Hey I'm new to Armor Games and I just thought I'd share my passions of Dance/Tricking on here I hope you like it! Oh and if anyone has the same interests hit me up on my page
[url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XgGbxkk8TQ4] <--- This is my freestyle dance.
[url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zNrEwFbmtMI] <--- This is my Dance crew. I made this choreography myself ^-^
[url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jhQWKwR_Xbw] <--- This is a VERY hard flip/twist I'm working on In simple terms, it's an Invert Backflip with a 900 degreese rotation. Or 2.5 spins
Dude that is wicked awesome. I love dance myself, but I only dabble in popping and locking, because I tend to fuse that with shuffle, hip hop, and breakdance (and I won't claim to be particularly good at breakdance). I won't crit your solo dance video too much as it's old and you've probably developed since then, but I notice you have a heavy reliance on the snake. I notice a reference to moonwalk there but I know it's tough to do on grass, so obviously that moots any wishes that there was more footwork in there. That said, your isolations are high level, and you're really musical, and you've got a great grasp of the theatrical contrast between quick and slow, and hard and smooth. You could totally expand your repertoire by looking up various videos, if you don't already (which I suspect you do lol).
I also love tricking but my emphasis is slightly different: you're small and light so your build is perfect for all those double twisting tricks and flips. I admit I'm quite envious because I'm a bit taller and heavier so while I can do the simple tricks and flips my emphasis is more on parkour and self-defence. Can you already aerial, backflip, doubleleg and b-twist? You've essentially got the double corkscrew down, so if you knew those other tricks you could have the coveted double ABCD!
HOLY s*** that is really awesome!!!! I wish people here could dance like that. You're really good! Keep dancing and post those tutorial thingys cuz people over here NEED IT!!!