ForumsGame WalkthroughsRaze 2 Walkthrough (farming credits)

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Credits can be hard to come by early in the game. Fortunately, we found a quick way to farm those super important credits, and all you need to do is this:

First, create a quick match capture the flag game and set it for 25 flag points to win. This will allow you to control how long the match will take. Other types of matches will either take too long or be far too short. With a 25 point limit you can easily control your pace and have enough leeway for those occasional moments when the AI may score a quick point. Almost any map is good, just try to avoid maps where you might accidentally fall and die.
raze 2: farming credits

Second, give yourself two or three super easy AI teammates. These guys are not really useful for anything and will occasionally try to score a flag point (which you do not want to happen), but they are needed for the precious killsteal bonus you can get from them.

Third, set the enemies to super easy enemies. They will not put up much of a fight - which is the key factor here, and they will make for very easy targets.

Lastly, if you can afford to buy the ability which enables two credits earned per kill, do so, it will pay off very handily here.

Once you are set, start the game and immediately go for the enemy flag. Of course, kill any of the bots that get in your way and pick up as many weapons as you can. Once you grab hold of the flag, bring it back to your base -doing this will net you 25 credits. In fact, every flag capture earns you 25 credits. Do this 10 times and that is an instant 250 in your pocket. But this is not where the payoff is, in fact you are just setting up until now.
raze 2: capture the flag

After earning 10 or so flag capture points, you may have noticed that you get a nifty credit bonus for any kill you make while holding the flag (a 'show off' bonus). Now this is where things get interesting. As long as you hold the flag (and stay alive, which should be relatively easy considering the low level enemies), you control when the match ends. So keep killing enemies while you hold the flag! Chances are you can nail combination bonuses such as 'direct hit', 'kill steal', 'show off' in a single attack. Some combinations will earn you as much as 12 bonus points for a single shot (miniguns and rocket launchers are recommended here).

Once you get tired of making credits, you can easily end the game by getting all the remaining flag points you have not taken. And that is the reason why you need to start the game by earning a massive lead - not to ensure victory, but to make ending the match more convenient for you (at a 25 flag point limit, you can start farming comfortably from 10 to 20, depending your taste).


  • 41 Replies
1 posts

wow...that really helped... although I don't consider a walthrough...

2,911 posts

Hm, my way of credit farming could be called credit farming, but it doesn't feel like it.

I usually pit myself against 6 enemies on elimination with 25 lives and usually switch from very easy to easy depending on how daring I'm feeling. I haven't gathered the courage to take on 6 medium AI's at once...that's 150 kills and they only need 25 on me.

But everytime, I'll leave the match with either 1,000 or 2,000 credits. Depends on how good of shots I pull off. I mostly do it because I feel powerful and good at the game. Great for boosting self-esteem if you're feeling kinda down.

30 posts

For me, I usually farm coins by doing deathmatch on very easy cpu's. I usually get around 700 coins per round in the map frostbite. On the plus side, I just love running around the small map (not as small as headquarters) and killing everyone.

199 posts

Yes,I know its not a quite a walkthrough but its a few tips that i had on farming coins .I hoped it would progress to more strategies and tips.And i justt put it out there so i could put more walkthroughs on.

199 posts

Raze 2 Achievements List:

1. Oh Hi Kitty â" lol at the secret lol cat.
2. Love is Blind â" Dance with the jolly heart.
3. I hate nature! â" Trim the foilage
4. Reach for the Sky â" Until you touch the moon
5. A New Hope â" Complete the human campaign
6. A New Era â" Complete the alien campaign
7. Versatile â" Purchase 4 abilities
8. Toolkit â" Purhcase 3 equipment in each category
9. Stylish â" Unlock 15 kill bonuses.
10. Kill Enthusiast â" Unlock 30 kill bonuses.


Much like the pistols and handguns, players should remember that the hotkey for submachine guns is easily accessible during gameplay (2 is positioned just on top of W). Which means that when you are in a situation where reloading a more powerful gun is disadvantageous, you can easily switch to your submachine gun instead -like when the laser minigun runs out of ammunition.

Unlike pistols however, the submachine gun's ammunition can and will run out, and considering the relatively high rate of fire for each of these weapons, they are usually only good for a quick volley or two (with the exception of the magnum, which behaves more like a sniper rifle). This means that this weapon class is well suited for providing an additional layer of fire until you find the breathing room to reload your other weapons.

The range of a submachine gun is very limited, so it is best to unload a full clip at point blank range. Do remember that many other weapons will outgun this weapon class -so ensure that you have plenty of shields and your target is damaged well enough to take on.

Sub Machine Gun walkthrough

As the 'second' type of guns in the game, submachine class weapons tend to be easily overlooked -more so than pistols. While pistols are intentionally swapped out (they are the guns your hold first after all), submachine guns tend to be completely ignored if you manage to grab a shotgun type or stronger weaponry prior to getting one. So are uzis, torches and blasters really all that forgettable? Not quite, they have some pretty unique abilities and when used in the right way, they can be really useful in getting you out of trouble.
The Guns

* Uzi (cost: FREE)
* Power: 12.5%
* Accuracy: 12.5%
* Ammo: 62.5%
* Range: 50%
* Speed: 87.5%
* Special: None

If you use a regular old M9 as a secondary fire weapon, then the Uzi should make for a good substitute. These gangster-class weapons will rip shields when up close, just try to maneuver fast to avoid getting mowed down in the process. The only real drawback with the Uzi is that it lacks any bonus abilities.

* Magnum (cost: 900)
* Power: 25%
* Accuracy: 87.5%
* Ammo: 12.5%
* Range: 62.5%
* Speed: 62.5%
* Special: Headshot++

Depending on how good you are at pulling off headshots in the middle of a massive firefight, the magnum could very well mean victory or death. In the hands of an experienced user, the magnum is practically a long range shotgun -able to wipe out shields and even kill unshielded targets in a single shot. For those who are not too accurate with controls, watch out. Missing too often with this short clipped gun will often leave you open while reloading and also wastes precious ammo.
* Burst Torch (cost: 1300)
* Power: 12.5%
* Accuracy: 75%
* Ammo: 25%
* Range: 75%
* Speed: 75%
* Special: Fire+

The burst torch is basically a mini flame thrower -except that instead of spewing out a torrent of flaming death, this one spits out small bursts of fire. The best way to use this gun is to fire it a couple of times then switch to another weapon -the combination of flame damage with your other weapons will help kill enemies faster.

* Photon Blaster (cost: 1800)
* Power: 12.5%
* Accuracy: 50%
* Ammo: 37.5%
* Range: 50%
* Speed: 87.5%
* Special: Multi-shot++

The photon blaster is basically a low-tech shotgun. It fire multiple bullets but it lacks the damage power you would expect of a rapid fire weapon. It does have a slight edge over the M9 or the Plasma Pistol, but other than that, this gun simply works as an gun to whip out when all your other weapons run low on bullets.

* Vamp Charger (cost: 2600)
* Power: 12.5%
* Accuracy: 50%
* Ammo: 50%
* Range: 62.5%
* Speed: 75%
* Special: Lifesteal

199 posts

Shotguns, our number one choice when it comes to delivering a massive amount of damage at close quarters - you see shotguns used in plenty of media, often depicted as a source of enough blasting power to send a target flying across the room. In Raze 2, this weapon class still gets the full Hollywood treatment when it comes to damage - and then some. When used against enemies that are not fully shielded, a single blast from a shotgun could net you plenty of points, and the generally splash-like nature of the shots will help get kills from low health targets.

Shot Guns walkthrough

* Shotgun (cost: FREE)
* Power: 50%
* Accuracy: 12.5%
* Ammo: 12.5%
* Range: 25%
* Speed: 25%
* Special: Multi-shot

If you have played an action shooting game, chances are, you already know how to use the shotgun effectively: which is as close to your target's body as possible. Indeed, this gun should be used in what anyone could consider to be melee range distance. While the pellets from the buckshot will certain deal a bit of damage from a considerable distance. The real use of the shotgun is seen when you have the chance to land right beside your target. Also -shoot twice. A well shielded enemy would survive a single solid critical hit -but never twice.

* Plasma Shot (cost: 900)
* Power: 12.5%
* Accuracy: 50%
* Ammo: 25%
* Range: 37.5%
* Speed: 87.5%
* Special: Multi-shot

The plasma shot is basically a watered down version of the shotgun and it lacks the wider spread of the bullets. However, this is compensated by the weapon's finer accuracy -allowing you to use it on enemies that are much further away. In capture the flag scenarios, this added shot distance certainly works well when chasing down anyone who managed to grab your flag.

* Zapper (cost: 1300)
* Power: 12.5%
* Accuracy: 100%
* Ammo: 100%
* Range: 25%
* Speed: 100%
* Special: Laser

The Zapper is another melee-range weapon and like the shotgun, this device works great in close quarters combat. It basically works similar to the flamethrower in the sense that in order to kill your target, you simply need to keep the device trained on them. What makes the zapper exceptionally good is the fact that it also hits multiple enemies. In small areas where targets are lumped together, a heavy dose of zapping will certainly net you multiple kills.

* Terminator (cost: 1800)
* Power: 25%
* Accuracy: 50%
* Ammo: 12.5%
* Range: 50%
* Speed: 37.5%
* Special: Multi-shot

The Terminator is basically a watered down shotgun. At the same time, it also offers the additional benefit of having better accuracy -which means your shotgun range has just been effectively increased. As for everything else, such as ammo count per reload and attacking methods, you can treat it the same way as the regular shotgun -just note that the damage it deals is not as strong.

* Particle Cannon (cost: 2600)
* Power: 25%
* Accuracy: 12.5%
* Ammo: 12.5%
* Range: 25%
* Speed: 25%
* Special: Fire/Multi

The particle cannon sounds like a really mean kind of gun, but actually, it takes a bit of getting used to. What makes this weapon pretty good is the fact that it can spew out several bits of flames all over the place. The thing holding back this gun is everything else -slow firing rate, low range and relatively low damage per shot certainly spells out special-usage-only kind of weapon. Our suggestion, pass up on this device until later when you are more used to the behavior of the particle cannon.

In combat, the player with a shotgun is the one that tends to move in fast and quick in order to bring in those much needed up-close attacks. This is why players should also be wary when enemies move in close -chances are, they are just lining up a shotgun blast into your armor.

When sporting a shotgun, be sure to bring along another gun with a good rate of fire. At long ranges, the shotgun is ineffective and the player will be left open to other attacks. So be sure to whip out a good assault rifle in order to bring down some cover fire while you close the gap. With that said, it also pays off to grab a shield and health power-up before charging in.

Despite the low clip size, shotguns tend to have pretty decent reload times, unless you are in a pitched battle, take the time to reload an empty clip instead of filling up the ammo preemptively.

199 posts

Handguns are your primary weapons when you first spawn on a map. More often than not, these guns are often swapped for more powerful weapons that spawn nearby and in many cases, you could play a whole game without ever needing to fire a single shot from your pistol. But these weak firing pistols have a very strategic usage in the game and if used properly with other guns, it can prove to be a very powerful tool in earning those much needed kills and credits.

Hand Guns Walkthrough

* M9 Barret (cost: FREE)
* Power: 12.5%
* Accuracy: 50%
* Ammo: 37.5%
* Range: 62.5%
* Speed: 75%
* Special: Crotchshot

This is the very first weapon you will hold in game. The M9 is a low damage gun that has a pretty decent rate of fire, a nicely balanced magazine clip and has enough accuracy to pull off those nick-of-time criticals on an unsuspecting target. Our tip, aim for the crotch, as this pistol allows for extra damage when gunning down your target's balls.

* Plasma Pistol (cost: 850)
* Power: 12.5%
* Accuracy: 50%
* Ammo: 37.5%
* Range: 50%
* Speed: 87.5%
* Special: Homing

The perfect last shot pistol, the plasma fire small homing bullets that will chase after you ducking and jumping targets. If your enemy has managed to survive a critical headshot or a grenade explosion, simply fire off a couple of shots from this gun to finish them off.

* Ripper (cost: 850)
* Power: 12.5%
* Accuracy: 50%
* Ammo: 37.5%
* Range: 37.5%
* Speed: 87.5%
* Special: Multi-Shot

For those moments when enemy troops have managed to reach your spawn point, having a powerful pistol will certainly help. The ripper is good enough for a skilled player to go toe to toe with an enemy armed with an uzi or a gun of similar firepower. Thanks to its double bullet firing feature, critical headshots with this gun almost ensures a sure kill on unshielded enemies.

* Golden Mauser (cost: 600)
* Power: 12.5%
* Accuracy: 50%
* Ammo: 25%
* Range: 50%
* Speed: 75%
* Special: Credits+

The golden mauser is a highly recommended weapon -not for its performance, but for its extra credit killing bonus (this gun provides the "embarrassing" stat for kills). For every enemy you bring down with the mauser, you get bonus credits. This is particularly useful if you prefer the run and gun approach, as this pistol is as good as any weapon when taking down enemies on critical health levels.

In order to use the pistol effectively, you need to be familiar with a few of its basic traits. First, pistols never run out of ammunition. So if your clip runs low, do not hesitate to reload when the coast is clear. Second, most guns, even non-pistol ones, have a damage rating of 1. This means that the only real advantage some other weapons have is having longer ranges, faster firing rates and larger magazine clips. When targeting an enemy with really low health, a pistol is more than sufficient for the job and will save you precious ammunition for your other guns.

Another great thing about the pistol is that it is set to hotkey 1 -making one of the most accessible guns in the game. In a combat scenario, being able to pull out a fully loaded M9 when your enemy is still reloading their weapon could mean the difference between life and death. Also, pistols tend to have pretty good range, so if your target has managed to leap out of your effective damage area, simply switch over to the pistol to get that last needed shot.

Mausers are strategic guns for farming -if your enemies tend to grab shield powerups a lot, then your rocket launcher will not be able to take them out in one hit. The best thing to do is to nail them with the explosive weapon then whittle down their HP using the mauser -not only does this save you ammo, but it also earns you bonus points as well.

199 posts

And It just happens to be 1:30 am for me so I'm off to bed good night.

199 posts

Oh sorry before I go ' I just noticed I totally herped fat durps on
the sub machines gun's Vamp charger weapon here is the right image

32 posts

Miracle how nobody posted during in between post.

199 posts

Very Amazing Because I was just adding more strategies

11 posts


1 posts


1 posts

BlueRhino! I have your solution. Its on the FrostBite map, do a free-for-all. Set one enemy, and make him SuperEasy. Then, try to jump ontop of the iceberg thats hanging above the IceSpikes. Once at the top, jump from the middle of it, and [i]*Pwing* There you go!

2 posts

I cant get 'I hate nature!,' 'Love is Blind,' or 'Reach for the Sky'

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