The title explains itself.Example:Post 1: What is 1+1?Post 2: 11.Post 2: <insert question here>and so on and so forth.
Only if shoes are bought from shady A/C units.Why am I randomly random?
Because we are rarely rare Why is Mexico in Africa , not in Europe ?
Why shouldn't the banana buy his icecream from Pluto?Is this a question?
no,y am i posting this comment?
To learn how to spell better.Cans. Why?
Because boxes are too mainstreamDo you think I can fly?
Fruit fly or regular fly?What's my shoe size?
Over 9,000Why do people keep asking all these questions?
Because it was ordained by Zeus.Why am I not asleep?
Because pangWhy am I about to read up on Inductive Reasoning?
Because a random cat on the internet knows to read Why are pigs white ?
Because they are not any other color!Why do I hate some games?
Because they have been tainted with the blood of SATAN.Why did I have to talk about Satan in this post?
Because hes watching you... MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAH!!!Do I talk to much???
Only on Tuesdays.Why didn't the migraine go away?
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