Hello, and weeeeellllcomme to my sketchbook. Here, I'll be uploading drawings, sketches, and other artwork that I've done every week.
I'm pretty much doing this to get me drawing, as I often will start on a drawing and never finish out of laziness. Hopefully this will help me fix that, and provide you with some badly rendered images along the way. Anyway, SLOW INTERWEBS CONNECTIONS BEWARE: ^ Bookmark I made for my brother. Inspired by CastleCrashers. ^ Truck I made during a lecture in my History class. In the end, I was drawing more than taking notes. Test tomorrow. D: Some uber-cool guy from the mafia taking a smoke. Unfinished.
And finally, a crude stab at creating a short comic. I'll probably try going for a cleaner look next time.
Thanks for checking it out. I'll try to upload more stuff tomorrow, maybe. Critique is appreciated.
Well, turns out I've lost much of the stuff I've done in color.(Recently moved) Only stuff I found worth posting was this Cabbage I painted in chalk pastel: Camera flash stopped working, so lighting is poor and colors don't show up very well... :/ I'll reupload it sometime in the future, when we get the flash fixed. Photography's colorful too, right? :c
Wow, huge posting fail. Forgot to resize everything, and one of my pictures isn't showing up. I'll just post the links to each one(in order) Cabbage. Cabbage2 Photography: Sunset1 Sunset2 Sunset3
Hey dude, I remember a lot of this stuff, I might have to do the same thing. I just gotta scan all of my pictures. I should work with a pen, maybe that will help with the problem I've been having. Still some of that is still better than anything I can do.
Hey dude, I remember a lot of this stuff, I might have to do the same thing. I just gotta scan all of my pictures. I should work with a pen, maybe that will help with the problem I've been having. Still some of that is still better than anything I can do.
Just keep working at it, man. It was a nice surprise seeing you here, too.
Yea, funny, some guy posted on my profile so I got an email. I'm gonna scan my pictures and put them up sometime, turns out I started to fade away from hatching well, suck at it again.
Well, I recently bought a new sketchbook: Some anatomy drawn from memory: A floating city: Craving for coffee in the middle of class: Drawing my hands: And going to art class: Some random doodles: And finally, a 30-minute self portrait:
57 thumbs up. your last portrait thing looks alot like somebody i know. maybe i do know you... i draw too, but only really fake looking people/snakey wvyern things.
57 thumbs up. your last portrait thing looks alot like somebody i know. maybe i do know you... i draw too, but only really fake looking people/snakey wvyern things.
Don't think so, unless you live in Georgia or El Paso, Texas.
Anyway, here's a short update: ^Some noses I drew using the "smudging" technique. ^Blah ^An attempt at creating a stencil. Inspired by Banksy. ^Random doodle I did in the car while crossing the border back into Texas. ^And finally, some drawings/doodles while waiting for the city bus and while riding it. Some old lady was staring at me through the whole ride. :c