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90 posts

Apperently it's a big hot topic right now, so I want to know how gamers feel about it?

  • 3,228 Replies
10,816 posts

we're kind of forcing them into sinful relationships by not allowing marriage

Well, the above isn't exactly the exclusive domain of relgion either, yeah? It's moreso a legal thing, influenced by 'religious sentiments', if you will.

The general trap that I'm talking about is 'mismanagement of behavior'. Assuming that there is predisposition alongside with free-will, to suppress certain behaviors may result in their manifesting in other, rather ugly ways. Given that we aim to avoid suffering imposed upon people, it's about trying to manage behaviors appropriately...but this is not exactly related to what you were talking about.

To nitpick, sex is something to do, and I'm not so sure it's the fault of the sexual revolution...I mean, what I'm concerned about is that there's a wealth of information and education that proves invaluable in making it easier to manage people as a whole (with regards to sex) but it's going neglected, and people are increasingly irresponsible, in the shadow of such things as AIDS-awareness and safe-sex campaigns.

That, to me, is worrying.

34 posts

who cares if someones gay oz i dont

1,058 posts

First off, I think its pretty bad that this site censors what apparantly is the 'g' word, or the shortened version of homosexuality. That is presuming that this word will only be used in a derogative way, which in my opinion shows bit of ignorance. But I digress.

Whose business is it who you sleep with, who you love? I am very liberal, and as others have said, not religious but spiritual. How hard have gay and lesbian couples fought to get married? That is true love, to fight adversity for the person you love. At the current divorce rate (60% I believe?) in my opinion, allowing gay and lesbian marriage to occur will lower that, because if your love is strong enough to fight legislation for, that is strong. As a child, would you rather be raised by two loving parents of the same gender, or two divorced parents of opposite gender?

I suppose my argument turned from homosexuality in general to gay marriage, but it all is on the same page. Everyone can love everyone and its fine by me.

608 posts

Homos should go kill themselves. i dont like homosexuality, its against the Holy Bible.

172 posts

homosexuality is not very good but hey its their right to do what they want with their life

1,562 posts


Although i agree that it is against homosexuality is against the holy bible and Christianity, I do not think you should go as far as to say they should go kill themselves, that is a little extremist don't you think? Also, not all people believe in the holy bible...

1,562 posts

Sorry typo! i meant to say i agree homosexuality is against the holy bible
i agree that it is against homosexuality is against the holy bible

10,816 posts

First off, I think its pretty bad that this site censors what apparantly is the 'g' word, or the shortened version of homosexuality. That is presuming that this word will only be used in a derogative way, which in my opinion shows bit of ignorance.

I'm in two minds about this, as it has been mentioned before in this thread.

On one hand, the term g@y is in fact used as a derogatory term.

On the other hand, the derogatory usage no longer has much meaningful connection to its homophobic roots.

I think it relates to a balance- when most people are under the impression that there is no need to censor this word, then I guess that would be the true indication of when the censory is no longer necessary.

5,001 posts

As I have asked to many Christians in this topic before. Show me where it is against it.

Oh, and if you want to really make a fool of yourself, tell me Leviticus.

908 posts

Here are some Biblical quotations that condemn Homosexuality. Plesae, do not be angry with me Ash, but as nobody answers, I'll do.
I hope you have a Bible:

Clear condemnetions in:
-Romans 1 v. 24 to 27
- 1 Corinthians 6 v. 9 and 10

Homosexual peoplewere annihilated by God because of their homosexuality in:
_ Genesis 19 (read the whole chapter to have the story)
- Judges 19 (idem as previous)

i don't know what you have against Leviticus... It condemns homosexuality at chapter 18 (v. 22) and 20 (v. 13) .

136 posts

they should just let em be because its not there problem they can do what they want no law against it im straight but i dont care if someone is gay or not its not my problem

1,482 posts

Am lost. I dun have a bible, but according to switchfoot...

Is bible against or with Homo-ness? Because, to be honest, I can't really tell. o.O

266 posts

The Bible is against homosexuality. Um, I wish there was more to say in this post, but... not much. Switchfoot and Calm have stated the best verses for reference, and there are not really any other things to discuss on this subject at the moment.

*awaiting someone else to bring up some sort of point/opinion*

10,816 posts

Calm: it is, like the interpretation of the Bible is by its nature, a political thing.

Leviticus contains the verses most often cited in support of rampant homophobia and to incite hatred against those who are sympathetic to homosexuality by the Christian fundie factions. I am not surprised that it is such a sore point as it is from the displays and acts of such hatred that many are embittered and do not see the point of religion if it can lead to such un-Godly behavior.

The issue is hardly as clear cut as it seems. The one thing that applies to each and every single one of us today is that we are speaking of the Bible and similar from a very different context to that in which it has been written. Because we are arguing about interpretation, we are all at the risk of twisting words and conditions to our own sentiments and uses, just like the Pharisees. You don't want to be like the Pharisees now, do you? I mean, Jesus condemned them pretty harshly >

In short, what you say about the Bible tells us more about yourself than anything else.

Also, if you're going to quote Bible verses, I must insist that you state the version that you're quoting from, otherwise commentary will be pretty much useless. For example the KJV, being conservative by today's standards (because it was written a few hundred years ago), is unequivocably against homosexuality in the relevant translations. However more 'modern' versions such as the NIV and the NLT are more skeptical and moderate. The "clear condemnations" in Romans that Calm cites are definitely not so clear in these latter versions.

Which version you choose to use also tells us more about you than it tells us about God's word. Never forget this.

So really, I think there's PLENTY of berth for further discussion. I hope this is clear to everybody.

266 posts

Despite the technical terms and intelligent statements, whether you accept homosexuality really comes down to a simple matter of what your religious beliefs are. If you do not have some sort of religious belief, most of the people I have come across that are against homosexuality have foolish reasons for being against it. So again it seems we disagree on this subject Strop.

HOWEVER, I totally concur that what version of the Bible you use shows much about that person's beliefs. Personally, being a Christian, I believe it is alright to use the KJV, then compare what it says to other versions like the NLT; sometimes, when it is not a serious matter, I enjoy reading what The Message has to say about certain verses.

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