Jason couldn't make it.--thewhiterabbit
Was that before or after we spilt water on them?
I think I might kill a musician, because I'm hopelessly confused...--Acmed
I hate when people sign their posts, who do they honestly think they are?To stay on topic: appl3stars
False statements are always not truthful. Nothing else said.--Acmed
Why is everyone still posting nonsense in this thread? Clearly, I am still correct in my assumption that everyone here is sheeple, except for the cattle and horse(s).VWe could do something else. Do you want to go out and watch a movie Friday?--thewhiterabbit
We do this mainly to piss you off Gantic. It's why we were put on this planet.No movie for you sir....--Acmed
Oh why hello friends. What a pleasure of a night we are having :]-teh real appl3stars.
Apparently you don't realize that can and will be your final post ever.
Appl3stars denied in his own thread. XDThe troll just got trolled, who trolled back from the guy who trolled... /:--Acmed
Who knows. But Gantic doesn't like us quoting ourselves at the end of each line. So...--Acmed[url=http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-ZjEcLNRHSK8/TlYJuI9zlSI/AAAAAAAAAII/3h6OMiFfzMM/s400/Troll+Face+Emoticon1.png]
It sounds like a conversation between Gantic and his girlfriend. Apparently Gantricks involve bestiality and anthropomorphism. I've been hoodwinked.
DON'T WORRY appl3stars! WE'LL SAVE YOU! QUICK, KEEP HIM AT BAY BY FEEDING HIM PUDDING. - The Cablecar*jumps out window**jumps back through*Wait, I'm confused. Is appl3stars real? - The Cablecar
Wait, I'm confused. Is appl3stars real?
I think my appl3stars just exploded. O.o
I'd appreciate keeping off-topic chatter to a minimum of 0.VIlolJust log on and tank. We can still run a few raids with just the two of us.
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