ForumsWEPRAsk Me Anything about Christianity (no one else answer questions unless you post in my profile fi...

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so just to answer any questions anyone has or challanges i will try to answer any that i can and know i can answer (please nothing stupid)

  • 31 Replies
9,462 posts


One Question Challenge to Christians

How does blood sacrifice make anything better? How does this make up for anything wrong someone else has done? What are the mechanics behind this?

1,434 posts

Why do all those who believe in Christianity's God agree that you need to earn Salvation, while Satanists believe that all should be Saved, because as mortals, humans aren't able to comprehend morality on an average level set by the Divines? (think, "Their only kids, they don't know any better&quot


9,462 posts

Why do all those who believe in Christianity's God agree that you need to earn Salvation, while Satanists believe that all should be Saved, because as mortals, humans aren't able to comprehend morality on an average level set by the Divines? (think, "Their only kids, they don't know any better&quot

This is an interesting question especially considering the first sin was apparently gaining the knowledge to understand such things.
1,031 posts

This is an interesting question especially considering the first sin was apparently gaining the knowledge to understand such things.

Not necessarily, the first sin was Adam and Eve deliberately disobeying God.
9,462 posts

Not necessarily, the first sin was Adam and Eve deliberately disobeying God.

Which was eating a magic fruit giving them the knowledge of good and evil. Really if they didn't have this knowledge to start with how could the act of eating the fruit be considered a sin if they didn't have such concepts at the time they were eating it?
1,434 posts

Not necessarily, the first sin was Adam and Eve deliberately disobeying God.

And that's a sin? This God of yours believes in Selective Salvation, that just because they won't disregard their dignity and worship Him, they should burn for all eternity!

Hail Satan, good brother.

This is Your Friendly Neighborhood Satanist, Chillz.

We're done here. >B^D

53 posts

1. back in the old testement of the bible it was a common thing to show your true devotion but now that jesus died on the cross we no longer need to do this

2. Christians dont believe you need to earn in, all you need to do is believe (its catholic that believes in earning it)

3. your right we did gain the knowledge of good and evil at that time, because Satan had knowledge of good and evil and he was there the day they ate it, thus he tempted them they did it then they realized just how bad what they did was.

15 posts

How does blood sacrifice make anything better? How does this make up for anything wrong someone else has done? What are the mechanics behind this?

Think sacrifice itself. When you sacrifice something, you give up something for a gain somewhere else. Christ gave up His life so that we may live forever. His loss became our gain. His Blood was spilled, innocent it was, and now it covers all of our sins.
53 posts

@chillz God does not want us to burn in hell and its not selective salvation its more of coming back, if you had a son and that son ran away and went starting doing bad things wouldnt you want that son to come back and be good, so he rewards us and lets us go to heaven if we believe in him

53 posts

@amarion thanks yes that is correct God was the only innocence and he on the cross took the pain of everybody's sin past and present and took the burden so we can live eternity blameless with him

53 posts

Also @Chillz God created us and loves us so out of love he gave us freewill its up to us to decide what to do with are own free will

5,043 posts

But why did God have to sacrifice his son to save everyone? If God is all powerful, why couldn't he simply save everyone? Does God have limited powers that must be fueled by sacrifice, or is he trying to prove something by sacrificing his only son?

Why is it okay for God to be jealous, but it's a sin for everyone else?

Why is God allowed to kill people, but murder is a sin for everyone else?

If God has control over the Earth, then why does he allow people to tarnish his name?

5,043 posts

@chillz God does not want us to burn in hell and its not selective salvation its more of coming back, if you had a son and that son ran away and went starting doing bad things wouldnt you want that son to come back and be good, so he rewards us and lets us go to heaven if we believe in him

Believing in him and doing good are two separate things though. Westboro Baptist Church believes in God, but they are of ill intent, are they not? What about good people who do not believe in God.

Let's say you have a son. Your son never saw your face, never heard your voice, and has never felt your flesh. The only evidence he has of your existence is a letter. However, this letter was not written by you, but rather, 40 different men. Your son does not believe you exist, because the letter was not in your own hand writing and he believes the 40 men could be lying or delusional. Not only that, but there are other people who told him that a different man is his father, and he turned those other men down as well, for the same reasons he turned you down. Despite him not believing in you, he has done the world a great service by helping his fellow man. He has fed the poor, housed the needy, and became a caring and loving father himself, who tucked his children into bed every single day.

Your grandchildren have also never seen your face, heard your voice, or felt your flesh. Their father (your son) told them that you do not exist, because you never shown yourself to your son or talked to him in person. Your grandchildren do not believe in you, but they believe their father who is there for them in person when they are in trouble.

Are you telling me, that you would send your son and grandchildren to hell, a place of eternal torture, merely because they do not believe in you?

Must people suffer, merely because they wish to see those whom they fallow?
53 posts

@NoNameC68your asking a lot of really hard questions but ill do my best to answer them

1 Q:why did God need to sacrifice his son, A: God is a God of order, we may never know why he does it that certain way, because are knowledge is limited while his is limitless and all knowing

2 Q: Why is it okay for God to be jealous, but it's a sin for everyone else? A: "No man with any moral fiber wants to share his wife with another man, and neither does God. He expects exclusive devotion from her. When she goes after other lovers, that is, when she worships other gods and thus commits spiritual adultery, He is said to be jealous. When the term jealousy is applied to God in Scripture it is usually because His people are worshiping idols. In the second of His ten commandments He warned them not to do that, but they failed to listen to Him." when ussually are jealousy is out of bad and anger his jealousy is out of love for us because God is a loving God. the part in quotations is from the website

3. Q: If God has control over the Earth, then why does he allow people to tarnish his name? A: because out of love he gave us freewill because what is a gift not earned/given

4. even the devil believes in God but it does not mean he is following his ways

5. no, it really isnt about the believing (because the devil believes) its more about its more about realizing we are sinners and accepting his gift because he wants us to live eternity with him

9,821 posts

Whence cometh the Five Points of Calvinism? Are they based on anything in the Bible?

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