ForumsArt, Music, and WritingForum Wars

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12,319 posts

This story is about a discussion over what the best forum is. However, that discussion becomes problematic due to two users. This story details the discussion from start to finish in the format of a play. Also, I have given permission from all users in this story.

These are the users and their roles:

Me: Forum Gamer. I will favor Forum Games, especially non-spam ones.
warrior737: Spammer. This user will attempt to spam the discussion.
acmed: Backseat Mod. This user will accuse warrior737 of spamming.
JohnGarell: Reporter. This user will report warrior737 and acmed for spamming (backseat modding is spam).
Freakenstein: Moderator. This user (who is a mod) will temp-ban warrior737 and acmed for spam.
bigfatkitty: Taverner. This user will favor the Tavern.
iMogwai: Joker. This user will prefer joking to seriousness.

Act I: Discussion on the best forum.

Several users come together to argue about what the best thread is. However, somebody takes this argument too far and stirs up trouble.

Me: So, which forum do you like best? My favorite is Forum Games.

bigfatkitty: That forum is worthless, but the Tavern is fun and valuable.

iMogwai: I'm with you, bigfatkitty. It is exactly fun, especially when I post.

Me: The Tavern has its own fun, but I prefer Forum Games.


bigfatkitty: What was that?

acmed: That is a classic example of spam. It is 5 words in all caps with no meaning.

iMogwai: We don't need your info. We need fun! Let's all go to the Tavern.


acmed: Stop that! Posting in all caps is not allowed.

Me: The purpose of spam is Armor Points. Forum Games is worth none and is therefore less spammy.

warrior737: #forumgamesisaspammerlandnotaspamdeterrent #EVERYBODYSPAMTHEFORUMGAMESANDOTHERFORUMS

Me: Don't use hash tags or suggest spam.

iMogwai: Quit being serious and lighten up!

Me: But it's spam!

iMogwai: Seriousness is spam.

acmed: No it's not. warrior737 is the spammer and needs to be banned.

Me: Do not label users as spammers.

acmed: He's a ****ING SPAMMER!

JohnGarell: Will you guys behave and talk about forums rather than spam?

warrior737: I REFUSE! #spamftw

JohnGarell: You know what, I'm done.

iMogwai: But we must discuss this further.

JohnGarell: By leaving, I will fix the argument and improve the discussion. I will then participate in the improved discussion.

warrior737: YOU'RE A *****, JohnGarell!

acmed: Watch your language!

iMogwai: Behave or you will be reported.

Act II: The moderator report.

JohnGarell claims to have the ability to fix the issue at the forum discussion. This can be done by reporting the issue to a moderator.

JohnGarell: Freakenstein, there is an issue with the forum discussion over there. *points to the forum discussion*

Freakenstein: What is the issue?

JohnGarell: Some users are misbehaving. Go to the forum discussion and do what you want to those that are misbehaving.

Freakenstein: Who do you think is misbehaving?

JohnGarell: warrior737 and acmed. Listen to them carefully, but there might be other misbehaviors.

Meanwhile at the forum discussion:

acmed: Mods, ban warrior737 because he's a spammer!


acmed: Because you are.

iMogwai: Let's not backseat mod.

warrior737: 6 > 2

Me: What is the significance of this mathematical relationship?

warrior737: #iagreewithuser6

Me: Not in hash tag form.

iMogwai: Joke! Well, don't overdo it, but you're being too serious.

warrior737: yea

acmed: Is a mod coming? MODS, BAN THIS ****ING USER! *points to warrior737*

bigfatkitty: How about we keep a civil tongue and make a real discussion?

Me: Yes. Forum Games deter spam and are fun.

Act III: Justice comes to the spammers.

The report is a success and Freakenstein comes over and stops the spam.


Freakenstein: Not so fast. You have spammed significantly and will be temp-banned.

warrior737: NOT IF I ESCAPE!

Freakenstein: I am now going to activate ban software.

acmed: Do it, do it, do it, do it!

Freakenstein: I'm banning you too for backseat modding. Everyone else make a proper discussion when the bans are complete.

warrior737: EVERYBODY ATTACK Freakenstein! HE IS AN *******!

acmed: Face it, we're getting banned.

Freakenstein: *bans warrior737* warrior737, your account is on a temporary ban for the following reason: You had no call to spam the way you did. Reflect and improve your behavior during this ban. When you come back, behave properly and don't spam.

acmed: Good job.

Freakenstein: *bans acmed* acmed, your account is on a temporary ban for the following reason: Do not backseat mod. It is annoying and is considered spam. Two wrongs don't make a right, so improve your behavior. When you come back, you need to report spam rather than backseat mod.

Me: Right. We can now have a proper discussion. As I was saying, Forum Games are the best because the spam is low.

bigfatkitty: No it's not. It is poorly moderated because spam is unexpected.

Me: Yes, it is. Certain games are blocked because they tend to be spammy. This lowers the spam. The Tavern is worth AP and is therefore high in spam.

JohnGarell: What about WEPR?

Me: I can make the same argument against any AP forum, and Forum Games is more fun than the Newcomers Forum.

bigfatkitty: The Tavern is best in fun! You should go there and be as fun as you can without spamming.

Freakenstein: Forum Games has the most posts, while the Tavern has the most threads.

  • 32 Replies
12,319 posts

How about... Each of us write a portion of the next part of the story. You then read it, and I guess try to combine all of our ideas to make one part to the story. I don't know, just an idea...

That would be a good idea. Also, your image failed. If it is important, repost it. Otherwise, you can ignore the image fail.

And this is why Freakenstein always carries his receiver in his utility dwarf.

I don't understand "receiver in a utility dwarf."
3,517 posts

Also, your image failed

It was just the "challenge accepted" guy. No biggy.

Anyways, the story is just gonna be based on forum discussion, right?
12,319 posts

Anyways, the story is just gonna be based on forum discussion, right?

Yes. My idea is to have the sequel be a continuation of the existing story, so the sequel should start with Act IV, which I think should be something like this:

After a few days, acmed and warrior737 become unbanned. The other characters have a discussion on how spammy the forum is when warrior737 and acmed come. warrior737 spams and acmed backseat mods. However, something else happens (I'll let the others decide what) during the discussion.

I will write the beginning part of the story, then others can continue the story. I will then integrate the others' stories together with mine and write narration. Once all that is done, I will post the final product.
3,517 posts

I love the idea. That should be fun. So, are you gonna contact all the users in the story and tell them?

3,517 posts

someone hacks Freakstein's account during the discussion!

Which could either be me or warrior737, just when he is about to ban us. But let's not give too much away. We'll write the story when Patrick has informed all the members and have responded.
12,319 posts

[quote]someone hacks Freakstein's account during the discussion!

Which could either be me or warrior737, just when he is about to ban us. But let's not give too much away. We'll write the story when Patrick has informed all the members and have responded.[/quote]

Just because an idea is suggested doesn't mean it will be implemented, but this story will be interactive. Also, I have contacted all users who aren't already in the sequel. Here's how this will work:

Once all users are in, I will write the beginning part of the story, then other users will be able to submit continuations of the story. I will then decide what entries will be accepted, edit them, make a narration, then post the actual story.
12,319 posts


iMogwai has responded as a comment on my profile. This is the comment:

I don't think I'll participate very actively, but I can probably think of a good reason for my character's absence and make an entry about it.

For the record, a lack of user activity does not create the necessity for character absence, since an entry is supposed to involve most or all of the characters in the story.
1,747 posts

Really nice story. I'll be on the next version. Great work Patrick! So, when will the new story start?

12,319 posts

So, when will the new story start?

I will write my entry tomorrow, then let others post their entries. I will then check the entries on September 24th and hopefully post the final story on the same weekend. If anyone doesn't respond by tomorrow, I will write my entry anyway and still allow responses and entries.
12,319 posts

This is my entry into the sequel. Entries by others will come after my entry. Also, if you have not put yourself in, you can still do so.

Act IV: The Return of the Spammers

bigfatkitty: Guys, you know the Tavern is the best, right?

iMogwai: Of course! I love to joke, and the Tavern is the best place to joke.

JohnGarell: Wait! The bans will end soon.

Me: Actually, they're over now. Therefore, we should get this over with.

iMogwai: No. They're the best spammers I know.

JohnGarell: That's because spammers get banned and therefore become unknown.

bigfatkitty: Let's stop arguing about spam. Instead, I think the Tavern is the best.

warrior737: NO NO NO NO NO! u all need to GIVE IN TO THE GOD**** N00BS!

Me: I suggest getting this dealt with.

acmed: I'll do it.

warrior737: ull gt bnd 2 u no

acmed: It's the best way.

warrior737: *begins choking acmed* YOU SHALL DIE BY THE HAND OF N00B!

My entry ends there. Here's the cue for additional entries:

warrior737 is choking acmed. Nobody has reported spam yet, but that is still a possibility. On September 24th, I will check all entries, include and edit them, add a narration, and post the final story.

1,747 posts

bigfatkitty: Hey, stop that! *makes warrior737 stop chocking acmed*

acmed: Thanks. *couch* You need to be banned, warrior!

Me: acmed, warrior, have you learned anything from your bans?

warrior737: N00000B!

Me: I guess not.

acmed: Yes, I have John. But I still hate this spammer.

iMogwai: Let's quit this and go back to the discussion. Have you heard the joke about... *warrior737 interrupts him*

warrior737: WE DON'T CARE ***N00B!

Patrick2011: Please just stop with that.

acmed: Yes, indeed your **** spammer!

iMogwai: I think I shall make my joke now. So you all get happy.

Me: I'm sorry, but I don't think it will help.

Patrick2011: We need to contact someone.

12,319 posts

I came back earlier than expected, so I will make a preliminary check on the existing entries. There is still time to get entries in, and I will post the actual story tomorrow. Anyway:

First, JohnGarell's entry:

acmed: Thanks. *couch* You need to be banned, warrior!

The *couch* is supposed to be *cough* or *coughs*. However, I see nothing wrong with the line itself.

iMogwai: Let's quit this and go back to the discussion. Have you heard the joke about... *warrior737 interrupts him*

The *warrior737 interrupts him* is unnecessary, but the rest of the entry is OK.


In the final story, this will be replaced with "Me."


In the final story, this will be replaced with "JohnGarell."

Patrick2011: Please just stop with that.

I think this is something you would say, but I think that is a good part of the story.

Me: I'm sorry, but I don't think it will help.

Patrick2011: We need to contact someone.

These should be reversed, but I will include them in the final story.

Now for acmed's entry:

Patrick2011: Anyways, as I was saying, the Tavern is a really great...

You made a role error. This line belongs to bigfatkitty.

JohnGarell: That's uncalled for warrior...

JohnGarell's role is to report, not to backseat mod. Therefore, I will have JohnGarell report it at the time of that line.

acmed: See! He back seat mods, too! It's fine if John does it!

Patrick2011: He just pointed out something as all. You're talking about banning and spamming like you ARE a mod or something...

The edit I previously pointed out makes these lines irrelevant.

JohnGarell: Man, when is Freakenstein gonna answer my message?

This line will be when JohnGarell returns from the report. This will be indicated as narration in the final story.

Freakenstein: Sorry, just watching the whole situation. And I think I now who you reported for...

There are some errors which I will correct in the final story.

warrior737 and acmed: Crap

That's a good line, but this line doesn't end the story. Freakenstein still has to ban you and warrior737.


The end of the last entry is not a proper ending. Either someone needs to post another entry with a proper ending or I will post the ending as part of the final story.
139 posts

To be honest with you, I'm in love with this. The layout is so clean and realistic - It's like watching an opera.
Not that I've watched on or anything.... 0.-

3,517 posts

acmed: warrior, enough with the excessive violence!

Patrick, this was me saying to warrior as he was choking me. This doesn't make sense.
12,319 posts

[quote]acmed: warrior, enough with the excessive violence!

Patrick, this was me saying to warrior as he was choking me. This doesn't make sense.[/quote]

Then I will edit that in the final story.
Showing 16-30 of 32