.well then you would have to forgot the thought of 'females being "friendly"'.
Okay, grammar and meaning in that? Failed to understand it. >.> So you don't think it's a choice once one has experienced attraction to both genders? Or am I misunderstanding?
Ah. I'm not sure I understand your view of it, but I think it's pretty pointless to discuss that particular thing any further. We seem to not really disagree/agree enough for the discussion (in my opinion). Alrighty, back on topic... Okay, I dunno... Think of something! >.< *fails and resorts to posting some innocent but gay art* What? The topic is Homosexuality, just 'cause it's not in the art forum doesn't mean I can't do this. Right? Right?? *flails in an attempt to hit the topic*
One you realize that you have an attraction to a gender, it would be hard to go back to being straight, since you'd have to forget such information.
Well I'm thinking that once you notice that you are attracted to the same sex, you'll keep producing thoughts of the sort. "I like boys, now!" (LOl @ Simpsons), "Oh omg, am I really gay"...
They can take many forms. Just being scared of the situation can be considered a thought. These kind of things would run very often in your head. They will haunt you until you accept it.
In order to stop that, you'd have to forget all those things.
Right, homosexual meezhels are totally on topic!
So, do King Zophia, do you think we should allow gay rights in MeezhelTown?
Lol both of you, they're not mazzelhs or meezhels, they're funarans! XD @necromancer, Thank you for the compliment on the drawing^^ But on the subject of mazzelhs and homosexuality, bisexuality is very common in their society, while both pure homo- and pure heterosexuality is more or less rare. Makes sense in their society, since they breed somewhat fast and thus does not need every fertile member of the population to reproduce. And (being more like (most) animals than humans) they don't even have sex for the fun of it. They just snuggle. But still create loving relationships~ Okay, enough about my brainchilds for now. XD
Are you trying to say that if a gay person enters a heterosexual relationship they'll forget and become straight again? That doesn't make much sense.
As far as I understood it, he meant that if you have realized you can be attracted to both genders, you'll have a really hard time forgetting about that. It was regarding bisexuals, not gays. I think.
wtf, Mazzelhs...Funarans...invading teh homosexuality thread!? It's the apocalypse!
This last page was confusing. I will provide a somewhat complicated anecdote very, very simplified, just to demonstrate...the complexity of the matter.
Nearly four years ago I was a lonely emo(-ish) young man convinced his fate was to live in a loveless social isolation. How naive, I then met somebody on the internet who engaged with me so much I fell in love with them.
That "them" is a he.
At this point I was like "but I've only really thought about girls and this is a guy...maybe I'm bi!" :O
This view persisted, for better or for worse (in some cases very much worse) for nearly four years. Until more recently, when it came to meeting the person physically. Details aside, one of the things I figured, after months of careful consideration, was that my body doesn't like homosexual endeavors.
I found this very upsetting because this person I was in love had some personality traits I find essential to anybody I consider a partner and I was definitely rather attached. The consequences were unpleasant for everybody and the scars will take a long time to heal. But from that, I made a rather precipitous switch from thinking I was bi to thinking I was straight after all.
Note however that I'm not really that fussed either way. Some of my friends like to taunt me with chants of "I'm more bi than youuuuuu!" But...I can't ignore the evidence staring me in the face so I might as well accept what I am.
id just like to mention that more than half of STDs have been proven to come from homosexuallity
Have been prove to *come* from homosexuality? I'd like to some proof of such a statement.
@Strop: thanks for posting your story which was quite sad actually. Sometimes it would be much easier if it was just a choice. You could have just chosen to be gay or at least bisexual.
Sometimes it would be much easier if it was just a choice. You could have just chosen to be gay or at least bisexual.
Drace said:
So Strop, its not an emotional thing? Meh, a guys body is not so different from a females.
Sort of, to draw a generalisation. In my case what I learnt is that I myself can't ignore this physical aspect. Another of my friends who bats for the other team also expresses his preferences in this manner. Other still focus entirely on the emotional aspects...
...it is generally recognised today that there appears to be differing personal views on what makes people identify as heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, asexual or something else entirely, and this is commonly expressed as a combination of emotional and physical factors. How reflective this is of the way we work is still unknown. But there are a couple of generally accepted suggestions used to differentiate males from females. These include things like males are more likely to focus on physical stimuli, females emotional stimuli. But you can't really draw very much from these things because they don't actually say anything about how somebody should act, if they are a male or female.
Ultimately the best thing I can say is that this is still a complex question.
id just like to mention that more than half of STDs have been proven to come from homosexuallity