I say homosexuality has choice involved, so if Total can argue that homosexuality and eye color both come from genes, then I can say homosexuality and music taste are both choices.
Tell me how choice could be involved? Did you choose to be straight? Could you choose to be gay? No. You aren't attracted to the same sex. no matter how hard you try, you can't choose to be gay. So how is this different for homosexuals?
Ok I have been finally convinced that this gene may possibly exist. After all I couldn't just wake up tomorrow and say "I think i'll try homosexuality today" because since I am not really a homosexual it would be hard to be attracted to men. I am just attracted to girls. Period.
Ok I have been finally convinced that this gene may possibly exist.
Yea just MAY be possible, probably not. Genes can't affect such a thing because sexual attraction is only a thought. Just like the attraction of you and a food. It is a thought, thus has a reason behind it.
You are not born, its just pretty much impossible. Dam scientific studies will contradict themselves soon. Being born a homosexual would be you know what a the male reproductive organs are and even more importantly what a male is. Your not born knowing this :-$
A boob is nothing more then a lump, the male thingy is nothing but it. It has no magic powder to make your eyes twinkle.
Yes, but guys can become aroused with just parts of a body. Women, not so much.
That goes toward to show my point. Girls are very different from guys socially speaking.
And let me tell you something, I was only emotional attracted to girls until I was like 14 lol. Now I want to go back to emotional feeling but can't. Stupid hormones :-$
And please don't relate this to how homosexuals can't go straight just like I cant go back to just emotional feelings...
Genes can't affect such a thing because sexual attraction is only a thought. Just like the attraction of you and a food. It is a thought, thus has a reason behind it.
Now we're getting towards the nitty-gritty of it.
Drace, what you appear to be doing is intimating towards a physical dualism, which attempts to make a concrete separation between mind and body.
Just to let you know now, it's not the scientific studies that are going to be contradicting themselves because their approach is wrong. It's the approach you've taken here that will lead you up the garden path, looking for something you can't support while ignoring other evidence.
The main issue that most people have with the genes -> behavior theory is its causative nature, because it appears to imply hard determinism. Also, you've forgotten that (as I may have mentioned earlier) cognition is also something developed, therefore this:
Being born a homosexual would be you know what a the male reproductive organs are and even more importantly what a male is. Your not born knowing this :-$
Is a strawman.
The way to get around this issue is to realise that genes don't actually cause all of the time. They may sometimes influence behavior in an indirect way (as far as I understand it), as manifested in, I have to say, how your own behavior is influenced by hormonal changes. Then again, one needs to become aware of the exact definition and nature of the word 'cause', because when you learn enough, you'll realise it is a very imperfect term. Ultimately, the way to grasp the entire argument is to grasp the nature of the mind and our consciousness as a self-reflexive, self-aware unit, but this is probably the most difficult step.
Drace, what you appear to be doing is intimating towards a physical dualism, which attempts to make a concrete separation between mind and body.
That I am. Not so much as to say that the mind is not of the brain's function though.
They may sometimes influence behavior in an indirect way
I am just arguing that you are not quite born gay, but rather through experience. Now if genes can affect thought indirectly, then I'm fine with that. That actually, I may support. Its a reasonable statement, but genes just changing your sexual orientation I believe is crazy. Mind defining what sexual orientation is anyway, it does not exist.
And no its not a direct choice lol, you don't get up and say "Oh I'm gonna be gay today!"
Then how can it really be a choice? If it was a choice, your example would be true. They would decide one day to be homosexual and that is not the case. They choose when they want to come out. However, they have always known they were homosexual most likely from genes.
It doesn't matter...who cares if somebody likes men or women...
The ONLY reason someone would disagree is if it's against their RELIGION.
STATE and RELIGION should be kept completely separate.
Gays should be allowed in the military, as well. As long as they don't have an open relationship with another member of the armed forces (which could harm their ability to do their job), who cares if they're homosexual or bi?
They are allowed. The military has a policy about homosexuals called "Don't ask, don't tell".
Don't tell or any for sexual orientation and your fine.
That's what I was talking about...why should they (open gays) be restricted? There's no point. They're just as willing to serve the country as any man or woman.
That's what I was talking about...why should they (open gays) be restricted?
Well the other soldiers will insult them, beat them up maybe. I don't suppose they are able to control the soldier's behaviors. Plus, some get disturbed...
Its a good reasonable policy, there are no drawbacks. If you want go tell others, its your risk.