
3228 476155
90 posts

Apperently it's a big hot topic right now, so I want to know how gamers feel about it?

  • 3,228 Replies
873 posts

bye bye hunny. I'll be here any time. Oh I need my condom back though.
im sorry but that made me laugh so hard i cryed

@zerato5, so you were wanting to debate, but right when i say i will you go offline...who courageous of you
9,434 posts

Bwaha! The flamer is gone!
Now, how many mods have been contacted? :P

Sheez, can we go on with less of a flaming tone now?

Matthew 5, 21-26

But I say to you, whoever is angry 18 with his brother will be liable to judgment, and whoever says to his brother, 'Raqa,' will be answerable to the Sanhedrin, and whoever says, 'You fool,' will be liable to fiery Gehenna.
Therefore, if you bring your gift to the altar, and there recall that your brother has anything against you,
leave your gift there at the altar, go first and be reconciled with your brother, and then come and offer your gift.
Settle with your opponent quickly while on the way to court with him. Otherwise your opponent will hand you over to the judge, and the judge will hand you over to the guard, and you will be thrown into prison.
Amen, I say to you, you will not be released until you have paid the last penny.

Matthew, 5, 44-45

But I say to you, love your enemies, and pray for those who persecute you,
that you may be children of your heavenly Father, for he makes his sun rise on the bad and the good, and causes rain to fall on the just and the unjust.

Enough with the bible quotes. I'm just trying to state that Christianity is about loving and forgiving. If I were a Christian, I'd be praying for zerato...
9,434 posts

Hmm... Have you all noticed how silent this thread becomes when no one is saying it is wrong?
Before I couldn't even write a small post without getting ninja'ed...

Okay, I have not looked into the following myself, but:
In Hinduism, love is regarded as an eternal force. It is seen as devotion between two people, whether romantic or platonic. Hindus believe love and devotion are important in attaining Moksha or Liberation from the cycle of rebirths.

The reason for a person becoming homosexual rather than heterosexual is karma. The habits and tendencies one has acquired in previous lives shape ones current life.
Sexuality is basically ones private matter and is okay as long as one does not harm or take advantage of others

In Buddhism, sexuality isn't sinful, but can be disturbing if one is constantly thinking about sex.

I like those religions.
Btw, correct me if some of those statements weren't true to the religions. It's 4:28am, errors are to be blamed on that.

873 posts

@zophia, from what i know about those religions is that what you said is true about them, arnt they like 2 of the oldest religions out there? im not sure

9,434 posts

Hinduism is pretty dang old, that's for sure... Could always google.
One of these days I'll get around to actually learn more about that religion. It's the one that appeals the most to me (not just because of the stuff in my previous post), but I don't know enough to go by it.
But isn't it interesting how it goes on to a much more spiritual matter?

When two people have sex, their auras become mixed... Your lover becomes part of you spiritually. It doesn't really matter if your partner is of the same sex...

Citing stuff from memory here.

873 posts

@zophia, it is a very interesting religion that i probably need to catch up on, but it is a little better than the chrisitian idea that when two people have sex they become one flesh, but says nothing about it after not really sure what that is even suposed to me

344 posts

WHO CARES all it is, is the same sex LIKE Y IS IT A BIG DEAL dumbest thing ever to talk about

13,657 posts

scrubsmaster1, you have come half an hour too late. You could have angered the super-christians.

873 posts

@cenre, i think we angered them to max potential anyway

13,657 posts

Oh, yeah, the dear flamer. I love how swearing and flaming is so much better for showing one's oppions than civilized discussion.
I still wonder if the open minded discussion could be an option.

1,523 posts

How did I miss that guy? Wow...I would have torn him to shreds with you guys. I'm sad that he's gone :'(

9,434 posts

He'll probably be back soon enough.

Could this be a open minded thread?

The religious side/the Christians: Homosexuality is a sin, since same sex relationships have no chance of being parent, having their own children. This is not right, and the Lord will punish you all.
Even though he forgive.
Because of the wrong choice you made.

The scientist: There is something different in the brains of the homosexual, they do not look like us. They have no choice, they are just very unlucky.

The negative: Homosexuals should not be, we are afraid of them, they just **** us, of hit on us, and there are no way, we can do anything t turn them down. It is gross. It should be illegal.

The positive: What does it matter? Are it not about loving? Many homosexuals do not even have sex, there is nothing wrong with being a homosexual, nothing different about us. We just happen to love a person of the same sex as us.

The conclussion: No. Because the only ones listening to the other arguments are the positive group.

Open mind discussion denied. Mud throwing occuring.

It's just a good post that needs to be read by more.

I actually really like that idea of two peoples auras merging a little - more for each time they are together. Also good reason not to have more than one sex partner, it all gets so very messy...
And takes about 8-9 months for your aura to become completely your own again.
506 posts

Wow, I missed quite a few *ahem* interesting arguments.

10,816 posts

Wow, just wow. Guessed *something* happened while I was driving back to woop woop.

Handy reminders, which I will be posting on the relevant profiles also:

* We all get angry. But that doesn't make it acceptable to flame.

* Guess what, I can and will do things to address flaming.

* Furthermore, we can and will do things to prevent abuse of the site whether it be via creating alternate accounts or attempts to intimidate or threaten other members of this site.

* This has nothing to do with one's political alignment. There is a way to express views without threatening or feeling threatened by poeople who express other views. In the interest of the community we must uphold this way.

Okay, I think that about covers it. I guess we'll let the thread simmer down and it'll pick up again on its own accord.

10,816 posts

Oh, oh, oh, I know. Let's start here:

I actually really like that idea of two peoples auras merging a little - more for each time they are together. Also good reason not to have more than one sex partner, it all gets so very messy...

I call that latter part into question. Is it necessary that one cannot have more than one sex partner at a time? Under what conditions?

Oh wait, that's slightly off-topic. How about this: do you think there is a discrepancy between treatment of monogamous relationship models between heterosexual and homosexual couplings? Is this even relevant?
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