ForumsArt, Music, and WritingWriting contest!

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53 posts

Hey, I am lilzozo, and I would like a contest thread on armorgames. I really think that it would be nice to have this up. I have a passion for creative writing and I just let the words fly on the page. I have a goal of sharing that passion and testing the same passion in others. This thread is just for people who are very creative in writing their own short stories. I myself have made many, and I am currently writing a book. I wish someday to publish it and become a bestseller author.

Now, on to the contest standards. every two weeks i will post a topic unless i notify if we are not having a contest. This contest will have no reward, sadly, except my gratitude shown to you. I want a nice flow going, so please post your writings in a reply on this thread.

These are my standards for your writings.
1) NO STEALING OF OTHERS WORK! I and Armor Games are highly aware of this and will catch it. I will immediately report this to a moderator and they will decide a penalty.
2) KEEP THE LONG STORIES FOR OTHERS! I will only judge a SHORT story. This story should be no more than what would be five pages in a small book. If it seems longer, I will not judge it.
3) One story per person please. I only want one story submitted. Please try your best not to make errors. If you made an excessive amount of errors, revise your writing and indicate it is the on to be judged.
4) NO OBSCENE LANGUAGE OR OTHER FORMS OF OBSCENE WRITING. This includes no gore, sexuality, swearing, cursing, or any other innapropriate words or phrases. I will deal with this a lot more harshly, including having you write an apology on this thread. I will also report this to the moderators and see what they have to say also. Remember, i will never have any respect for this type of writng.
5) BE CREATIVE AND HAVE FUN!! I would like you guys to use your creativity for all of these wonderful purposes. Please, do not waste your minds on this!! You have a gift, here is your first oppurtunity to use it.

I thank you for your time in reading this. I hope that you will participate in my contest.

This round is going to be a creative writing contest. You must be on track with the theme. Also, as hard as it might seem with particular themes, obey the rules. I do not want any problems with the moderators.

Please write any creative story relating to halloween. I would like to have these stories in by November 7, 2011. Have fun and be as creative as you want to be.

  • 18 Replies
53 posts

Ok i would like to add some more guidelines to this forum. Sorry for any inconvenience i believe that it is very important to give additioinal information about my rules, just for any questions or comments.

I would like to start by giving a critique guideline. This would be a base for anybody's opinion on a story.

State your overall opinion.
Back it up.
Tell what a person can do to improve.

Please use these guidelines to help compose a critique. I don't want people to come crying to me when they recieved a hurtful comment, nor do i want them crying to a moderator. I will deal with it accordingly if it happens, but I will not tolerate it. Be concise!

Next, please do not plagiarize. I would deal with this accordingly. Also, if you see plagiarism that i did not, report it to me, and a moderator. If you find a catchy line, you may use it. Please try to avoid any type of this kind of situation.

Also, I would like to have a minimal amount of questions, if it is possible. I will only entertain important questions, otherwise it's up to you buddy!

I am very excited to get on with this contest thread. I encourage you to use your gifts and talents.


1,627 posts

A few questions before I might post...

1. Is there a weekly theme?

2. Will you judge, or will there be a poll where one cannot vote for themselves?

1,031 posts

Many people have tried to make writing contests, but they have all eventually died down. They usually never reach more than 10 pages.

We need judges, I'm assuming you will judge? Also, try to get this supported by a mod or something. It will help it stay up in the air.

And zakyman, he said there will be a new topic every two weeks.

I already have a theme in mind, but I'm going to refrain from posting until the contest rules and details become more developed.

1,627 posts

And zakyman, he said there will be a new topic every two weeks.


TRU, the current theme is Halloween (just checked). Maybe you could suggest your idea on his profile?
749 posts

So, seeing as it could be long, will we post a link to it if it is 2+ pages?
I am working on it right now.

53 posts

ok, i probably will find a moderator to help it out.

Also, to zakyman, I will judge by myself for now, but once this contest goes up in popularity, I would want a wingman to help me to judge. Tget this more popular, you might want to notify newbies, friends, ect.

I also will give warnings to people if they screw up and do not understand the rules. Every misplaced rule can be replaced and reworded to make more sense. Remember, the first couple contests will be a lil rough around the edges, but I will try my best to keep it going. If you have any questions please don't hesitate.

5,061 posts

Seems to be that time of the year again, I'm interested in seeing how long this thread will stick around, it does seem somewhat more established than previous incarnations. The theme seems a little banal, it never really challenging to write for generalities. I'll try my hand it though, I need some practice with prose in any case.

53 posts

well, i would be obliged if you would. I too, need prose practice.
I made it a little banal not to get in too much trouble with the moderators. Those guys can really damage my reputation. I would like it if all of you who are interested do me a favor, and spread the word of this thread, we might be able to extend the limits of this thread, and make it more than just a run down contest. Also, let me know if you would like anything to be changed, or if you see an error in anything.


53 posts

Ok, thank you for the comment in my profile kyouzou. I really found it helpful. All people should Consult with the original writer if they find a little line or piece that they want to use.

Also, I was i little harsh with how i said about obscene matierial. Keep it PG-13 at most, and use common sense.

Again, to kyouzou, I might need some extra help in keeping this alive. Would you consider co-judging with me?

53 posts

ok, I do not think that i had specified the limits of a story. Use common sense, and try to limit yourself to not stretch the length of a page

5,061 posts

Please post a link to a story or other written work if it is long. Anything greater than 10% more than 5000 words is pushing it.

For those who didn't know, those are the AMW guideline on post length, which means if need be, some of you may have to use GoogleDocs to share your entry.
53 posts

thank you kyouzou, i have also resigned this topic of halloween. I apologize for any inconvenience. Maverick has suggested to me to bring up a better topic.

The new topic is...Mythical stories!!

This topic requires you to write your own mythical story. It has to be original, Nothing from greek and roman times. This is a much vaster topic than halloween, and a much more appealing topic. All of your stories are due by november 10, 2011. I wish to see all of you participate.


1,606 posts

Uhm. Can the short story be in poetic form?

53 posts

sure, it can be poetic, just make it readable so it gives an idea of the storyline

14,991 posts
Grand Duke

Lil, I created a Story Competition way went on for a while, until it got taken off as a sticky since people were too lazy to write. If you want to recreate it, I'll find the old link and probably ask a Mod to help you revive it. Cheerio.

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