This is an RPG, you have been warned. Three spots at the time.
You sir, are a hero, or atleast very courageous. Because you just chose to destroy an evil lord that is plaguing the little town that you swore to protect...for free! The evil lord lives in an evil lair that looks a bit like a big dungeon. But watch out! There is always competition. Go now hero! Make me proud!
Anyways, the goal is to get to the evil lord and beat him before the other players do. The dungeon is a maze made out of many different rooms. You can find traps, items and who knows what else. The adventure takes place in medieval fantasy time.
How to play The game is pretty simple, you have, usually, more then one decision you can choose from, each with their own consequences. Choose wisely and smart and maybe you might just end up in one piece after this.
Attributes and stats Stats are attributed to skills that you can perfect during your mission. Here is a list of the following skills you can have: -Strenght (More damage you do) -Charisma (more chances of persuading someone) -Precision (more chances of hitting someone) -Endurance (more health and more defensive points) -Agility (more chances of evading ennemy attacks)
Classes There are different classes, but they do not directly affect your stats, thus giving you full liberty to customize. What the classes really do, is to give you adventages and disadvantages during the game. Here are the different classes: -Mage (+Range attacks, -melee attacks, ++light areas, -darken areas) -Necromancer (++Ally spawning/mind controlling, --melee attacks, -light areas, +darken areas) -Warrior (--Range attacks, ++melee attacks, +Endurance) -Soldier (-Range attacks, +melee attacks, +Strength) -Mastermind (-Range attacks, -melee attacks, +light areas, +darken areas, +Every stat) -Ranger (++Range attacks, -melee attacks)
How to fight You can talk to someone that has an intelligence level of 5 or more, if their intelligence is lower then 5, then it will be hard for you to avoid fighting. You can also engage in fights with other players, if you ever meet them. Fights always takes into account the environment (light or darken). You always get a chance to flee, but if you fail, you will get a 20% handicap for the next turn. Anyways, this is how you play:
Everytime you engage in a fight, your stats (which you have to post every turn) will play a key role in the fight, but not only them, you also have your equipment, which will enhance you fighting skills. So here is an example of a fight.
Strength 10 Current sword strength 8
You would be able to do 80 damage a turn, but it's not certain, because there are other factors.
1. Every sword (or weapon) has a number of times it can hit, let's say, for this example, that your sword can hit 3 times in one attack. That would make 80*3=240, right? Not exactly.
2. Not every hit is a clear shot, you have chances of hitting the target or missing it, the chances will always be indicated before you attack. For this example, we could have a 60% chance hit for every hit.
3.Armor, strong endurance, spells, traps, or other special affection can stop you from dealing as much damage as youn would of hoped for. But they can work on both ways of course.
Well, I think that covers a bit of this RPG, I will continue writing more about it, and I will not launch the RPG right away. You can still sigh up by completing the sheet below:
Name: Sex: Age: Class:
Skills: (10 points can be spend) -Endurance: 0 -Strenght: 0 -Charisma: 0 -Intelligence: 7 -Agility: 0
Too late to join? Don't worry, you can still sigh up and I will contact you once a spot is free or once a hero finished the quest.
This RPG is still in beta, consider yourself a beta tester if you want. feedback is always great.
Updates on the RPG will always come, as I work hard on this