ForumsGamesPhage Wars Live Suggestions.

17 8054
3 posts

Map pack FTMFW. Maybe some new cell types too. Cells that attack enemy phages as they travel by, cells that kill the phages in it over time, cells that explode and cause AOE damage to cells around them. Maybe throw in some one time use power-ups as well. Stuff that you can use to enhance one of your cells once per game.

Ooh, and maybe a super-weapon cell type. You could scale the super-weapon's attack power based on how many cells are in it. Obviously, you'd implement something like a 10 to 30 second initial charge up and cool down on it. Maybe even aura cells too. They'd grant a small bonus to all of your cells so long as you held them. Phage Wars Live 2? =P

Oh, and a double click attack that repeats the last movement you just did. i.e.: you click and drag from three cells to one cell, then click the target cell again and it automatically repeats the attack.

I'd pay for maps and cells long before buying ranks like a [explicit deleted] [explicit deleted] [explicit deleted] sucking [explicit deleted], [explicit deleted].

  • 17 Replies
155 posts

Not very good match-ups... i mean, i am at a pretty low level and i wind up fighting a level 50 person.

1 posts

One more thing, does it even exist anymore?

Showing 16-17 of 17