The title explains itself.Example:Post 1: What is 1+1?Post 2: 11.Post 2: <insert question here>and so on and so forth.
For Fun.
Why can't I think of a question?
because your heads full of candy, lollypops, and fun.
that wasn't offensive, right?
You're so offensive for comparing candy with fun!
Why am I watching tv?
because you have nothing better to do.
why am i still posting?
because you spent the last 100 posts trying to get to exactly 2,299 posts
Why did you think that that might have been offensive before?
Because he is easily offended!
Scientifically, why does it rain?
Because the clouds are crying from onions.
Why do onions make people cry?
because people are killing onion plants... its a very emotional thing :'(
why do people cry?
Because onions pee through people's eyes.
Why should I do my homework?
Because if you don't R2 is gonna shred you.
What does "R232" mean?
thunk its a droid.
What is love?
shrek is love. shrek is life. shrek is the only one who cn smoke a pipe without making films pg-13.
Batman vs. superman: who wins?
Why would 2 heroes fight each other, shouldn't they work together?
Is teamwork effective?
no, unless you kill your teamy and steal all his possessions.
Should I take the pills?
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