Here is a section for all to express there dark side, through poetry. Please, rules that apply anywhere else, apply here as well! no plagarizing, nothing obscene or completely full out creepy (nothing that will give a kid nightmares). If that seems harsh, post somewhere else. Heres an example of something that fits the guidlines:
[b] Golden Eyes The World swirls, the trees close in the golden eyes of a beast watch I look around, not able to move or scream. A creature, as dark as night, yet as bright as the moon lunges. I wake up. It was a dream. I fall back into bed breathing deeply, as golden eyes glow outside the window.
My world has ended My time has come As I lay at Death's Door I am not scared It is quite peaceful This has been coming My whole life. This will come to everyone. No one can escape it. No one can live forever. With these words being said, When your time comes, Will you join me, friends, at Death's Door?
Our world is now ending As the time of life ceases We shall keep pretending To fix this love, now in pieces Forget this love as it ends For all we know is gone Unless you want to pretend To save what is forever lost If we move on let's try to love As we have loved before But never again will we fall in love Never walking through an open door This writer is finished, our story is through For never will I love again, as I did for you
This is a sonnet I wrote (you can also find this in a sonnet thread on here)