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90 posts

Apperently it's a big hot topic right now, so I want to know how gamers feel about it?

  • 3,228 Replies
3,722 posts

It's Ricador.

Yes that is exactly what i am saying. If what they are doing goes against the will of God, it should be banned.

The Bible and two other sacred texts from other religions (admittedly forgot there names but will figure that out and get them as soon as possible) also ban it and say that it is wrong.

Can't really argue to well with that.

Also, i have a question for you, do you think that terrorists should be allowed to kill people and go on suicide bomb runs in places in the U.S., including places were you and your family could be?

75 posts

Ok, Ricador, say what you want, but the reproduction thing is just an empty reason. If anything, we need less people to reproduce. Less next-generation children. We are over populated as it is.

This makes me thing of a question I asked a long time ago. The question was "Why do people die?" I now understand why. If nobody died, the planet would be overcrowded and wasted. Because of medicines and surgeries, people now live longer, and turn the population out of equilibrium.

Back on topic, I am saying that the inability to reproduce doesn't change anything. Close to 7 billion people are alive right now. What does taking off a million do? To me, I would put homosexuals in the same class as people who do not marry in their lifetimes, or even more, do not have children. Homosexuals not marrying isn't that important. As Asherlee said a LOT earlier on, the validity of the love means nothing, but knowing it exists means everything. Marriage isn't the biggest concern for, really, anyone.

As a 14-year-old, I don't really know anyone who is homosexual, although I am positive that I have nothing against them. People make fun of me sometimes for being Jewish, and I don't like it. Why should I make fun of someone else for being different as well?

873 posts

Ok Ricador sorry for the typo, for starters when you said it goes against god, ill make it easy for you, A LOT OF PEOPLE ARE NOT CHRISTIAN, i being one of the "non-berlivers", and to the terrorist thing, how can you compare homosexuality to terrorism? you cant they have nothing to do with each other, one is harmless and the other is murder

324 posts

@Ricador: How can you compare homosexuality to TERRORISM?!

As far as I know, gays are not strapping bombs onto themselves and blowing up heterosexuals. I can certainly understand if religious beliefs keep you from EMULATING their lifestyle, but gays are not out on the streets handing out pamphlets on why everyone should be gay. They are what they are...but terrorists they are not!

199 posts

Ricador, you can not tell someone not to use an argument against your clause. You can't use God as a reason for a belief and not allow people who don't believe in God to contradict you. Ricador, you need to learn how to debate and how to present an ideal. Please try hard because we need some good banter in here.

3,722 posts

Ok i was not comparing terrorists to gays.

What i was saying is that you would obviously say no to terrorists having those rights. So then WHY CAN'T THE ENJOY THERE LIFESTYLE.

So i was saying that you can not use life style as your leverage (which it was.

Also, besides god, the bibles are Muslim's and Buddhist's. So there Buddha and Ala against you to.

And WeeMan147, i know how to present an idea, i have a tiny bit of experience. So why don't you stop criticizing on false claims, and present a logical idea yourself. As for strongbow and daswiftarrow, i am sorry you thought that, all you had to do is let me finish. I may not like gays, but i would never correlate them to terrorists. Actually, i don't hate gays, thats to strong, i just think it is wrong.

Now, JaGgEdGe. Well first of all WHAT DOES TAKING OFF A MILLION DO? Are you really that ignorant. You think losing a million innocent lives is ok, what if YOU are one of those, or one of your family member. Does it not matter then. Also, i agree, we don't need more people. But with the reproduction thing, what i was saying is guys and girls were not created with the certain body parts they have for no reason. We are made that way so guys and girls can have sexual intercourse and reproduce (sorry for being graphic) GUYS CAN'T EXACTLY DO THAT WITH EACH OTHER, AS WITH GIRLS. So i don't care WHO made us, we were made so guys and girls could pair up, not guys and guys, and girls and girls could pair up. Also, it is wrong to make fun of Jews, i respect you as much as i respect my fellow Christians. It is also wrong to make fun of Gays. I never said that it was not.

Also, lets get something straight, i respect homosexuals as much as i respect anyone else, i just thing it is WRONG. I don't hate them or disrespect them, i just think that it is wrong. I would go out of my way to help a homosexual as much as i would a straight. I just want everyone to know that.

139 posts

What i was saying is that you would obviously say no to terrorists having those rights. So then WHY CAN'T THE ENJOY THERE LIFESTYLE.

First off, ROTFLOL. *gets back into chair*

*clears throat* So, if I understand you correctly gays shouldn't have the right to marry because it is illegal to kill? I think--think--that there is a difference between gays and suicide bombers. DON'T QUOTE ME
3,722 posts

No. If you followed me and daswiftarrows debate you would see why i said that. You are entirely wrong. So just be quiet.

139 posts

Well I guess I didn't follow it well enough. Can you explain to me what you meant?

324 posts

@ricador: I understand your point. I am truly glad that your'e not comparing terrorists to gays literally.

I also understand your position that because homosexuals cannot reproduce, they are wrong. I don't exactly agree with that conjecture, only because there are many heterosexual couples that cannot have children, or choose not to. They wouldn't exactly be considered wrong, would they?

My point again is this: They are not really hurting anyone by bieng gay. If they have sinned against God, Allah or Buddah, that is for those Gods to decide, not people. As long as ANYONE, gay or not, doesn't violate someone elses rights or property, I don't quite care what they do in their spare time.

199 posts

Good point, Strongbow. His point about gays being wrong because they can not reproduce becomes absolutely shot to hell because some women and men that are straight aren't fertile enough to reproduce. Of course he will still believe his sail has wind, but between you and me we know the truth.

Wow, when I went to the forum screen all the posts were gone. It said "Last post 38 years ago by" and didn't say a name. KUH-REEPY!

506 posts

Also, besides god, the bibles are Muslim's and Buddhist's. So there Buddha and Ala against you to.

Quite wrong. As a lesbian and a Buddhist I feel the need to address that comment. Buddhism does not make a distinction between heterosexual and homosexual sex. It encourages sexual relationships that are "mutually loving and supportive." There is no bible in Buddhism and the Buddha was never against anyone, he excepted people from everywhere and in every condition. As I'm not a muslim I can't comment on that aspect of the comment.
10,816 posts

There is no bible in Buddhism and the Buddha was never against anyone, he excepted people from everywhere and in every condition.

I feel the need to add that some people will claim that 'traditional' (Eastern) interpretations of Buddhist doctrine does not approve of homosexual conduct: this is not related to the central philosophies of the way of thought. Buddhism, as it spread, became more of a 'religion' than it was intended to, and with that, so too have its teachings been distorted.

Oh, I wonder what else this applies to!
2,770 posts

Buddha ate all the homos.

No but really be gay as long as you don't try and sex me. But you can hit on me cause that makes me feel good.

10,816 posts

Buddha ate all the homos.

That would be against Buddha's principles.

Speaking of which, despite being passingly familiar with the basic history, I never figured out exactly why or when people started depicting Buddha as a fat guy with massive ear lobes (well the latter I got the symbolism of, but...the Buddha figure started being idolised in gold leaf and associated with prosperity and...ugh...totally no...)

No but really be gay as long as you don't try and sex me. But you can hit on me cause that makes me feel good.

I'd drink to that. Except surely you'd be open enough to give it a shot, eh? :P

Because everybody gets a bit gay when they're drunk.

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