I seem to be running out of ideas for a contest, but, umm... Here I go!
This here contest is creating your own soldier type in medevil times. This soldier can be all types, like an archer, a swordsman, a spearman, as long as you keep it original, creative, and well written.
Here's a list of requirements:
Soldier name:
Soldier's allegiance: Which nation does he come from. If you are a part of my earlier contests, you get a creativity bonus if you use your made up nation. This goes to anybody whos' new as well, but you must say which type of nation it is.
Soldier's equipment: The soldier's arms nad armor.
Soldier's tactics: How these soldiers wage war. How they fight, and how they go into the fight. How they are used in either a battle or a skirmish.
Soldier's training: How the soldier becomes what he is.
Soldier's enemies: Their opponents. (Optional, but recommended)
Please include their sets of strengths and weaknesses in their armor and their tactics, please. Any extras are welcome.
Here's my submission!
Name: Sandlaf (which means "cut throat" in my made up language)
Soldier Type: The Sandlaf is actually a people, more or less, but they only have one soldier type, which is practically all the Sandlafs are. Soldiers.
Soldier's Allegiance: The Sandlaf are of allegiance to no one. They are a people who sell themselves to the highest bidder. They are mercinaries hired to do the tasks no one else would.
Soldier's equipment: The Sandlaff's arsenal can vary, but their main type would be lightly armed, having usually used in skirmishes or sabotage missions. They wield a bow (5 ft tall) with poisoned arrows at the start of their attack. They also wield a "half sword" (3 ft, hardened steel, two or one handed) and maybe a shield (round, 3 ft in diameter, wooden, coated in steel then covered with an oxhide layer laced with a fire proof oil). They also have a knife for very close combat (10 inches of hardened steel, can be thrown). They would possibly bring more than one knife, maybe three, maybe even four. They also wield a hatchet (can be thrown, hardened steel, axhead on one side and spike on the other). They are lightly armored, wearing hardened leather armor that is coated in the same oil substance that is on their shield, which makes it harder for arrows to penetrate and is fireproof. It may block a light swordblow, but nothing well placed.
Soldier's tactics: The Sandlaf fight mostly on hit 'n' run tactics, going in, firing their bows, throwing their knives, then coming in with sword and shield, attack, and then disappear like they had come. The Sandlaf may be cunning, well able opponents, but are no match for a well disciplined, well determined, or ready enemy. Their light armor makes them easy targets for heavy spearmen, swordsmen or cavalry, but not for archers.
Soldier's training: A Sandlaf child is born in a harsh enviroment, for their settlement is surrounded by enemies. Those who raid them, attack them, and that gives them their tough "exterior", so to speak. The Sandlaf are usually a cold, easily annoyed folk. Their main soldier is given little training, mostly by his/even her's father, to hunt, hide and fight, starting at thirteen (the hunting at six) to until they are drafted, which would be around eighteen or ninteen. They are armed, and then are shipped off, to fight for the "highest bidder".
Enemies: The Sandlaf are enemies with their neighbors, particularily with their southwestern neighbors the Voranites, and their western enemies the Gloians (a well civilized society) and the Shemarks (a tribal enemy, friends with Gloia). The Sandlaf are made usually to fight off the T'Keths, the Grethinites but mostly the Voranites, because they are always hired by the Nobles, the kings of the Lands of Black, who hate the "three kingdoms" and will use them to fight them. They don't have to win, though. They just don't have to lose.
Extra: The Sandlaf have no free will, their thoughts and dreams and wants turned around for a gold coin. Even their religion is sold to the highest bidder, so now the Sandlaf are made to worship the Nobles as gods.
Soldier's allegiance: Hujule, occasional rogues whom are made commanders in armies
Soldier's equipment: Thunderstick, soft leather with hujulian coat of arms, Metal Coif
Soldier's tactics: Used in almost all battles, on offense they get in teams and attempt to surround the enemy to shoot them on all sides. On defense they get in lines of one firing, another taking aim, and the last reloading
Soldier's training: They are usually peasants, whom are trained the basics on how to use their tactics and how to shoot/reload/clean their guns
Soldier's enemies: most any infantry or cavalry,
Hujulian soldiers generally aren't the brightest people in the world and their armor makes them completely vulnerable to melee. they're tactics are easily countered via a facade attack.
sorry had to rush this, is it ok if i make more than one?
And, like I always do, I put in my own submission. (Why not?) And, as always, it isn't a part of the contest. Just because I feel like it and that I can.
Name: Nanduin
Allegiance: The Nanduin used to be a neutral tribe, but after they were taken control over by the T'Keths, or actually, hired, for when they fought the T'Keths they were both respected and feared in that area.
Equipment: The Nanduin soldier is poorly armed, but after they gave their allegiance to T'Keth, a very rich faction at that, was given more armor. But, most of the Nanduin like to keep to their old weapons. They refuse armor, thinking it is cowardly, and they also refuse shields as well. They wear leather armor. They wielded just about anything they could get their hands on when fighting the way stronger T'Keths, but their greatest soldier is the Mountain Warbander, a soldier wielding three javelins (3 1/2 ft long, iron tip) and a sword (3 ft long, one handed or two handed, hardened steel).
Tactics: They are very versatile, but are no match for a superior force such as the T'Keth soldiers, but they use their mountainous terrain to their advantage. They would run in, throwing their spears at the T'Keths and then drawing their swords and running in. Later in the war, they adapted shields. They were terrifying and were said to be spirits, ghosts, being so fast. They are now hired by the T'Keths to take on rebels and sometimes to fight alongside the T'Keth armies. They fight in "warbands", which are poorly disiplined units. They lack the
Training: The Nanduin don't train at all, save their rough enviroment they live in, though, nowadays, they are trained by T'Keth Officers now. They are perfect in hit 'n' run, but are far from the "erfect soldier" that they were protrayed when they fought the T'Keths.
Tactics: This soldiers moves are governed by the Generals, and will vary greatly
Training: These soldiers are trained in various factory/cathedral/barracks facilities around the lands, 50-700 strong
Enemies: Anything that gets in the way, except shamans when possible
Rankings: These soldiers are basic, but well trained. They have the ranks private-sergeant, then their uniform changes from the normal red cloth and grey armor to added shoulder armor with different symbols to indicate rank.
Allegiance: The Kine is of no allegiance but of the highest bidder. The Kine raider is a mercenary type soldier. It is practically an entire faction (a small clan, mostly), but their main priority is not for riches; they are driven to war mainly to kill and collect trophies. When they aren't working for the highest bidder, they raid neighbors.
Equipment: The Kine wield many weapons, varying from swords (mostly curved), axes and sickles. They also carry a buckler, which is three and a half feet in diameter with a steel boss. It is wooden, with a steel edge. The Kine also wears a helmet, sort of like that of a Greek Hoplite. They wear chainmail under hard leather. They shun any major protection (such as plate armor), seeing it as a sign of weakness, like mercy, or fear.
Tactics: The Kine's tactics are whatever their general orders them to do, but when they are raiding, they mostly engage the enemy head on, but only in larger battles; in raids on villages they do hit and run. They think little of strategy, and only use basic tactics.
Training: The Kine train as boys by their fathers until the age of six, and then they are taken to the Training Complex, where they train to use a weapon, and to see enemies as dogs, and to scorn at the thought of fleeing or losing.
Enemies: The Kine's main enemies are basically anything that dares challenge them, and they have many enemies, for they crave the sight of blood, and love gold. They will also fight anyone who their commanders hired them to fight.
Rankings: The Kine are a basic monarchy, with a warrior king, who is the only one who (along with his personal bodyguards) gets to ride a horse, which is considered to be a sacred animal. Other than that and a few generals, they are basically completely of equal rank. They have little organization and discipline, but are headstrong and when in a battle won't be stopped until they have won or have been killed.
soldier's name:hitamunch Allegiance:domartian kingdom Equipment:super hard and durable sword made out of austinipe,and a sword of the same materials, and finally a 15 foot long spear made of yew wood and a austinipe tip. tactics:hold a tactical formation with fellow soldiers shields looked together, with the row behind them holds out their spears to impale the enemy, while they charge. Training:taken from their mother at age seven they live and train in the barracks for the next 43 years (at age 20 they are allowed to marry and have kids) a normal division is 10-40 strong(note any number of divisions may fight at one time.). enemies:anyone who threatens their kingdom or anything that gets in the way of the expansion of that kingdom. Rankings:the division is divided into squads of 5-20 men, and each squad is divided into houses of 2-10 men.[i](each with a leader to take charge.)http://www.google.com/imgres?q=steel+shield&hl=en&biw=1280&bih=637&gbv=2&tbm=isch&tbnid=bvBqA5rf9KxrgM:&imgrefurl=http://www.trocadero.com/101antiques/items/874601/item874601store.html&docid=vGQeXPy2u-PkbM&imgurl=http://www.trocadero.com/101antiques/items/874601/catphoto.jpg&w=285&h=274&ei=rKD3TpjOAYeA2QWf0ZiqAg&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=993&vpy=313&dur=497&hovh=142&hovw=152&tx=129&ty=147&sig=114507613509661364998&age=1&tbnh=142&tbnw=152&start=0&ndsp=12&ved=1t:429,r:11,s:0
Soldier name:Hydrus (Derived from the Greek beast Hydra)
Soldier's allegiance: The well-respected and feared Scorpius clan, well known for their fatal poisons with varied effects.
Soldier's equipment: The Claws of Minotaurus. These deadly claws are coated with a fatal poison, and are attached to the fists. Not only do they increase the wearer's attack speed by 300%, but also give the wearer 2 more arms. A total of 4 arms in close combat are truly devastating if not properly defended. His shield, the magica catura, is capable of expanding its size by 3 times by magic. Any projectiles that hit the shield will either reflect or be absorbed, depending whether they are magical or not. His armor, the Iron Demon, is crafted in the image of dragons, and armored like the Ankylosaurus. Large, bony plates cover it, making it near impenetrable, unless three specific plates on it are destroyed. The armor is a navy blue, with a blood red trim across all parts, as if they were veins. Splatters of deep purple are all over this armor.
Soldier's tactics:This tactic isn't ancient, holy, evil, or impossible to learn, it is his preference of strategy. When having 4 arms, he is capable of his ultimate technique, The Hydra storm. He wields the longsword similar to a katana, a rapier, a spiky mace and bladed nunchucks. Nobody has ever lived to see this twice. When in mortal danger, Hydrus has the ability to slow time in great amounts, giving him an advantage of speed. To the attacker, his attacks are like flashes of light, swiping from nowhere.
Soldier's training: He has trained in countless areas, honing his unparalleled skills. In the desert, he learned to hone stamina and endurance, the artic taught power with its crashing glaciers, using a similar motion. The jungle taught quick reflexes, and volcano ensured he made no mistakes.
Soldier's enemies: This squad's only enemy is the True Hydra. He longs to slay it so he can be called the one true hydra.
Soldier's squad: He travels with his three teammates: Elisya, an Archer from a far out jungle. She defended her homeland before becoming romantically involved with Hydrus. She is a specialist in ranged and explosive attacks. Jydax, a medic from the mountain regions, joined him to repay his favor of saving his life. His special is healing/curing, and counter-attacking. Finally, his own pet dragon, Dracionus, is an adolescent dragon, born thinking Hydrus was his parent. He specializes in elemental attacks, due to training with Hydrus in all locations.
Soldier Name:Wavebot from the order of the wave. Allegiance:Order of the wave. Equipment:His claws can viciously tear through human body parts but the down side is that when he injects acid into your body he has to cool down and regenerate all the acid because if he doesn't it will suck and inject his purple blood. His legs one is a zombie leg and the other is a robot leg. He had a zombie infection and the other had got cut off in the arena. If he's in regular mode everything is balanced except his attack is a little more powerful then the others. Tactics:He has many modes such as attack mode, defense mode, speed mode, agility mode and many more. He's mostly shy of things like blenders because he's afraid of getting stuck in one. But when he's in attack and defense mode he slows down a lot. When he's in attack mode his claws speed up a lot and they set on fire. Training:He's been training in a factory with all the other soldiers. He's been training on a practice dummy made of stainless steel. Enemies:His enemies are:dwarfs, bears and blenders Rankings:He's the top soldier in the factory but theres only 7 of him left. He's a species in dangey which he's gonna be gone very soon. Just saying im 12 years old and my brother is royironarm so don't thinks he's copying me. Thankyou
Sirmed2 made this exact thread some time ago, but here goes; Soldier name: Second Minute Clock Hoplite
Allegiance: The Order Of Time
Equipment: A shield with a time stop center, and spear that when plunged into an enemy makes time speed up for them until they die of old age within seconds, and a short sword which alters the timing of bodily functions, either making an enemy's heart stop, or make them want to find the nearest toilet.
Training: Trained in the Second Minute hall, north of the Lost Time rivers
Enemies: Those who would threaten time and it's station