ForumsArt, Music, and WritingMake and Design your own animal Contest

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165 posts

Alright, I'm making a contest where I (along with two friends) will judge animals made by you. I know there are a lot of you out there that are VERY creative and can make some very great animals.
Details must include:
-Animal Name
-It's diet
-Describe what it looks like
-Who preys on it and/or what it preys on
-Describe its attitude, like if it's territorial or not.
-Does it have a parasitic or symbiotic (etc) effect? It adds to the creativity if you do as a bonus.
-The winner will be given an Official Seal of Awesomeness (It's all I can really give. Sorry.)

We'll give your animal's ratings for creativity, how realistic it is, and how well it's described.
I'll give you an example:

Hershbe: A huge, lumbering beast that is both magnificent and beautiful.
It is almost twice the size of a bull, and thrice as strong.
It feeds on both ferns and it also feeds on birds (it's neck extends, enabling it to catch them right out of the air) and small animals. They are peaceful in general, but if a male's territory is threatened by either a Human or another Hershbe that can look like a threat, it gets territorial, and will fight for dominance to the death.
The Hershbe's eyes are very weak, and their hearing pales too, so they have these birds called Grey Vultures to sit on its back and be its eyes and ears, in return for its protection.
The Hershbe itself is a huge grey, reptilian creature (it looks reptilian but it's actually a mammal), with a long tail and a very thick, flabby neck. It can stand on its hind legs, like a bear, but usually stays on all fours. It has bear-like hands and bear-like feet.
It usually dwells in forestland, where it's ideal living environment is, a place where food resource knows no bounds. It's numbers, however, are dwindling, due to the fact it is being hunted for its tough hide that can be used for light arrow-proof armor. It's very hard to kill, and you need the proper equipment to do it.

Creativity: 30
Everything else: 3

Anyway, I'd love to see your guys' ideas, and don't be angry or anything if you lose. I made this game supposedly to have fun and to steal your ideas (kidding).

Well, let's see what you've got!

  • 20 Replies
6,257 posts

This one is based off of an old forum game I used to play and I created an animal. It was called create a planet, but it has now died. You can pick which animal is better and officially count that as part of the contest.

Species name: Riptizonian
Animal Type: Reptile
Diet: Omnivorous, ranging from giant elephants to tigers to plants and fruits.
Description: These creatures are humanoid in shape, but tower humans by being 10 ft tall. They are green similar to the hulk, and have rock-hard scales covering their back and their heads to act as a sort of armor. They have a tail in which they can use for a multitude of purposes. They are also muscular, capable of lifting 200 pounds with ease. They are less advanced than humans, preferring to use the traditional spear, arrow, sword, and shield. However, they are more adept at learning new languages than humans and thus can communicate with most animals well.
Attitude: They are a very peaceful species, despite their war-like abilities. They are only provoked if they are attacked first, and despise most humans because they have stolen most of their land. However, because of their peacefulness, most of them never do anything to harm them. Also, if they choose to hunt any animals, they kill them mercifully and swift to not cause them pain. They are disgusted of animal "trophies" and never hurt anything for fun. However, they still love to eat meat regardless and there is usually a high demand for it.
Relationships: They are capable of cooperating with humans, however choose not to if they do not need to. They also keep pets from time to time, especially reptiles because they can communicate well with them.

165 posts

Hm, interesting, interesting ones so far- keep up the good work!

33 posts

ugh.. no ideas.. lol.. i go read some dark art

165 posts

Hm... I don't think I'll be making a contest now due to no submissions- oh, well, feel free to submit as many animals that you want!

1 posts

The Dragon Leopard

Appearance: The two main breeds are snow leopards and dragons. It has fur like the snow leopard so it is spotted. And it's body is the size of a snow leopard. It has wings n the shape of bat wings. The ears r from the Ethiopian Wolf. The claws r from the polar bear and the webbed feet r from the otter. The tail is from the lion. It has rhino horns on it's head and it has horns from the Gemsbok. It has saber tooth tiger teeth. Both genders have horns. The eye stripe is from the cheetah. The female dragon has the cheetah stripe going down the face like the cheetah and the female also has black eye lining around the eyes. And the male's cheetah stripe goes up diagonally above the eye There are 6 different types of the Dragon Leopards. There is Water,Air,Ice,Storm,Nature,and Fire.
Here is the Color code:
Coat color:
Water-Pacific Blue
Air-Wild Tangerine
Ice-Metallic Purple
Eye Color:
Water-Sea Green
Air-Blue Green
Ice-Spring Green
Storm-Shocking Pink
Nature-Yellow Green
Fire-Blue Metallic

Habitat: The Dragon Leopard only lives on Dragon Leopard Island (state). Depending on the type of dragon is where it lives. The water dragon would live near water. The Air,Storm,and Nature dragons can be found any where. The Ice dragon is hard to find during summer because they r hibernating. The Ice dragon is the only one that hibernates and is more active during fall and winter. And the Fire Dragon lives n the deserts. And other hot and warm places.

Diet: It is an omnivore. Because it has carnivores and herbivores mixed n the breed. It will eat small animals. It will also eat fruits and vegetables.

Personality: It is good for a pet. It will protect the owner(s). It will not attack unless owner(s) r threatened or it's self is threatened. It will only injure it will not kill. It will not injure family members. It will stand by your side n a fight. They r great pets and are great with kids. ð¾ð

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