Thank you ! Yeah it's underwater (or anything else). It's not the final one, so you can't see all the details, but it's not her arm. It's a pipe, as in Matrix for example.
The drawing is really good. At first I didn't know what it was, but then I saw she was in some kind of water with a tube to her neck. It's cool. Is she in a big body of water or a small one? And is she human or like a robot. I also draw, but not like that. I take an art class and I like working with ink.
Thank you all ! And very very thank you yo dair5, 'cause you explained to the whole world that's it's a tube Actually, I don't where she would be... surely a capsule, and she is human, or, i don't know, but she is alive ! I want to study art, but it's so expensive here in France...