
3228 476806
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Apperently it's a big hot topic right now, so I want to know how gamers feel about it?

  • 3,228 Replies
375 posts


3,826 posts

The argument from religion is really the only one I can almost tolerate. It's not a normative argument, but at least it's fairly cohesive (at least, self-referentially). Something interesting about the argument against homosexuality from a religious stance is that only being a gay man goes against the bible. Being a gay women is just sort of viewed as "cute" and "silly" and this applies to several of the world's "major" religions.
But ultimately if a homosexual does not believe in a god, or does not accept the religious premises from which you are argument, then the argument simply does not work for them.

579 posts

I'll say it again, any person has the right love and marry anyone they want no matter what their gender is.

159 posts

well, it is a sin in most Christan religions but they can't really help it too much. It is disgusting but it's their business, and their choice so just let them be

19 posts

Homosexuality is nothing bad. People just think it's weird because two people of the same sex love eachother. To them they think that it's weird to love the opposite sex. There is nothing wrong with homosexuality, it is just another way to express a way of love.

I am glad that I am straight. You don't have to put up with people who critisize you and it is just the normal way to really express love for another person.

3,139 posts

I hate how people can say that homosexuality is disgusting. why is there a need for homophobia? sexuality is part of a persons identity and by showing negativity by stating that it's 'disgusting'; and 'wrong', is simply denying them their identity. I was brought up christian and converted to paganism for exactly this reason - the narrow mindedness of the christian rule. if yous all bothered to read the bible, you would see that god is not against gays, the hatred from the christian church came from its narrow-minded rules, the cardinals and the pope. In the bible it is not stated that being gay is wrong, the wrath from god towards this sexuality is due to the deeds, not the emotions.

"And angels who did not keep their own domain, but abandoned their proper abode, He has kept in eternal bonds under darkness for the judgment of the great day, just as Sodom and Gomorrah and the cities around them, since they in the same way as these indulged in gross immorality and went after strange flesh, are exhibited as an example in undergoing the punishment of eternal fire. Yet in the same way these men, also by dreaming, defile the flesh, and reject authority, and revile angelic majesties."

Homosexuals were condemned on VERY few occasions in the old testament and it was simply due to their sexual relations. If this had of occured between straight people, it still would be frowned upon.

Everyones entitled to their own opinion and i do respect it, i just honestly can't understand how people can accept our changing society, with women now being equal, with racism and sectarianism decreasing, with tolerance levels continually on the rise, however it's still alright to 'gaybash'. Let them be who they are. No one has the right to even think they cant take that away from someone.

579 posts

This topic is still on woahhhh!!!!!!

5,001 posts

@ Dyablo, I have seen several times you spamming in this topic. Please add something constructive if you are going to post.

@ Jeff, I would like to think that the generations of narrow-minded people are finally dying out. I feel like the internet generation is a lot more liberal and smarter. Think about the mass amounts of knowledge that kids are learning (bad and good) through the internet. You have everything at the click of a button. With knowledge comes less ignorance about irrational things. I just hope it goes in the right direction.

1,628 posts

Well I agree with Jeff about the first part how people have homohpobia and think it is disgusting cause if your friend is gay and you hate him/she for that then you are wrong to cause he/she is just telling you cause he/she trusts you, but my point is that dont hate them for being gay cause thats like hating them for no reason.

I used to be Bisexual but then DivineDarkness helped me and now i am straight well I think I am, but i dont now if i am or not anymore so i am confused cause i used to like guys and girls but then when DD helped me I only liked girls but now I am liking guys again. WHAT DO I DO!?!?!?!

(If you have any adcice tell me on my profile)

62 posts

I also agree with Jeff on how people have homophobia.
A lot of People say,"It's unnatural!", if it's unnatural, then why do many species of animals have homosexual behaviours?
I hate how many people, especially in my area, say that being gay, or lesbian is 'Dirty' and think of them as typical whores.

To say that homosexuals never prospered in the past is a lie. The Spartons of Greece used to be homosexual, regarding the love of two men, 'The purest of all', and the only reason they had sex with women was, for children.

584 posts

I say let people be gay if they so choose because it's their own problem. No matter if the government recognizes gay marriage or goes the other way and makes it illegal, people will continue to do it and there is nothing anyone can do about it. As for the idea of homosexuality itself, I think it is ridiculous and sets the standard for other relationships like child/adult or, lol, dog/adult. It may seem crazy, but no one thought homosexuality would ever take a stand. It could happen.

3,139 posts

ahserlee - yeah the world is developing and thank god the narrow-mindedness is dying out, it just makes my skin crawl that it does exist.

devoirity - i get what you mean, i hate how many people relate homosexuality to other things such as 'whores' in society. Also, good point about the spartons

579 posts

I feel that gay people are also afraid to tell other people that they're gay.

5,001 posts

I used to be Bisexual but then DivineDarkness helped me and now i am straight well I think I am, but i dont now if i am or not anymore so i am confused cause i used to like guys and girls but then when DD helped me I only liked girls but now I am liking guys again. WHAT DO I DO!?!?!?!

Turret, it isn't a decision you make. It is just something you are. I don't know what DD told you, but you make it as if he convinced you being bisexual was a bad thing. NEVER deny who you are, that is the worst thing you can do. It will lead to some serious depression.

I say let people be gay if they so choose because it's their own problem.

Again, it IS NOT A CHOICE! And how is it a &quotroblem?"

I feel that gay people are also afraid to tell other people that they're gay.

Some, but not all. The reason why is there are so many ignorant people out there that ridicule homosexuals and make them feel they need to hide something that comes so natural.
1,226 posts

K Ash, the guy that he went going out with WANTED IT BADLY FROM HIM and he didn't want to, he kicked him out of a tree, he even locked him in the bathroom with him and his gay friend

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