people knew to grab that magically appearing rocket launcher to shoot down the missile?
18. Occasionally broken hit detection. You can enjoy shooting at that guy across the room with your crosshair perfectly positioned on the middle of his head and watch the total lack of reaction to your seemingly non-existent bullets.
19. Technical stupidity â" Getting shot in the face by an enemy that a friendly AI ran right past or is standing right next to. Or getting stuck on a wall in prone or âSecond Chanceâ.
20. The subtitles. They donât show up at the start of missions and thereâs a startling number of typos. Thatâs not very considerate to any deaf gamers.
21. Inconsiderate to gamers with hearing â" the game (that is set in the 1960s!) will assault your ears midway through the credits with a song by Eminem and Pink.
22. Having to buy Perks and weapons and attachments with CoDPoints is a great way of discouraging experimentation.
23. Two small, fast-moving, almost-impossible-to-hit Killstreaks that can kill you in one hit? Oh, yeah. Thatâs much more balanced than the varied and interesting Killstreaks of Modern Warfare 2.
24. In terms of polish in both singleplayer and multiplayer, Black Ops comes off like the gameplay equivalent of fanfiction. Play the Cliffhanger mission or a Team Deathmatch in Modern Warfare 2 and then try going back to Black Ops.
The gap between Treyarch and Infinity Ward is still a canyon.
â- The recommended retail price is £54.99 in Britain.
â- In one day, Black Ops sold three times what Mass Effect 2 did in a week. Thatâs a sign humanity should let the Reapers win.
â- At the time of writing, it has an 89 average on Metacritic. If it didnât have Call of Duty in the name, it would probably be averaging at least ten points less. Itâs Final Fantasy all over again and that just might be the worst thing of all.
Sorry if my previous meeasge is distorted, I originally typed it in Microsoft Word.
And what is your point.
You are just being no life all day trying to bust things without giving your opinion.
And what is your point.
You are just being no life all day trying to bust things without giving your opinion.
And what is your point.
You are just being no life all day trying to bust things without giving your opinion.
I believe you are pissed
I just copied a random text from Internet, translates it, and posted just to mess with u
Your text was longer. Just sayin.
I believe you are pissed
I just copied a random text from Internet, translates it, and posted just to mess with u
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