Thanks PlasmaMan, for making it smaller. ... Now i can see them better, and i can see that the F-18 is pretty good , but the BatMan god a little bit ,u know, ugleness, (lol), in his face. That will say: F-18, great Football, greater Batman, Erhg (in the face)
Everything looks good except the nfl logo on the ball maybe next time draw the shield a bit bigger so you don't scrunch the letters together and make them hard to read. Batmans head is odly shaped, but still fits him.
ya,thx,Im only 13,so Im not that good.
Age has nothing to do with how good you are at art, practice does.
I thought they looked pretty good. And yes I have seen better also but you just need a bit more practice. There's room for improvement in everyone. So keep working on it and I'm sure you'll be just as amazing as all the great artists
Agreed with MrTirippy, mate I'm 13 too and probably younger than you, age does Not matter. Look on my thread and you'll see the first sketches are OK and the one I uploaded yesterday is at least 10x as good, I improved a lot over my summer holidays; practice makes perfect.
Those are great. You just need to fix proportion and symmetry and before you know it you're in an art competition!
thx,I apreciate it.
I thought they looked pretty good. And yes I have seen better also but you just need a bit more practice. There's room for improvement in everyone. So keep working on it and I'm sure you'll be just as amazing as all the great artists