What game are you most excited about? I thought that this years E3 was a little boring but I got to see some great games like AC: Revelations and Uncharted 3! What are you guys excited for?
Halo 4 was announced, the super-powerful Wii U was showcased and demo'd, Arkham City, Darksiders 2, Modern Warfare 3, Battlefield 3's shiny new engine, Skyward Sword, Mass Effect 3, Forza 4...
Looks like a pretty solid lineup. I have been hating on the wii for the past four years, and now I'm losing my mind over Wii U.
I can't wait for Skyrim and Assassins creed Revelations. Trailers and Demo's look great from both of them.
I am not as excited about MW3. It is just MW2 with 2 new guns and new maps. I haven't seen anything life-changing in it, to bad Infinity Ward. But i am glad they are not done.
Anyone else see the new SSB? Its gonna be called SSB Strife.
Title is nothing but rumors. There's no news apart from this. It IS somewhat interesting, but I doubt there'll be any news before Tokio Game Show.
As for E3 in general, it was.......pretty darn disappointing. No new games I can actually look forward to (apart from a small few I already knew of) and most other announcements I didn't particularly care for.
But my personal high point (of disappointment that is) probably goes to Nintendo for not actually showing off (or even announcing !) first-party games to a new system :S
Seems like a bad move. Oh and I personally don't count Smash 4 because I very much doubt it will be a launch title (will probably take another 2-3 years before the see that......atleast).
Seems like a bad move. Oh and I personally don't count Smash 4 because I very much doubt it will be a launch title (will probably take another 2-3 years before the see that......atleast).
I sure hope not cause I was really excited for that!
I sure hope not cause I was really excited for that!
Keep in mind that Sakurai is still finishing up Kid Icarus for 3DS. And since they will make a Smash game for 3DS AND Wii U, combined with the fact they had nothing to show yet, suggests to me that it will be a while before we see anything.