ForumsGame WalkthroughsGemCraft Labyrinth - Shrines - the best one

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There are 2 shrines you can build ,
and i think the best one is the Lightning shrine .

Because it seems to hit with every fired lightning ,
and does'nt seem to miss an target as ChargedBolt shrine might do .

So placing the Lightning shrines so the hit the start and as many monsters as possible will give you the best shrine usage .

Anyone have an better usage of the shrines to share ?

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258 posts

You used to be able to kill anything with them, now the % caps are lower. Both only hit so many monsters, it depends on gem grade.

Generally it's better to just use for the amulets then ignore them, I guess if you're at the end of a level a shrine can save you, other than that it's probably not worth the mana you spent on gems to power it.

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