ForumsArt, Music, and WritingChapter One: Realization - The Bucket List Chapters

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Knowing that this is anybodies game, I still feel the need to tell you that this is my first time, so if possible, take it easy?

Ok, here I go...!

You wake up in the morning, the aroma of alcohol and cigarette smoke surround your very bedroom. You do the usual; take a hot shower, enjoy your breakfast cereal, grab a smoke, brush your teeth....basically getting ready for a your career as a Stock Broker. But as your brushing your teeth, you notice how your teeth really look like. They're raggedy, still yellow, and as you poke them, there soft like sponges. In knowing this, you feel ashamed. You take your eyes off from the shameful feeling of the results of 7 years of smoking, shooing it away, and look at your diamond covered watch which shows that your late for work. As your power-walking down the stairs of your great, big house, the disgusting taste of smoke begins to linger in your mouth, overtaking the taste of peppermint toothpaste. You continue power walking and head to your Ferrari. The smell, again, is in your car. But this time, you begin to feel sick in the stomach. As this may have slowed you just a little, you continue to put you key in the ignition.
As you're driving down the turnpike of I-95, the feeling of being sick gets worse every other car that you pass...

When you get to work...The feeling is at it's worse and your co-workers begin to get worried. You get sick and they get worried enough to a point of dialing the infamous and notorious numbers,


As there dialing, suddenly, you drop down to the floor....

You wake up the next day, bright hospital lights in your face,.... You have not a clue what has happened...

Man - "Uuhgg..what happened..?"
Doctor - "Sir, how do you feel?"
Man - "Not good...where am I?"
Doctor - "You're sitting in the hospital bed after having a severe seizure at work."
Man - "What?!!"
Doctor - "Sir, calm down. Now, I'm going to need your name. We have all other information except this."
Man - "Kyle Turner"
Doctor - "Okay, we'll be right back with the results,"

He said, leaving the room, with very little hope in his eye of what the results are...

Kyle Turner - "Wait!! Results for what...,"

He screeches to the doctor as he leaves the room. The doctor missing what he asked..

Chapter 2 will be coming soon...

  • 12 Replies
139 posts

Chapter Two: Friend to Friend/Easy life, Gone. - The Bucket List Chapters

There's two names. Choose one and read.

As you're lay in the hospital bed, Friday afternoon, waiting for the doctor to return with might be the worse news you'll ever hear in your lifetime, You look around with such disgust and confusion.

Kyle Turner - "What am I doing here..? I don't belong all.

As the doctor walks in, as serious as ever, he holds the answers...

Kyle Turner - "Doc, what exactly are these results for?"
Doctor - "...You have a small, but rapidly growing, tumor in the brain. Once it reaches a size where...
Kyle Turner - "Just, tell me how long.."

He says, interrupting through his sentence as if it were nothing.

Doctor - "Sir, we're not even sure if.."
Kyle Turner - "JUST TELL ME! Tell me how long I have..."
Doctor - "....3 months. That's it."
Kyle Turner - "....."
Kyle Turner - "Can I go now?"
Doctor - Umm.. I can.

The doctor walks out the door.
You head into the bathroom to put on the rest of your clothes.
You take a look into the mirror and think to yourself questions that you've never asked yourself because you've had the easy life
'What did I do to deserve this?'
'How did this happen?'
As you continue to put your clothes on, you reach into the pocket of your jeans to, and typically, find a pack of cigarettes. You take it, and throw it in the garbage.

You take a little trip to the bar, in hopes to relieve most of the stress on you and maybe find your answers to any questions. Your best friend, who is also the bartender, can tend to most of the issues. He has a very "uppity" attitude.

Troy Reed - "Hey, man!! How's it going? What can I get you?
Kyle Turner - "My life back..."
Troy Reed - "Huh?" I'm not sure we have that, my friend.

Troy scans Kyle carefully, noticing the dumped look on Kyle's face.

Troy Reed - "Something up, bro?"
Kyle Turner - "....."

Troy passes the the usual drink; Guinness, to Kyle. After taking a sip, it seems that he's ready to speak.

Kyle Turner - "The worst thing happened at work yesterday."
Troy Reed - "Just look at the newspaper. I'm sure they'll have another. There was a time I was on the toilet with a newspaper and..

Kyle interrupts..

Kyle Turner - "Wait, what? No, not that. You know I don't read that garbage."
Troy Reed - "Oh, then what?"
Kyle Turner - "I'm sick."
Troy Reed - "Here's a tissue."
Kyle Turner - "You're not helping...I gotta go.."

Kyle slaps down the money as usual and Troy would usually just take the money... It was different this time. Troy slides the money back to Kyle and looks at him with a slight gleam in his eye.

Troy Reed - "Keep it. It's on the house."

Thanks for the views.
If you have any question that need to be answered, just ask.
If I've made a mistake, just let me know.

1,388 posts

Oh, this is good. I don't understand why no one even bothers to come in here and post a comment.
Keep going, if you want to, I'm riveted, Vince!
You're doing a great job!

139 posts

Keep going, if you want to, I'm riveted, Vince!
You're doing a great job!

Thanks! Next chapter will be soon...
153 posts

Ok this should get published!It's outstanding!

Thanks! Next chapter will be soon...

Really?I can't wait!
139 posts

Ok this should get published!It's outstanding!

If I ever plan to get anything published, it'll be a really long time from now. Thanks, anyway!
1,388 posts

Oh, Vince, if you do decide to get published, I
could recommend something!

3,766 posts

there soft like sponges

Sorry to be a grammar Nazi but it should be "they're" or "they are".
1,502 posts

Nice Vince! I'm sorry to correct you on anything cuz you are my online buddy but generally someone who smokes a lot gets cancer in their lungs not their brain. Brain cancer is typically the result of a meth user's addiction or the spreading of cancer through other parts of the body.. Still good though, this story is quite riviting, as murasaki said.

139 posts

Chapter Three: The Bucket List - The Bucket List Chapters
This one is really short and should have real thought to it; so read it like you really mean it! =)

You sit at home...depressed...flipping through channels..every show and channel seems to remind you of your day 3 months from now.

"Our 3 months sale won't last long"...

"There's no doubt that these items will die out so get 'em while there here!"

As you continue flipping through channels, you begin to reach the end; which gives you a variety of types of music. You pass by Blues and stop. You sit there...staring..thinking of that day. Every thought in your mind seems to overlap each other.

JUST TELL ME! Tell me how long I have...

....3 months. That's it.

The last set of words the doctor says seems to be the most important words he has said; as it keeps ringing in your head. Repeatably.

"....3 months. That's it."

Kyle Turner - "Is that really it?"

The feeling of dying so early hits harder than ever and your feelings go haywire. You rush to your room, with plenty of fervor leaving the television, leaving your thoughts, all unattended; with full intention of doing as many interesting ideas, as many trips, that you can think of.

You take a pencil and put it to the paper.
It's stuck.
You cant seem to move any further than this.

You hear an unexpected ring at the door. You weren't really expecting anyone, but when you hear the a knock after the ring, you realize who it is.

Kyle Turner - "I'm coming, I'm coming..."

You open the door to find your friend answer it.

Troy Reed - "Dude, we have to talk"

Thanks for the comments and views. =)

Oh, Vince, if you do decide to get published, I
could recommend something!

That's really cool!! =D
If I decide to get anything published, I'll have to make plenty of changes. And trust me, You'll be the first person to go to. Thanks-a-bunch!

Sorry to be a grammar Nazi but it should be "they're" or "they are".

No, it's alright. I'll need 'grammar Nazis' to keep me in the loop. So, I appreciate it.
138 posts

omg vince i love your writing. keep it up. i cant wait until the fourth chapter comes out. its gunna be awesome

1,502 posts

Nice man! Its very interesting and im excited to see what comes next.

3,139 posts

Keep up the great work vince :]

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