I am aware that MW3 has not yet hit stores, but my question to you is: "If I were only able to purchase one of these two, which would you recommend?" -Please provide feedback-
I think this is viable for the "CoD? Put it here!" thread -- it's not like Battlefield 3 hasn't been mentioned in it before :P
I would recommend Battlefield 3 for various reasons. You can see my anti-CoD reasons in the thread linked to you earlier in this post. Many a page have my influence and most of them are directly against CoD :P
MW3 and Batttlefield 3 are two different games. If you want a more realistic firstperson shooter then I would choose Battlefield but if you want more action I would pick MW3.
Mw3 has pretty much the same graphics as mw2, doesn't seem any different from mw2 really, I haven't played it, and only heard some complains about how crappy is the multiplayer mode. Bf3 has some amazing graphics, I haven't played it online, but single player was still sort of fun.
MW1 is the only one i own, however i have played mw2. if you like shooters that focus on infantry combat and has a more competitive feel to it (hardcore infantrymen). also the structure is allows less team player style combat and more single player. however, i own bf3 (on ps3 *sigh* stupid brother) and it has improved the structure of how its infantry work. each class has its positive and negatives. and if you like using vehicles, well battlefield certainly gives you a lot of them in some fo the bigger maps. using vehicles is a lot easier as i find that im not crashing in the helicopter anymore compared to bad company 2. also there are a variety of different maps and game types and the majority of the time it all comes down to team work as one team or as a squad.
Battlefield 3 worst graphics ever everything has huge contrast which distracts you from the actually level and the screen constantly blinks all the time I recommend MW3 as it being a much better game.
I din't like MW2 at all and I'm not a big fan of Black Ops either. MW3, however, seems a bit better than those too. I haven't played it but the changes they made seem nice. They didn't make a whole lot of them though. Playing multiplayer in MW2 or BO is very frustrating because of all those idiots who only care about their K/D ratio and will do anything to keep it up. I also hate it that there is no teamwork whatsoever in CoD multiplayer. The single player campaings are also terrible in my opininon.
For those reasons I would say Battlefield 3 is a lot better than MW3. I have played BF3 and I love it. The campaing was a bit disappointing but multiplayer is awesome. There is a lot more teamwork involved and the vehicles are awesome.
I'm not saying that MW3 is terrible (I haven't even tried it) or that everybody should buy BF3 instead. It's just a matter of preferences and it's quite pointless to argue which one is better. They are very differen't afterall.
im a hardcore CoD fan so mw3 it is dont care is BF3 is bether . another reason why i aint buying BF3 is that i dont like vehicles in multiplayer unless its achievable with kill streaks so yeah sorry BF guys im goin for MW3
let me tell ya guys that i got myself with my brother the 2 of them and,really,you cant say wich one is better,CoD has a better multiplayer compared to the online only multiplayer of battlefield 3 and has a shorter story(a little sad still),however,BF has better graphics(they blow your mind)and you dont need to have 25 killstreaks to ride a tank,you just ride it, it all depends on what you do like to play