ForumsGame WalkthroughsThe Last Stand Union City Tips

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So i do it for first time so dont complain much for it. And sorry if you find english errors.

$$$$The Last Stand : Union City$$$$


Most usefull skills you need to survive is written below :
Choose Costum

Strength: 7
Endurance: 5
Precision: 7
Intellect: 5

Then you have 10 points to choose from varios skills thoose next :
Security : add 2 points
Searching : add 2 points
Pistols : add 3 points
Long Guns: add 1 point
Automatics: add 2 points
and start the game

TLS:UC is a pretty hard game .
First off all enemies are zombies and dogs. *SPOILERS AHEAD* Game also haves few HECV Enemies [Bassicly Soliders].

Game willbe pretty easy till you get to Hospital . You should check every house you pass by. Espicially Police Departments. When you get to hospital beware of hordes.

HORDES: Sometimes u hear music that can scare you and after a big horde of zombies will run to you. Theres nearly no escape from horde . You can left them kill you . You will lose EXP but horde will end. If you move to other room they will follow you . If you go outside they will run from one side [ Left probably ]

Then from Hospital till Stadium game gets really hard. Your character must have always a melee weapon [Best any weapon from 17 Hit or Chainsaw but it needs fuel] Best weapons in this part willbe Pistols And Shotgun

After Stadium if you go loot in random houses you can find a good submachine gun Like Uzi or MP5 or even Assault Rifles

TIP: First King o Pawn shop you find try buying a assault rifle and use it with shotgun , it helps very much with hordes.

TIP2: If you find a safe house with Union city guards , you should ask one of them for quest of finding Richard. Hes body is in Subway [In the end] take the key from hes dead body and open weapon storage. It haves some ammo and good weapons

$$$SPOILERS AHEAD$$$ After you save Bethany from HECV you get to harbor. Skip first to buildings till you get to safehouse. Take the quest from JACK [Who strangely looks like main protagonist from TLS 2 ] and your wife should stay there. Go back and loot in buildings and continue your quest.
With good weapons you shouldnt have any problems ahead .

TIP: On military base go right and walk in house. There probably willbe few zombies , kill them and loot from a military machine, you can find there a MACHINE GUN [very usefull at the end of the game]

So after you find all Items speak back to Jack and prooced to wall with your wife.
after you pass wall better put on yourself weapons with biggest magazines . Horde will come after you . Dont try to kill them , just run. When your stamina will end turn to left and go back right but shooting the zombies.
Thats pretty all. Game ends when you get on boat. just go right till you see a cutscene. [ its not a scary cutscene dont worry]

1. Use Surpressed weapons.
2. Use Weapons with biggest maganzines when horde comes.
3. Rifles are good also versus hordes.
4. Loot in houses dont skip them.
5. Take side quests too, they are usefull.
6. Look on details as bags , you can loot from them too
7. Dont mind if you die. Choose restart here always.

$$$GOOD LUCK!$$$

Well that was all i can help you with. Good luck.

This Tips are Unofficial. I have nothing to do with ConArtist or TLS UC , i just want to give usefull tips.
Enjoy the game.

  • 409 Replies
139 posts

During the game-play and gaining much experience, I saved much of the experience points for most important parts of the game; but that's just me. Many people have placed there skill points in useful places and I agree with most; this gives me the reason not to tip you on where to place your skill points and instead, just let you know what my skill points looked like when I beat the game:
Custom made:

Strength: 12
Endurance: 12
Precision: 11
Intellect: 8
Luck: 7

Strength Skills

Blunt: 53
Blades: 34

Precision Skills

Pistols: 58
Long Guns: 37
Automatics: 59
Special Weapons: 20

Intellect Skills

Smarts: 45
Security: 47
Searching: 40
First Aid: 50

Endurance Skills

Fitness: 52
Survival: 46

Hopefully, this helps.

Searching is very important. Whether you get junk or not, that 'junk' can be very useful further in the game. When I speak 'searching' I also mean to search houses, other areas, etc, up and down. You may find something really important that you may need at the moment and that can keep you from getting killed. :P

If you were looking for action/searching advice then..
Try looking for the colored, bearded man around the large, second section of the map. He'll ask you for materials so that he can construct weapons for you to use. (That's where the 'searching for "junk"' comes into play.)

I hope, altogether, this helps a lot!

1 posts

there is no key to the herc cell so if any of u say u got all of it done u r BS

35 posts

The key to herc is one the table on the right of the area. your talking about the cell to your wife right?

5 posts

Ooooo you don,t need 100% achievements to get the third reward! Apparently you get it at 75% This weapon is so awesome that you just look a group of Zs and they die(unless you miss ).The only hint I'll give is that it's a real blast from the past,lol.

In case no one has said it yet one of the final weapons you can find is at the ARMY base in a Humvee inside one of the buildings.Make sure to search the Humvee doors.

I saw that someone posted that the "take 15 bottles of pain pills" achievement seems to be buged because you can't find that many bottles,but I have been killing endless waves of Zs and have seen them drop a few pain pills.Thus it would seem that if you just keep killing Zs you may be able ti finish that achievement. I hope this will be of some help.

5 posts

Turtelman1234: There are just some places you can not get to right now,but I hear that may change if the maker of this game comes out with a patch.

1 posts

richard is in the subway at the far end

63 posts

broha, the key to the herc cell is to the right of the door.

I've gotten to like the regular katana better than the battle axe. It's almost always one hit one kill (except with the fatties) and I seem to get more critical hits with it. If you level up your blade skill you'll get 50+ dmg with each slice.

63 posts

BIG TIP for those looking for pain pills: I've gotten up to level 27 by walking up and down Stanton St. killing zombies and the only two times any zombies dropped pain pills was when my health was very low. If you're looking for pain pills, get your health very low and then keep fighting until a zombie drops pain pills. The first time I thought it was a coincidence, but I tried it purposefully a second time and it worked perfectly.

1 posts

where do you find the boat i have looked everywhere now

63 posts

jd4life: The boat is on the island at the very end of the map.

1 posts

My best combat strategy is to focus on bladed melee. The advantages stack up - no reloading, no running out of ammunition, high damage, 100% accuracy.

The sharpened katana, sharpened fire axe, battle axe, and katana, in that order, are the best bladed melee weapons. A cleaver or sharpened cleaver are what you want to pick up as soon as you can, and a hatchet or sharpened hatchet will carry you through just fine. And yes, it is always good to keep getting better melee so you can 1-shot more and more of the higher health zombies.

Starting with a high luck skill will help you find a cleaver early. Leveling your searching and luck early on makes the entire game better. I started as a Con Artist on my 4th run through, and in the first hospital I picked up an undefined, which made my entire run much more fun as I could simply hoard what I found.

An smarts of 35 makes books +5 to each skill, which is nice. I wonder what what it would be like to level intelligence as much as possible and what that would do to a run.

The M24 is a great gun with an excellent economy of ammunition, and is actually very close to the M82, which you will not find very much ammo for.

Full riot gear police (with the face shield) are a problem for run with blades, switching to a high powered rifle, such as the excellent M24, will finish them. You get a scoped M24 at the military base, which is the most accurate sniper rifle in the game.

63 posts

Rentsy, actually armored police/military are easiest to kill with a katana or battle axe. Aim at the legs and swing and you'll get a one hit one kill.

1 posts

to get forgetful dont use points the first time u level up u will get the achievement wen u level up the second time

1 posts

give your companion the rpg/grenade launcher as soon as you get it, and watch all the zombies get blown to pieces

61 posts

for large hordes i used a ump45 spec ops and i used a battle axe for melee

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