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Apperently it's a big hot topic right now, so I want to know how gamers feel about it?

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9,434 posts

not all the time but, yeah for the most part, look at somalia.

What's with Somalia?
But no, not for the most part... Other religions have moral values too...

that seems pretty clear.

Yes, thank you for actually posting that. I will agree with you on one thing: anyone who take the bible literally (like VERY literally) should think of that as a sin.
I just think it's ridiculous to take it that literally. It has always been a matter of interpretation.
By the way, do you live after the other verses in Leviticus too?

truth is abselute, if there were more than one truththey would contradict, and therefore its logiclly impossible, also th bible (yeah the bible) is the truth, the one and only

Truth is not absolute. It is all a matter of perception.
Yes, two truths may contradict, but that does not necessarily mean either of them is a lie.
And you have nothing to prove that the bible is the and only truth.
343 posts

Other religions have moral values too...

yes like, death to the jews, and kill all the jews. nice.

Yes, thank you for actually posting that. I will agree with you on one thing: anyone who take the bible literally (like VERY literally) should think of that as a sin.

fine, ill play your little game, MY truth is that the bible is the bible and the bible doesnt make stuff up. to not take it litterally is retarted.

two truths may contradict, but that does not necessarily mean either of them is a lie.
And you have nothing to prove that the bible is the and only truth.

ok then answer me this, i say that god is the one way to heaven, you say all roads lead to heaven, how is one of them not a lie
9,434 posts

yes like, death to the jews, and kill all the jews. nice.

Hey, no reason to go nazi on me here. So indians didn't have moral values? Hindus don't? Any other kind of people who don't think Jahve is the big guy don't?

fine, ill play your little game, MY truth is that the bible is the bible and the bible doesnt make stuff up. to not take it litterally is retarted.

Have you taken into consideration that things have been lost in translation, and that the bible you've read may not contain all of the original text?

ok then answer me this, i say that god is the one way to heaven, you say all roads lead to heaven, how is one of them not a lie

Well, assuming you were right about you God being the only way to Heaven, then that would lead you to believe that all other possible ways are lies.
Assuming following any religion with a definition of Heaven would lead to Heaven, does not outrule your belief - it is simply wider.
Christianity is not the oldest religion in the world, nor is the religion it stems from.

Meh. This thread is not about discussing religion. I'm just saying, please learn to be open to the fact that not everyone believes in the bible, and there's no way you're going to convert everyone.
3,880 posts

yes like, death to the jews, and kill all the jews. nice.

Hitler actually used Christian propaganda of the sort to convert the masses to his side.
Yea Nazism is not a religion...
Its just a fascist concept built on racism.

truth is abselute, if there were more than one truththey would contradict, and therefore its logiclly impossible, also th bible (yeah the bible) is the truth, the one and only

There isn't more then one truth, there is none, thus everything is 'truth' which implies a whole network of contradictions pointing to one thing ---> No truth exists.

You can only defend your claim with the Bible, not logic.
506 posts

to not take it litterally is retarted.

Well thank god for Exodus 22 Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live. If we hadn't taken that sucker literally then we wouldn't have gotten all those evil witches off the street.
111 posts

Anyone sold their daughters into slavery lately? Exodus 21:7

9,434 posts

Gotta love when we get started on the outdated biblical "laws".
Fundamentalistic Christians...

But, back on topic.

Gays are not people. They are instruments of the devil sent forth to perpetrate gaudy fashion and horrible perfumes. They're also there to take that hot girl or guy you got your eye on just so you can't have them. Since gays are biological robots they cannot love, but they are programmed to spite.

I'm not sure who I'm siting, but it can be found on the page I linked to.
9,434 posts

Oh, and if it's not obvious, I completely disagree with that quote. Just thought I'd throw it up for debate.

Sorry for double post.

1,568 posts

Gays are not people. They are instruments of the devil sent forth to perpetrate gaudy fashion and horrible perfumes. They're also there to take that hot girl or guy you got your eye on just so you can't have them. Since gays are biological robots they cannot love, but they are programmed to spite.

obvious troll is obvious, but I still lol'd at the fact that this is probably what some people really think.
9,434 posts

It's a fine mix of hilarious and sad...

Also this one, I'm not sure what song it's about:

the first time i heard the song, i was like "what the crap is this?" what is this lesbian stuff doing? If you don't agree with me, fine. If you do, sweet. There are verses in the Bible that indicate that satan was in charge of the music in Heaven. There is no definite proof, but i believe that he was. If he was in charge of music in heaven, would it not also make sense that he would have a large influence over the music of this world? I believe this is a trap of satan to make bisexual feelings or gay feelings widely accepted by everyone. If you don't believe me, i can't blame you, because i couldn't show you Biblical proof, but i'll try and find the verses and put them up. Also i think that it is weird how a former ''christian'' artist came up with this song. Maybe it was a temptation to do this, and she fell to it. I don't know...just spit-ballin' some of my idea's on the song.
111 posts

Ah thanks for reminding me that site exists. Sometimes I laugh till I cry other times I cry till I laugh.

506 posts

Oh my goodness haha. That site is just priceless.

996 posts

This thread is priceless!!!

9,434 posts

Fundies do indeed say the darndest things... And I completely agree with you on that, millahnna.

Does this one make even vaguely sense?

The Democrat Communist Party, which wants morally corrupted youth, and a morally corrupted society which is too blind to see the moral corruption of the Democrat Party.

Athiests, criminals, perverts, smut and porn peddlers such as Hollywood, the ACLU.

Homosexuals who insist on practicing feces tube dwelling, an abomination to Christianity.

Lesbians who insist on doing their dildo and other acts on women.

Big government fanatics who want to replace God with themselves.
3,880 posts

Fundies do indeed say the darndest things

Fundies? o.O

The Democrat Communist Party, which wants morally corrupted youth, and a morally corrupted society which is too blind to see the moral corruption of the Democrat Party.

I did not get that one at all!
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