ForumsGame WalkthroughsExit Path Guide

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This is a guide for Exit Path that will help you become better and become a GrandMaster at it. I will include uniplayer tips, how to get all the caution signs, flairs, how to reduce lag, multiplayer tips, achieving the GrandMaster rank the quickest, how to double jump, the stages that require the double jump, optional stages for the double jump, stages that don't need the double jump, all the stages, and how to play Exit Path in full screen mode.

Uniplayer tips:
Do you want to know how some people finish the uniplayer mode so quickly?
Some people are really good at it and conserve their flow. You can do that by letting the flow get over the line and just tap it repeatedly. Also, they utilize the double jumps that are in the game.

Some people have found a glitch in the game. It's fairly easy to do. All you do right before you die or if an axe is about to hit you, you can press the &quotause" button and it will pause your player in that spot, you won't die. It will assist you in getting an excellent uniplayer time.
Here's a video that shows you how to do it:
Pause glitch

Another nifty thing on uniplayer that many players use for their advantage is the refresh button. Example: You're at stage 29 and you're attempting to do the shortcut then you die. You can just exit out of uniplayer then refresh page and it'll restart you to the time you had before you died. You can keep using the refresh thing when you die on certain stages to restart them, it'll improve your time greatly.

Some people ranked highly on the uniplayer leaderboards didn't use the &quotause glitch" nor did they use the "refresh thing". All they did was use the flow wisely and the double jumps at certain places that require it for a better uniplayer time.

Here's a few uniplayer videos:
Uniplayer: GhostOfZero
Uniplayer: GhostOfPain
Uniplayer: AngelOfTime
I recommend anyone that wants to get a faster time on the uniplayer to watch all these videos that are posted and also read all the tips.

Caution signs:
On uniplayer you need to gather all the caution signs and perform certain things that will get you flairs. On the start screen there is a button that says "flairs" and it will tell you how to earn them. You read them and then go onto uniplayer and perform what it tells you. Some flairs are also earned in multiplayer mode, you'll have to do certain tasks in multiplayer mode to get the flairs.

For the caution signs, that's a task you will need to use your eyes for on uniplayer mode.
You can always watch this video for some help:
Caution sign locations

Uniplayer flairs:

Multiplayer flairs:

Simply complete the objectives to get the flairs.

Reducing lag on a PC:
On uniplayer or multiplayer press the quality button and it should bring the lag down a lot. You can also reduce it even more by turning JavaScript off.
Here's a program that will clean out your PC and make it run faster:

Right click on the Exit Path screen > click "Settings" > move the thing all the way to the left so it's at unlimited storage.

Download and install Auslogics Disk Defrag and Defraggler. Those two programs clear up disk space and maintain and improve your computers performance.

Download and install Opera. It's a web browser. Opera is a wonderful web browser for playing flash games because you get no lag whatsoever. I've tested playing Exit Path on several other web browsers, those include Firefox, Chrome, and Internet Explorer, and Opera has been the best for playing Exit Path. Once you have downloaded and installed Opera, click on "Opera" in the upper left > click "Extensions" > download and install NoAds and WOT. After that, click on Opera in the upper left > click on "Settings" > click on "Quick Preferences" > click on "Enable JavaScript". Disabling JavaScript will reduce lag even more. After doing all that, I noticed there is no lag whatsoever while playing Exit Path, it's like you're just floating through the game, you're moving so quickly without getting lag. Also, on Opera, you can reduce and increase the screen size with the little widget on the bottom right. If you are experiencing lag while on Opera (highly unlikely since it's a great web browser) just reduce the screen size a little.

For the other programs, you can download them on Ninite or CNET.

By doing those things mentioned you will have basically no lag in Exit Path and it will improve your run times.

Reducing lag on a Mac:
On uniplayer or multiplayer press the quality button and it should bring the lag down a lot, You can also reduce it even more by turning JavaScript off.
Here's are some programs that will clean out your Mac and make it run faster:

Right click on the Exit Path screen > click "Settings" > move the thing all the way to the left so it's at unlimited storage.

Download and install Auslogics Disk Defrag and Defraggler. Those two programs clear up disk space and maintain and improve your computers performance.

Download and install Opera. It's a web browser. Opera is a wonderful web browser for playing flash games because you get no lag whatsoever. I've tested playing Exit Path on several other web browsers, those include Firefox, Chrome, and Internet Explorer, and Opera has been the best for playing Exit Path. Once you have downloaded and installed Opera, click on "Opera" in the upper left > click "Extensions" > download and install NoAds and WOT. After that, click on Opera in the upper left > click on "Settings" > click on "Quick Preferences" > click on "Enable JavaScript". Disabling JavaScript will reduce lag even more. After doing all that, I noticed there is no lag whatsoever while playing Exit Path, it's like you're just floating through the game, you're moving so quickly without getting lag. Also, on Opera, you can reduce and increase the screen size with the little widget on the bottom right. If you are experiencing lag while on Opera (highly unlikely since it's a great web browser) just reduce the screen size a little.

For the other programs, you can download them on Ninite or CNET.

By doing those things mentioned you will have basically no lag in Exit Path and it will improve your run times.

Multiplayer tips:
In each stage on the multiplayer mode you tap the flow. Don't use it all or you'll be going slower. I find that flowing at the right times will allow you to finish the stages faster.
(Watch the videos that are being posted.)

There is a way you can practice certain stages. On a laptop and desktop disconnect yourself from the Internet and it'll say that you are disconnected from the game and the people in the stage will be frozen on your screen. You'll be able to move and practice the stage. On my laptop I close the screen for about thirty seconds then open it back up and I'm disconnected. On a desktop I think you'll have to disconnect one of the cords, or bring up Internet access and disconnect yourself. Another way of practicing stages is to log into your account then log out on the Exit Path screen, go to multiplayer and your username will be "Null" then when you play a stage there will be no one in the stage.

Also, using the shift key is better than using the space bar. I notice when you attempt the double jump, the shift key is more responsive than the space bar. Seeing that I'm on a laptop and when I play my hands are too close together, I like using the shift key instead of space bar.

Achieving GrandMaster rank the quickest:
Are you stuck at a certain rank on multiplayer?
You should start giving other players "kudos" and they will most likely return the favor. It also helps to be nice to the other players.

The kudos make you level up quickly and are very useful to gain more experience points. Using the double jump to finish quicker, practicing levels, and winning will give you more experience points.

The amount of experience points required for the GrandMaster rank is 102,500.

Double jump:
There are two ways of performing the double jump. One is with flow and one is without flow.

Double jump with flow:
When you are near a wall hold down flow and press the up key a few times.

Double jump without flow:
Run against a block and press up, you should be in standing position then you press up again.

(Watch the videos to actually see it.)

Stages that require the double jump:

Marathon - On the first jump pad you hold up and right, then when you can't see your person you press up a lot while holding the right arrow.

Slip and Slide - Next to the last axe in the first part and the big wall on the second part. Press flow and double jump over the wall.

Maze - In the beginning of the level take the bottom path. Run straight barely touching the block, press up and you should be in a standing position in the air and jump again.

Lunge - Hold flow, then jump against the wall and press up twice. On this level, I recommend holding flow in the beginning of the level. By doing that, it's guaranteed you'll get the double jump.

Secret Staircase - The last jumper on the treadmill flow onto it, hold up and right, you should be in running man position. When you are at the peak of the jump press up twice and you should get over that huge wall.

Tubes - On the block you run against it, jump, then jump again in mid-air and you should be over the wall.

Jumper - First part of the level, don't take the top path. Just run against that block in the beginning and press up, you should be in a standing position and jump again to get over.

Cubicles - Jump onto the bounce pad (gather your flow for this) then hold up and right. You should nick the ledge of the first wall and press flow then double jump in mid-air to get over about two or three cubicles. Then repeat. If you do it right you should finish this level in six seconds or less.

Crossroads - First one is double jump, then jump back, go over the map and flow over. Second one is run jump on top platform flow against the wall and double jump over.

Front Door - Gather some flow, save it then hold flow against the block and double jump over everything.

Over and Under - Gather some flow, jump on the bounce pad with flow, hold right and up. Then when you hit the wall press up a couple times and you should be over it.

If you would like to see what I'm talking about, you can watch the videos made by these players:
Multiplayer: NonTroppO
Multiplayer: serville64
Multiplayer: GhostOfPain
Multiplayer: Faithpath

Optional stages for the double jump:

Cubey - You don't have to do it, but it saves about half a second. All you need to do is once you're on the plat form flow then double jump against the wall before the step then jump to the right.

Death Wall - Flow into the tunnel after the second axe then use the bounce pad while still having flow then you should be in running man position while in the air then you jump and basically skip all the bounce pads.

Funk - On the first part of the level once you hit the bounce pad hold right and up then you should be in running man position then you can double jump in the air and go farther.

Zipper - If you miss flowing all over the blocks you will hit one then you can double jump off the ledge.

Unfriendly Teleporters - You can double jump, but in my experience with the double jump and the flow sliding; they're the same time. The double jump is simply another way of performing the stage.

By optional, I mean it may improve your time by a little, it's just another way of doing the stages.

Stages that don't require the double jump:

All stages:
1. Crossroads.
2. Cubicles.
3. Cubey.
4. Death Wall.
5. Descending.
6. Front Door.
7. Funk.
8. Fuzzballs.
9. Jumper.
10. Lunge.
11. Marathon.
12. Maze.
13. Over and Under.
14. Secret Staircase.
15. Slip and Slide.
16. Treadmillvania.
17. Tubes.
18. Unfriendly Teleporters.
19. Wombat.
20. Zipper.

Exit Path in full screen:
Exit Path - full screen
Playing Exit Path in full screen will help you with uniplayer. You will be able to see the game better with it being on a larger screen. You can also play it like that on multiplayer and see what's ahead on the map.

If you have any questions and/or concerns about the guide, feel free to leave a comment on my profile.

  • 174 Replies
13 posts

I like the tips!

15,595 posts

Great! I'm glad I can be of some help to the Exit Path community. Can't forget the people who posted the videos, though; without those videos we couldn't see how it's actually performed, so a big thanks to them.

269 posts

im stuck on lvl 27

15,595 posts

I linked to several uniplayer videos, so check those out.

12 posts

That is exactly how I beat it! Just took a little longer XD

1 posts

Im really confused, i run a match in 4:41 and i dont die, but there are scores that are in 2 min, i assume they cheat, but if not how do they do that?

15,595 posts

They don't cheat - they're just good at the game. Check out the uniplayer runs I linked to in the guide; they'll show you how to get a time under 3 minutes by utilizing the shortcuts and using flow wisely.

I got to about 2.44 or 2.46 from doing that. However, others probably did use the refresh and pause glitch, read through the guide to see how to do those if you'd like, and there's even a video on Serville64's channel showing you how to do the pause glitch.

11 posts

Guys lol don't fight .

74 posts

Yeah, it's definitely not cheating. They just know how to use wall jumps, flow jumps, double jumps, and most importantly... how to manage your flow; that is by far the most important thing to learn.

3 posts

Thanks for the tips/info...

3 posts

Thanks for the tips/info...

3 posts

thanks for the help

474 posts

Very handy guide GhostofMatrix!
It helped me everyway in exit path, and I apreciate your help.
Again Thank You!!!
o o

6 posts

how are you supposed to die on levil 16? it doesnt make sence. help please

15,595 posts

how are you supposed to die on levil 16?

It says don't die before level 16, then you can die, meaning die on level 17.
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