
3228 476345
90 posts

Apperently it's a big hot topic right now, so I want to know how gamers feel about it?

  • 3,228 Replies
660 posts

ah comeon strop I just read one of your posts and I was fealing good then I saw this one and I felt like that short guy standing next to a giant...I hate A.D.H.D.
but I see no problem with Homosexuality

68 posts

Homosexuality is just one of those natural things that never should've been fought against in the first place. Some people are born white and others are black, some male and some female, some heterosexual and others homosexual, some rich and some poor. There are still a lot of disparities between a rich straight white man and a poor black lesbian in any society but I'd like to think that progress is being made, or can be made, on all fronts. Barriers to this progress (racism, sexism, homophobia, greed and selfishness in general) are all just emanations of the simple-minded primitive fear that permeates the human psyche. Fear of the unfamiliar, fear of not being able to look and feel big by giving someone else a hard time, fear of fear itself. Nothing more, nothing less.

Don't bash queers, bash fears!

813 posts

Im against Homosexuality. It is wrong.

750 posts

Craze77 why exactly is it wrong?
Is it because the Bible says to stone gay men, because it also tells you to stone to death women who become pregnant before they are married, even if they are raped because they did something to cause it.
Is it wrong because it seems disgusting to you, it is behind closed doors, you don't see it how can it gross you out?
Or do you just like to feel better about yourself by bashing people who are different than you?

660 posts

no I think he might be a closet gay and he developed a homophobic attitude to cover it up

750 posts

Its quite possible, I once heard that 5 of every 11 homophobes either becomes gay or is a closet gay to begin with.

718 posts

I am against homosexuality. The Bible says it is not ok. I am a Christian so i cant accept it.

1,628 posts

yeah i would laugh if he was gay cause he is bashing what he is so that makes me laugh lol XD

718 posts

If people of the same sex love each other then ok its their choice but i think that the opposite sex should only marry.

68 posts

Let's face the facts people:

Homosexuality is wrong.

If everyone was homosexual then reproduction would be a forced activity. Species survive, flourish and evolve because male and female counterparts lust for one another. When they don't, humanity moves forward. Heterosexuality is right!

No, in fact:

All sexuality is wrong.

Human beings are more than animals that are born to breathe, drink, eat, hump, sleep and die. We have minds that need to be cultivated, hearts that need to be loved, souls that need to be nurtured, and we possess to capacity to build grand civilizations wherein everyone can achieve fulfillment. Sexuality is a distraction from this, it reduces us to less than we are, to objectified commodified pieces of meat that make the opposite sex (or the same sex, equally atrociously) go crazy and lose their humanity. Humanity is right!

No, in fact:

Humanity is wrong.

Who are we to stumble around this planet with our silly-ape faces (considering how old life on Earth is, and how young the human race is, we would most fairly be termed a rambunctious species of highly evolved ape) spreading fire and disease and war and industry and pop music? In our arrogance we are destroying this planet's unique biodiversity and limiting the potential of all life on this lucky rock of 'ours'. And we can't even say "well, at least we're enjoying ourselves!" because we're not! We're making eachother miserable while we're making the rest of the ecosphere suffer! Life on Earth would be better off without us. Life is right!


Life is wrong.

Think about how much more peaceful the world would be if it were a big, inert rock floating around the sun without any drama taking place upon the thin layer of green scum that covers much of its surface and infects much of its oceans. Disgustingly enough, there might even be life on other planets! How great the universe would be if it were cleansed of this pest called life, if there were only stars, planets, asteroids, comets, solar systems, galaxies, black holes, galactic clusters, all dancing their great majestic dance as they expand infinitely, slowly and humbly giving way to entropy and returning without complaint to eventual singularity. The universe is right!

Hell no:

Everything is wrong!

Before the big bang, everything was essentially nothing. The entire universe was condensed into something the size of a single grain of sand. There may have been matter and energy in some form but, in the absence of time or space, they were enjoying peace and quiet. No rock was orbiting any ball of flame, no green things were crawling around on those rocks, no goofy looking two-legged animals had emerged from the goo to piss everybody off, strange creatures kept their penises and vaginas apart... strange penises stayed away from strange anuses! What more could anyone ask for? Everything is wrong, we need to go back to nothing, that nice state of affairs we had before the big bang. Nothing to worry about there. Nothing to argue about. Best of all, nobody to argue! If big bang/big crunch theory is right, it's just a matter of time.

So let's wait.




While we're still here, sifting through deviant porn, making babies, chopping down rainforests, being dysfunctional parts of complex ecosystems and watching the stars spin, we may as well relax, eh? Maybe everything is wrong, but what's the point in thinking about it like that? Maybe everything is right! Maybe the universe is beautiful and we ought to appreciate it, maybe life on earth is unique and we ought to cherish it, maybe humanity has the potential to be good and we ought to strive for that, maybe having kids gives us an opportunity to build a better tomorrow and we ought to embrace that! Maybe some goofy-looking apes like other goofy-looking apes of the same sex and, if we for whatever reason we can't stomach the thought of it, we should just leave them alone! It's not as if we have an underpopulation problem today, right?

But maybe tolerance isn't enough. Maybe we ought to find a way to love everybody. Which brings me to my conclusion:

Everyone that isn't bisexual is wrong.

Just joking. But we are as we are, all of us together and each of us apart, and I think that we should work with that. Why deny anyone else the right to love who they want to love? To marry who they want to marry? We decide what he hold as sacred, and we decide how to define sacredness, why do this in a way that excludes so many otherwise well-to-do people?

The explanation, far from being a justification, is that we weren't raised to do that. Well, that's something that we'll have to learn to do ourselves then, isn't it? We can't go on hating, disliking, or disregarding one another because we've grown weak stomachs and small hearts. Maybe everything is right, as long as its not hurting anybody else. Maybe...

Everything is alright.

The only thing that is wrong is the belief in 'right and wrong' as absolutes. Morality is subjective. If we can recognize that then we can accept and value our differences... and maybe take the opportunity to become slightly less goofy apes before the universe, and all of the strange little things in it, comes to an end. If we can't help one another have a good time while we're here, at least we can let one another have a good time.

Homosexuality: Enjoy!

68 posts

Is there any way to edit a post? I wrote "When they don't, humanity moves forward" when i should've wrote "When they don't, humanity can't move forward"

68 posts

and 'well-to-do people' when i should've wrote 'well-intentioned people'


just pretend everything made sense

10,816 posts

@ Squalick:

Dude. The first thing I saw on this page was this:

Homosexuality: Enjoy!

Which is a pretty spectacular statement to be making in this day and age! Or is it, really...well, I'll just say I lol'd.

As for the rest of the post, I actually did go back and read it. But I'll withhold comment for the time being.

68 posts

I look forward to your comment - and everyone else's - when it comes?

Why are there no responses, anyways? Is everyone too busy enjoying homosexuality?

10,816 posts

Hahahaha, I wish.

Sadly, Squalick, I believe it's more likely to be the result of a TL;DR epidemic.

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