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90 posts

Apperently it's a big hot topic right now, so I want to know how gamers feel about it?

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107 posts

@ Weeman

I somewhat addressed that question here: [url=http:/community/thread/1323779/a-biased-topic-on-being-biased/page/4#post-1345221]

So to qualify that, I think that if they happen to be the flamboyant type, it's very possible that they would have been repressing that part of themselves until the point that they come out. One possibility for this may be what TotalReview says. I think it's actually more subconscious than that though. When a person learns that it's okay to be gay, certain modes of expression open up that had hitherto been closed because the repression process hinders that expression without them having to think about it too much.

10,816 posts

I think it's actually more subconscious than that though. When a person learns that it's okay to be gay, certain modes of expression open up that had hitherto been closed because the repression process hinders that expression without them having to think about it too much.

I think that this still somewhat leaves open the question as to whether there is some kind of correlation between trends in tendencies to behaviors that are somehow distinctive of homosexuals. For example the 'feminine' behaviors, or even other things that one might say tips the 'gaydar', be that the speech idiosyncrasies, "Oh dahling, that's absolutely fa-a-a-abulous!", the nasally voice, the hand gestures (limp-wristed with raised pinky) or a liking for frilly clothing.

I honestly do not know just how much of a correlation there is between these things and therefore the extent to which the various stereotypes (drag-queen, feminine, promiscuous etc. etc.) are true or not true. Furthermore I also do not know whether to call any such correlations the product of cultural expression, seeing as one might base a reaction from the identity politic of people always thinking gay men are 'feminine', or some kind of predisposition for whatever reason. The evidence I'm aware of suggests that obviously there is some basis for said 'gaydar' but it's obviously not entirely accurate.

Again, there is a risk of overthinking it, becoming bogged down in the assumption that differentiating between heterosexuality and homosexuality is the best way to go about these things.
803 posts

I think that this still somewhat leaves open the question as to whether there is some kind of correlation between trends in tendencies to behaviors that are somehow distinctive of homosexuals.

Yes, but there are trends in other types of people as well. I know you are making a difference between homosexuals and heterosexuals but there are still cliques. Jocks are known to wear sports jerseys and other sports shirts. Goths are known to wear black. It doesn't matter if they are homosexual or heterosexual. You make a point, Strop, but I am just showing that there are other groups.
1,304 posts

To be honest...
I mean no harm to the Gay's out there but..

Seeing them it makes me go "WTF how could you OMG!"
I just like wanna go up to them and say "OMG WTF YOUR GAY WHY OMG!" I just like wanna hurt them somehow It's just a werid feeling I get :/

This is how I feel...

1,416 posts

Note to self... stay far, far away from Blkasp

324 posts


I found this article dealing with the subject of homosexuality and brain size/hypothalamus size.

Its interesting, but not truly conclusive.

1,304 posts

thelistman are you gay?

1,416 posts


I'm bisexual. There's no reason to want to hurt someone based on sexual orientation. It's just as bad as racism or sexism.

243 posts

i dont get why this topic is hear but i dont think u should judge some one on wat sex they like i thinks its dumb its not your life so why does it bother u

5,001 posts

Zero, this topic is here because this is basically a debate forum.

blkasp, I would suggest some anger management classes and maybe read up on tolerance.

Now, addressing the topic at hand. I just woke up and I am not sure Strop made sense to me right now. I am just going to give personal accounts.

My girlfriend is very feminine. I mean so much as to NO ONE would guess she is gay. She is obsessed with shoes, wears dresses, is drop-dead gorgeous, etc, etc, etc. I am the athlete. (I AM NOT A BUTCH DYKE MIND YOU!) I have long hair, look good in a dress, but it isn't my comfort zone. I am more like this: I wear ripped tight jeans, offensive shirts, pumas or flip flops or I am in work out clothes.

My point... Sara says I have certain mannerisms. These mannerisms I have had my entire life. Then when I notice others with the same mannerisms, it turns out they are gay as well. So, what does this mean?

107 posts

I think that this still somewhat leaves open the question as to whether there is some kind of correlation between trends in tendencies to behaviors that are somehow distinctive of homosexuals.

Actually, I addressed precisely this in the post I linked earlier, but since I broke it, I will try again. I feel it's important that I do, since my being quoted out of context gives the false impression that I equate homosexuality with femininity:


As to whether this is a product of culture or not, I have know way of knowing, but can only speculate. Perhaps it's both an interplay of nature and nurture, as most things are, but I think it cannot be entirely culturally manufactured. The actual specifics ("faaabulous..&quot would be cultural whereas much of the underlying basis would be natural (submissive instincts). I think ultimately it doesn't matter so much, though, which it is, since we can still discuss it all the same.

Again, there is a risk of overthinking it, becoming bogged down in the assumption that differentiating between heterosexuality and homosexuality is the best way to go about these things.

It's also important to keep this qualification in mind, yes. I like to talk in terms of spectrums, as you can see from previous posts, and this would be no exception.
10,816 posts

My point... Sara says I have certain mannerisms. These mannerisms I have had my entire life. Then when I notice others with the same mannerisms, it turns out they are gay as well. So, what does this mean?

Yeah, my whole blah about gaydar etc. etc. was directed at figuring out the significance of this kind of phenomenon. I'm probably not coherent myself, I've been running around and not really thinking properly.
1,304 posts

blkasp, I would suggest some anger management classes and maybe read up on tolerance.

Nah...Waste of money and time for me.
199 posts

Sheesh, I get busy for one day and this thread takes off! That's good, though, I am glad I could be part of it.

Now, to stay on topic, I do believe that the mannerisms that come from homosexuals is a mental expression. When you hide the fact that you are gay for a long time and it is pent up inside you, it is really hard. I have helped a friend go through this, so I speak from that experience. But when you come out to everyone you, all of a sudden, have a sense of freedom in your own skin. I also believe that when you have a homosexual couple (whether it be two men or two women) that subconsciously one of the members attempts to mock the dominant member (male) and the other tries to mock the submissive member (female). Not saying that all men should be dominant or whatever, you get my point so don't try to ride me about that because I am the submissive one in my relationship.

2,150 posts

All I think is that if you choose that lifestyle, than go for it. I really don't care about heterosexual or homosexual

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