ForumsNews and FeedbackArmatar Updates (no custom armatars)

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This is another re-take on the Armatar discussion because we need to clarify a few points.

First, this topic is to discuss how the AG3 beta manages armatars.

Secondly, if you just want to ask for new armatars, discuss it with Dan.

Third, we are still discussing whether we want to allow custom armatars in the future, because of copyright and licensing issues that will come up from that, so that idea is ON HOLD.

If messages in here aren't about the interface we've built, how we could improve it, etc., then I'll probably trim the message.

Questions about how to unlock armatars, etc., are totally welcome and I'll provide answers as I have them. As of the time I write this, the understanding I have is that all AG2 armatars will be unlocked on AG3 by default, and we will unlock seasonal armatars through some process eventually.

We are also going to start asking game developers for one or more armatars related to their game, which users can select, but I don't think they'll be locked in any way. We've talked about unlocking special armatars based on achievements, but since achievements aren't finished yet, we can't go into much detail on that.

  • 261 Replies
121 posts

Third, we are still discussing whether we want to allow custom armatars in the future, because of copyright and licensing issues that will come up from that, so that idea is ON HOLD.

I don't think that's a good idea, you get than every day a new (bad) armatar on every profile.

and we will unlock seasonal armatars through some process eventually.

I think that's a good idea, but it is a lot of work but not for me =)

We are also going to start asking game developers for one or more armatars related to their game, which users can select, but I don't think they'll be locked in any way. We've talked about unlocking special armatars based on achievements, but since achievements aren't finished yet, we can't go into much detail on that.

That is again a lot of work but I love that idea because you can unlock that Armatar if your good in a game, not if your a spammer or something.

I support you with your hard work for AG3.
Go on!
62 posts

There will be different armatars between karma and playpoints or what are they called?

3,386 posts

If messages in here aren't about the interface we've built, how we could improve it, etc., then I'll probably trim the message.

Well, from last night when I checked up on the beta, I changed my armatar on there to Mr. Spike (very cute) and I do like how you actually get messages and that from when you change it. BUT When I looked at the Legacy armatars, the vertical display was.... weird. Don't get me wrong, the scroll thing was nifty and that, but it was a bit... much? I mean, you already had to scroll to see the whole selection, THEN scroll more to see the others? Maybe I'm just too used to what we have now *shrug*

and we will unlock seasonal armatars through some process eventually.

Small question, but will these have specific AP or karma thingies whatever levels as well? Like 5, 10, 100, etc? Or will you just post em on out there for everyone?

We've talked about unlocking special armatars based on achievements, but since achievements aren't finished yet, we can't go into much detail on that.

So... let's say I had to find Mr. Spike in his designated game, and I got an achievement for it, I would unlock the armatar for it at the same time, basically? As a relatively specific hypothetical example.
2,891 posts

There will be different armatars between karma and playpoints or what are they called?

We haven't decided yet.

My first problem with custom armatars is ...

Maverick4, Please stay on topic. We don't want discussion about custom armatars in this thread, regardless of whether they're for seasonal armatars or something else.

When I looked at the Legacy armatars, the vertical display was.... weird.

"Weird" is subjective. Can you elaborate a little more on what you think it should look like?

I do agree with what others said in the other thread (and around the office) that if all AG2 armatars are going to be unlocked with the AG3 launch, then we shouldn't group them according to AP needed on AG2 to unlock them.

will these (seasonal armatars) have specific AP or karma thingies whatever levels as well?

No, we'll probably unlock all seasonal armatars for any user who wants to use them, but they'll only be available for a limited time.

let's say I had to find Mr. Spike in his designated game, and I got an achievement for it, I would unlock the armatar for it at the same time, basically? As a relatively specific hypothetical example.

I imagine it'd be more like "here's 5 armatars for Crush The Castle" for everyone to use (regardless if they play the game maybe?), but if the game tells us via the achievement engine that you've actually finished the game, we might unlock a 6th armatar, so only people who have *finished* a game can get the achievement. Or who have gained all other achievements, etc.

It's really going to be a much larger cooperative effort on the part of Armor Games and game developers to (a) get achievements into the games, (b) communicate those achievement progressions as they happen, and (c) having the system recognize when you unlock all available achievements and having *that* achievement unloack a reward, like Armor Points, or another armatar (or both), etc. to you.

We're actually going to talk about the achievement system today, so I'll ask some questions about how that will tie into the achievements.

So back to the UI question ... if you can describe in better detail what looked 'weird' about the interface, it would be much more helpful.
3,386 posts

So back to the UI question ... if you can describe in better detail what looked 'weird' about the interface, it would be much more helpful.

Well then, Screeny Time!

Everytime I get on the armatar screen, it looks like this:

*^I don't know how big that will turn out^*

Imagine my surprise when I saw nothing. o:
Then I got a silly slap and scrolled down 2 clicks, and BAM:

*^I don't know how big that will turn out^*

So, I don't know if that is going on with anyone else, but it ONLY shows up when I go the the Armatar page, and that is what I meant about the scrolling thingiemajig.

I do hope this qualifies as weird interface ._.
87 posts

what version of IE are you using?

3,386 posts

IE 8, should I go see this on a different browser?

121 posts

I think that google chrome will better work, but I don't know sure

20 posts

Hi MoonFairy,

Don't shoot -- I know this is the knee-jerk response in cases such as this -- but I'm assuming you already cleared your cache in IE 8 before you discovered that weird display? I myself discover from time to time that when new code is pushed, weird behavior does indeed happen -- which is quickly remedied by a browser cache clear.

If you do have other browsers, we'd love to see screenshots -- that is, after you perform a cache clear on those browsers.

3,386 posts

Don't shoot --

*puts away gun*

but I'm assuming you already cleared your cache in IE 8 before you discovered that weird display?

Yepperdoodles. I did that.

If you do have other browsers, we'd love to see screenshots -- that is, after you perform a cache clear on those browsers.

I will probably have them by tomorrow. Any certain place you want me to drop them off, if they mess up?
2,226 posts

There could be a basic image editor built in after release that could allow users to create custom armatars. That way, even if someone tried copying an idea, they couldn't COMPLETELY copy an idea.

1,526 posts

Custom armatars...Yes, why not? But will the users respect the rules of AG (no sexual or racist content) in their drawing? I'm not sure...

BTW, on AG3 Beta, how can I access to my account? I saw MoonFairy has done it.

322 posts

why dont i see my profile same this one too?

3,386 posts

why dont i see my profile same this one too?

Eaglepaw, That's my screeshot of AG3, I just put it in paint and made the lack of anything, clearer, so they could see the problem.
"'Tis blank, as you can see." Shouldn't be showing up on your profile, and if it does, well you might want to talk to one of them about it.
121 posts

Are you a beta tester or something?

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