
3228 476007
90 posts

Apperently it's a big hot topic right now, so I want to know how gamers feel about it?

  • 3,228 Replies
13,657 posts

Oh, so you are sure about whether or not the gay guys do? :P

Article in some magazine. Most homosexual men can have a long relationship without anything but heavy petting, because they do not like the feeling. I have no idea of how homosexual females would be doing in that statistic, but guessing that since most of the "hot lesbian sex" is "hot lesbian heavy petting" in the first place, well...
9,434 posts

Very valid point, actually.
Just took a bit of digging before I understood it. >_>

13,657 posts

Actually quite interesting, and proves the point that homosexuality is just as much love as physical attraction, if not more.

Also, I like the fact that some(most) homophobes hate homosexuals because a) "they are gross having sex like that", or b) "they are going to try and hit on me, and I would not like that".
A have been disproved, and funnily enough: b) Don't flatter yourself. You are not that hot.
What hurts the most? To be tunred down by a woman, or be turned down by a homosexual with those words after having explained you are not gay?
Also hetero sexual men are the only ones who would keep hitting on a homosexual, even after they found out she was a lesbian. Woman would think "what the... okay then, all the hot ones are either taken or gay...", and homosexuals would not try and turn heteros over (in reality. In dreams, well, that is allowed.).

1,051 posts

Why is this even a topic?
It's 2009 and people are still concerned with people's sexual orientation.
What if I posted a topic that said 'So what about those African Americans?' The topic would probably be locked, and everyone would think I was a racist.
Most people in the world have gotten past discrimination against certain races and gender, so have we all just moved on to sexual preference? Who people have sex with should be of no concern to others and the fact that this topic has 305 pages of discussion is just pathetic.

5,642 posts

Why is this even a topic?
It's 2009 and people are still concerned with people's sexual orientation.

have you not noticed that the homosexual/bisexual orientations are starting to make the next Jim Crow?
Who people have sex with should be of no concern to others and the fact that this topic has 305 pages of discussion is just pathetic.

Homosexuality supression and discrimination is the new racism, so we're trying to find a way to get past or improve it. Overall, I'm thinking that you shouldn't belong here because you can't seem to see through the common veil that provokes yours and several others minds.
Leave. jk.

Btw, The ZSC is 100 pages away from eating you homosexuality thread >
4,871 posts

Homosexuality supression and discrimination is the new racism

...homosexuality is a choice the color of your skin is not.
5,642 posts

...homosexuality is a choice the color of your skin is not.

Actually, no, some people beleive that because some random singer guy or something "revoked" his homosexuality. I'd figure about 80% of homosexuality cases are literally programmed into the brain, like a birth defect, only it's not really a defect, it's just a difference. Not every person can choose their sexuality, just as a black person can't choose their skin color without having to take themselves to a bleacher. So I disagree with you of the aspect that homosexuality is a choice. When I mean that Homosexuality is the new racism, I'm speaking that Homosexuals are being treated as a black person from a ignorant hillbilly. Their segregation is no different from before, and I'm sure that gays are now being lynched instead of blacks. Racism isn't done with, but homosexuality is probably getting just as bad as racism was before.
4,871 posts

I'd figure about 80% of homosexuality cases are literally programmed into the brain

I would disagree on that fact, also segregation is much different than before it's the segregation by choice most of the time the homosexual or african -american ect. would rather be with people like them. Also in this debate ignorance can be shown to support either side.
5,642 posts

I would disagree on that fact, also segregation is much different than before it's the segregation by choice most of the time the homosexual or african -american ect. would rather be with people like them. Also in this debate ignorance can be shown to support either side.

Segregation by law occurred only in the south, the union had segregation by choice, much like it is now, but that's because there was a tendency of unkindness or even physically aggressive behavior between the two groups. It's the same here.
I would say that most homosexuals don't choose it, or at least on the male side. I've heard on several occasions that women can choose to be homosexual, but I remain skeptical. So let me rephrase that, 80% of the male homosexuals are most likely &quotrogrammed" to be homosexual into their brain.

Homosexuality is wrong, thats all I got to say. ^_^

The forums aren't a place to simply say a 3 word comment and leave. This is a place where you must discuss why you think homosexuality is wrong. Without a reason, we have nothing to debate, and overall this forum is meant for debating. Please refrain from any 1-5 word comments. This is considered spam btw.
4,871 posts

So let me rephrase that, 80% of the male homosexuals are most likely &quotrogrammed" to be homosexual into their brain.

Again i've yet to see any sort of conclusive report on this.
5,642 posts

Again i've yet to see any sort of conclusive report on this.

Again, It's an estimate. I find it to be rare that you can choose to be homosexual, because no matter how hard I, or several other people try, I can't see myself doing it with a guy at all. Navy excluded, because every guy gets horny, and in the Navy there is only guys, so they almost have to or else they get more pissy and depressed than a dragon in PMS.
5,642 posts

homosexuality is 100% wrong

The forums aren't a place to simply say a 3 word comment and leave. This is a place where you must discuss why you think homosexuality is wrong. Without a reason, we have nothing to debate, and overall this forum is meant for debating. Please refrain from any 1-5 word comments. This is considered spam btw.
1,523 posts

Again i've yet to see any sort of conclusive report on this.

Actually, with a recent discovery in the field of genetics, it's been proven that homosexuality is a trait developed at birth. While in the womb, certain amounts of testosterone and estrogen are released into the embryo's system, depending on it's gender. Recently, a gene was found that controls the amount of each chemical that the fetus absorbs. Even more recently, however, genetic controllers called &quotryons" have been discovered to have the ability to turn a gene on and off.

The tests were conducted on sets of twins where one turned out to be homosexual, and the other straight. The homosexual twins were found 100% of the time to have the pryon that turned the chemical absorption gene "off". So, if a male cannot absorb or produce the correct amounts of testosterone, he instead has an imbalance of estrogen and develops more feminine traits.
9,434 posts

Homosexuality is wrong, thats all I got to say. ^_^
homosexuality is 100% wrong
Both posts deleted, not because I disagree with them (though I really do), but because posts without reasons in this thread makes no sense.

Can you really claim that something is 100% wrong when a large amount of people disagrees?
51 posts

All is I can say is that it isn't apart of the gaming world.

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