heres some pcitures I took.tree:floweres:more floweres:sun shine thru treesand more to come!
sorry 2 came out kinda blury due to size.
i really like the know its name?
nope sorry.
They seam a bit amateurish to me but that doesn't mean I don't like them. I think the lighting and the focusing is what lets these photographs down, also try angled shots.
ok thx for the advice!
1st: didn't show up.2nd: Was blury and was a little too bright in the center.3rd: You post pics with Photobucket, right? There is an edit button try cropping around the flower all the othe stuff distracted me from the flowers.4th: Blurry, no focal point, and very bland.
thx for the advice.
cloud:Stay tuned for more!
Hmm maybe you should look for inspiration for your photographs because I don't find this very interesting I'm afraid.
Maybe you should take photos wiyh a little more imagination, i mean number 1 is just a blurry photo and it looks like you took it by accident !
Yeah, in its simplest form...(don't take offence) You don't really have a talent for photography I'm afraid.
idea 4 you: try taking pictures of things you can arrange, like lemon slices or chess pieces
UPDATEfiremountanfun fact for ya:this was actually taken in N.Carolina.And our youth camp was on that mountan. It is mount CarAway.
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