The title explains itself.Example:Post 1: What is 1+1?Post 2: 11.Post 2: <insert question here>and so on and so forth.
Because you don't know what the letters sound like.
Where's Waldo?
You got lost and is now with wally
Why can't the mods let us win the count?
They don't think we would know what to do with it once we had it won.
How do you know my father?
Because he was on "How I met Your Mother"
Why am I so lonely?
Because your armatar is creepy.
Why am i alive?
When a man and a woman love each other very much...
Why can't I breath well?
Because the world has more carbon dioxide than oxygen.
Why is the internet slow?
Because it doesn't like you
Why do I have no friends?
Because you are a friend to no one.
What is wrong with this sentence?
It's in English when it should be in Sanskrit.
What is Mark Wahlberg doing these days?
He is doing something.
Why is my keyboard black?
Because it wants to be.
Why Does Legend like that armartar
Because he's an ice cube.
Why do communists like the colour red?
Because they like how communist I am.
Are bats mammals?
yes but they achieve where all else has failed; flight
How do you decide what to eat for lunch?
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