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Hello! Welcome to my RPG! Some of you reading this may know me from The Superhuman RPG! Well, I'm not hosting it. But, I have something different!

Dragons, Blood And Decapitation RPG!

Enough of shouting out. Let's move on to the story!

Story: (Not for Undead Race, but advised to read it.)
It is in the medieval times. The time when there's more wine and less beer. (Could be) Knights like Sir Arthur are still alive. Legendary mages exist like those in one of the channels in TV you saw. Anti-dragonbreath shields, wielded by warriors to slay the mighty dragons.
Guards working for evil people being decapitated by heroes of the light. Blood gushing out of a villainous person's neck by a sneaky assassin working for the good. But, you're stuck in a cell, because you snuck into the castle and was caught stealing some bread. But, you have hope! A stubborn guard gave you the key to unlock the door. This guard hates King Stupid because basically, he was being so stupid and arrogant to everyone in this kingdom. This town is called Stew Pit. (See what I did there?) You escape from the castle successfully and you are magically given simple weapons! To be frank, King Stupid is evil. Heroes are those who kill him. But, it's optional, but rewarding. You'll certainly be given quests to level up by being swarmed by a magical light.
Undead Story: (Those not undead are advised to read this as well.)

It is in the medieval times. The time when there's more wine and less beer. (Could be) Knights like Sir Arthur are still alive. Legendary mages exist like those in one of the channels in TV you saw. Anti-dragonbreath shields, wielded by-
This is the undead story, not the normal one. You have probably seen zombies in TV. Left 4 Dead 2, Dead Rising, Call Of Duty: Black Ops; Zombie Nazis. No, they're not that. Yes, zombies are undead and can be chosen in the races, but they are totally different. Zombies are undead people whom necromancers have risen. Zombies do their masters' (Necromancer) bidding. There are other undead races. Ghouls are small living creatures, bound to killing and eating forever, also risen by necromancers. But, I'm not talking about facts. I'm talking about you. You have been risen to do your master's bidding. But, your master was a weakling. He wasn't able to control you as much as other necromancers. You ran off, your mind thinking of nothing. On the way, you begin to take control of your body and mind. You find simple weapons on the way and you picked them up. You need to dip yourself in holy water. (I know it doesn't work in movies. Trust me, it's my story. Hehe..) Oh yeah, your body has some missing flesh. So, try not to take any attention from the townspeople in Stew Pit. Undead aren't allowed here. I don't really know why King Stupid allowed orcs though.

Character Sheet:

Age: (See race)
Gender: (Male or Female)
Race: (See race)
Class: (See class)
Stamina: 100/100 (Will be lowered depending on the action)
Health: 50/50 (Will be lowered if doing an action when stamina is 0)
(See class)
(See class)
(See class)
Level: 1
XP: 0/10 (Every level, you get 5 stat points)
Stats: 30
Strength: (Shows how strong you are. The more strength, the more stamina you'll have. Every one point is one point to stamina)
Agility: (Shows how fast you can move and how fast you attack)
Dexterity: (Shows how skillful you are in wielding weapons and how accurate your attack is. Needed for ranged combat)
Reaction: (Shows how fast you can react to attacks and actions)
Intelligence: (Shows how smart you are. Needed for magic combat)
Undead Race Stats: 15 (Cancel this if you're not an undead)
Flesh-Resistant: (Shows how long your flesh can stick on your body, more points, more days. Be wary if you do not add this enough. Flesh dropping too much can get your health to zero.)
Humanity: (Shows how human you are. The more points, the more you'll be eating normal food like humans, living like humans, the more you'll learn how to be human. You could even talk. If you don't add this, eating normal food like humans do will get your health decreased.)
Mood: (Shows how much control you have towards your mind, if you ignore this stat, you will start acting crazy and lose control and start attacking randomly and you'll most probably die.)

Okay! On to races first!

(Use this information to your advantage)
Humans, the most basic life form on Earth. Vulnerable to the head and chest. (Please, not the balls) They can age from 0-90. But, 15-35 is only allowed.

Elves, agile and fast. Elf warriors are not to be existed. Vulnerable to head and chest, as usual. They can age from 0-forever. You can choose any age.

Orcs, often neglected because of their violent nature. Orc assassins are not to be existed. Vulnerable to lightning attacks. Resistant to fire attacks. Orcs are resistant to melee and ranged attacks. Avoid orcs at all costs unless you're an orc yourself or a mage. They age like humans. Only 15-35 is allowed

Goblins, arrogant, stubborn and weak, but great in numbers. Small sized. Vulnerable to lightning attacks. Resistant to fire attacks. They can age from 0-60. Only 5-15 allowed.

Undead Races:

Zombies, notorious and popular in a way in movies, TV and many more. Zombies don't really eat humans to sustain their hunger. They can eat other food, but they may cause "injuries" if Humanity isn't raised enough. An apple is okay though. Vulnerable to the head. Not the chest. Any age is allowed. (Not too many digits)

Ghouls, personally, I played Dark Messiah and I hated these guys. They were always so hard to kill. Small, but agile and fast. Strikes fast too. Vulnerable to the head. Any age is allowed. (Not too many digits)


Classes: (Undead races are suppose to choose these classes)

Note: Using skills can lead to more stamina depletion. You will get more skills along the way, either from tomes or grimoires or scrolls.

They fight at close-range. Warriors using ranged weapons or magic attacks are not allowed. Warriors use close-ranged weapons like the sword, short sword, long sword and many more! They have a skill called, Quick Slash, which does a flurry of sword motions in order to injure a person. The starting weapon is a long sword. The starting armor is an iron helmet.

They rarely don't initiate fights. Instead, they hide in the shadows, awaiting the enemy and they start backstabbing them. Rogues can use short swords, daggers and bows. They have a skill called, "Heels On Ground". The skill enables you to walk so silently that other people think that you don't exist at all. The starting weapon is a pair of daggers. The starting armor is a cloth armor.

They always engage in a mid-to-long-range combat. They are like rogues, but can't hide as good as them. But, on the bright side, they have more accuracy. They can use a bow and a dagger. They have a skill called, "Rapid Arrows". This skill enables you to shoot arrows way quicker than any classes, especially the rogue, and still get his/her target. The starting weapon is a bow (30) (Number of arrows) The starting armor is a cloth armor.

They specialize in magic combat. Depending on your Intelligence, your magic will do more or less damage. They can use a staff or wand. When you use magic, your stamina will decrease. No mana is included in this game. They have a skill called, "Telekinesis". As most of you know this skill, it is used to carry objects or humans from a range. The starting weapon is a wand. The starting armor is a wizard's robe.

A voice speaks in your mind, whether you're an undead or not.

"You must go your ways and find destiny or will, which ever comes first. Go on your way and make King Stupid proud or even more stupid."

Oh yeah, one more thing. If you're a player from The Superhuman RPG. Tell me which is more fun, this or that.

Alas or finally! This RPG can finally be started!

  • 352 Replies
2,300 posts

Name: Gunter Arceus
Age: 73
Gender: Male
Race: Elf
Class: Rogue
Stamina: 108/108
Health: 50/50
Heels on Ground
Dual Daggers
Cloth Armor
Level: 1
XP: 0/10
Stats: 30
Strength: 8
Agility: 9
Dexterity: 4
Reaction: 6
Intelligence: 3

You head casually to the meat store.

Butcher with a butcher knife:
"Aye'. Anything yer' want?"

You don't have money. Your Agility is high enough run away with the meat, but you'll probably be hunted down and killed. This butcher is chubby and fat. He equips a butcher knife and normal cooking outfits. He's deadly with the butcher knife when it comes to meat. Meat. I repeatedly two times to emphasize that word. Think about it.

330 posts

Name: Gunter Arceus
Age: 73
Gender: Male
Race: Elf
Class: Rogue
Stamina: 108/108
Health: 50/50
Heels on Ground
Dual Daggers
Cloth Armor
Level: 1
XP: 0/10
Stats: 30
Strength: 8
Agility: 9
Dexterity: 4
Reaction: 6
Intelligence: 3

Hmmmm, i go and inspect the vegetable dtore before i do something stupid

2,300 posts

Name: Gunter Arceus
Age: 73
Gender: Male
Race: Elf
Class: Rogue
Stamina: 108/108
Health: 50/50
Heels on Ground
Dual Daggers
Cloth Armor
Level: 1
XP: 0/10
Stats: 30
Strength: 8
Agility: 9
Dexterity: 4
Reaction: 6
Intelligence: 3

"Not buyin' anythin'?"

You walk off to the vegetable store.

Simple man:
"Do you like anything here?"

The vegetables here consist of broccoli, cabbage, leek and lettuce. Any you like? This man is harmless. Think about it.

5,365 posts

Name: Gregor Outridge
Age: 376
Gender: Male
Race: Ghoul
Class: Mage
Stamina: 105/105
Health: 50/50
Skills: Telekinesis
Weapons: Wand
Armor: Wizard's Robe
Level: 1
XP: 0/10 (Every level, you get 5 stat points)
Strength: 5
Agility: 7
Dexterity: 5
Reaction: 5
Intelligence: 8
Undead Race Stats:
Flesh-Resistant: 5
Humanity: 5
Mood: 5

Hm... I'll try to throw the crate at the guard's head with Telekinesis.

2,300 posts

Name: Gregor Outridge
Age: 376
Gender: Male
Race: Ghoul
Class: Mage
Stamina: 95/105
Health: 50/50
Skills: Telekinesis
Weapons: Wand
Armor: Wizard's Robe
Level: 1
XP: 3/10 (Every level, you get 5 stat points)
Strength: 5
Agility: 7
Dexterity: 5
Reaction: 5
Intelligence: 8
Undead Race Stats:
Flesh-Resistant: 5
Humanity: 5
Mood: 5

The elf guard looked down.
"What the? Cra-!"

He gets knocked out.
Cost: 10 Stamina Points
Reward: 3 XP


The guards on the wall heard it. They are now climbing down with the ladder set in front of you. The ladder is made of wood.


The guard who shouted that falls off the ladder. There seems to be a curse about the people who lives there. They can't seem to say the name, 'Stew Pit', or even 'Stew'.


He climbs down even more quickly and runs to Jek. His back is facing you. His sword is in his sheath. Think about it.

5,365 posts

Name: Gregor Outridge
Age: 376
Gender: Male
Race: Ghoul
Class: Mage
Stamina: 95/105
Health: 50/50
Skills: Telekinesis
Weapons: Wand
Armor: Wizard's Robe
Level: 1
XP: 3/10 (Every level, you get 5 stat points)
Strength: 5
Agility: 7
Dexterity: 5
Reaction: 5
Intelligence: 8
Undead Race Stats:
Flesh-Resistant: 5
Humanity: 5
Mood: 5

I'll pull his sword towards me, and attack him with it.

2,300 posts

Name: Gregor Outridge
Age: 376
Gender: Male
Race: Ghoul
Class: Mage
Stamina: 78/105
Health: 50/50
Skills: Telekinesis
Weapons: Wand, Long Sword
Armor: Wizard's Robe
Level: 1
XP: 7/10 (Every level, you get 5 stat points)
Stats: 0
Strength: 5
Agility: 7
Dexterity: 5
Reaction: 5
Intelligence: 8
Undead Race Stats:
Flesh-Resistant: 5
Humanity: 5
Mood: 5

You pull his sword and you equip it.
Cost: 10 Stamina Points
Reward: 1 XP
Unfortunately, the guard felt the vibration of the Telekinesis and turned. All he has is his armor set and his shield. With your Agility, Dexterity and Strength, you break his wooden and fragile shield and you dodge his grab. Since the word, 'attack', is not so specific, you keep on attacking, stabbing through his helmet and brains.
Cost: 7 Stamina Points
Reward: 3 XP
You still need to bathe yourself in holy water. A figure stands in front of you.
"Aah. Finally, someone who actually killed The Mighty Trio."
It's a zombie.
"I won't hurt you. Let me introduce myself. My name's Roy. I was risen a few days ago. I wonder why a lot of necromancers are weak today. I was born at.."
He paused.
"Around 50 A.D. Anyways, I am a Level 1 warrior. What's your name?"
Yes! A chance to get an ally! Finally! But since he's also an undead, you must keep him well. He's a warrior, a different class from a mage.
"We need to get inside."

5,365 posts

Name: Gregor Outridge
Age: 376
Gender: Male
Race: Ghoul
Class: Mage
Stamina: 78/105
Health: 50/50
Skills: Telekinesis
Weapons: Wand, Long Sword
Armor: Wizard's Robe
Level: 1
XP: 7/10 (Every level, you get 5 stat points)
Stats: 0
Strength: 5
Agility: 7
Dexterity: 5
Reaction: 5
Intelligence: 8
Undead Race Stats:
Flesh-Resistant: 5
Humanity: 5
Mood: 5

"Hello, Roy. I am Gregor. Let us continue." We walk past the gate into the city and look around.

5,340 posts

Name: blue wings
Age: 18
Gender: male
Race: elf
Class: mage
Stamina: 97/102
Health: 50/50
wizards robe
Level: 1
XP: 1/10
Stats: 30
Agility: 6
Reaction: 8

[i dont have many choices do i?] i will use telekinesis to make them hit eachother while hitting them with my wand

2,300 posts

Name: Gregor Outridge
Age: 376
Gender: Male
Race: Ghoul
Class: Mage
Stamina: 78/105
Health: 55/55
Skills: Telekinesis, Freeze
Weapons: Wand, Long Sword
Armor: Wizard's Robe
Level: 2
XP: 0/15 (Every level, you get 5 stat points)
Stats: 5
Strength: 5
Agility: 7
Dexterity: 5
Reaction: 5
Intelligence: 8
Undead Race Stats: 5
Flesh-Resistant: 5
Humanity: 5
Mood: 5
Roy; Level 2; Warrior; Quick Slash; Rage; HP: 65/65; Sta.: 113/113

Ally added!
Both of you walk into Stew Pit. I'm wondering why I didn't die. (Hehe..) You see a church. Churches have holy water, right?
"There's got to be holy water inside."
When you enter, you see no one here.
"Too quiet.."
As you both walk to the holy water, a human jumps up. Your Reaction was not enough, but Roy is. He uses Quick Slash, nearly cutting your head.
Roy's Cost: 10 Stamina Points
Reward: 3 XP


Add points to your stats and undead stats. When your undead stats are not on par with your stats, you may get trouble. A little off par is okay, though. Your ally also levels up.

You get a skill, Freeze.
Freeze lets you cast out an icy wind, freezing your opponents temporarily.

Roy gets a skill, Rage.
When he uses Rage, it will increase his Strength, Agility and Reaction at the cost of health. This will not apply to depletion of stamina.

Both of you step into the holy water. Your flesh starts to grow back, as well as your ribs and bones. You feel healthy. You look like a human, but a midget.
Roy yawns.
"Got a place to sleep? We can't sleep here.."
Both of you get outside, luckily everyone's sleeping, except for the guards, who are patrolling around the castle of King Stupid.

You spot an abandoned house and go inside. You let Roy sleep.

You need resources. Holy water in the church can be drank, and it's most healthy to zombies and ghouls. You just need food. Luckily, animal meat can be eaten. Even Roy can. It's almost dawn. Where you are right now consists of a weapon store, meat store, vegetable store and magic store. Trust me, don't eat vegetables, they'll kill you. Really.
Just to remind you. You don't have money.


Name: blue wings
Age: 18
Gender: male
Race: elf
Class: mage
Stamina: 97/102
Health: 55/55
Telekinesis, Pyro Ball
Wand, Staff
wizards robe
Level: 2
XP: 3/15
Stats: 5
Agility: 6
Reaction: 8

You use Telekinesis on one of the wolves and knock the others down.
Cost: 10 Stamina Points
Reward: 8 XP
Once they are on the ground, you see the leader wolf. Don't worry, with your Intelligence, the wolves down there are dead.
The leader wolf howls and strikes.
"No choice, huh?" You thought to yourself. You use the dead wolf and knock it out too. It's not dead yet, but it will not wake up for at least a month.
No cost, using the same wolf.
Reward: 4 XP


Add up your stats. You didn't even have to attack with the wand. Using a wand can improve your magic combat. You can still use magic with bare hands, but it will take up more stamina.

You get a skill, Pyro Ball.
It lets you shoot a fireball. Anything it touches burns them up.

The kid comes back.
"Hey, you killed them! Thank you so much, to show my gratitude more, wait here."

He enters his home and comes back with a staff.
"Here you go."
You take the staff... LIKE A BOSS!!
A staff is definitely better than a wand and it has more attack damage than the wand.

You are hungry. The place around here only has a meat store and a magic store. You could sell your wand for gold. Think about it.

5,340 posts

Name: blue wings
Age: 18
Gender: male
Race: elf
Class: mage
Stamina: 97/102
Health: 55/55
Telekinesis, Pyro Ball
Wand, Staff
wizards robe
Level: 2
XP: 3/15
Stats: 5
Agility: 6
Reaction: 8

not selling. (i dont have any gold right?). maybe they will let me learn a new magic if i work at the magic store? if not then i will look for a work in the meat store in exchange for dinner

5,340 posts

Name: blue wings
Age: 18
Gender: male
Race: elf
Class: mage
Stamina: 97/102
Health: 55/55
Telekinesis, Pyro Ball
Wand, Staff
wizards robe
Level: 2
XP: 3/15
Stats: 2
Agility: 6
Reaction: 10

oh wait. i forgot that i got a staff. yes ill sell the wand and look what i can get at the magic store

5,365 posts

Name: Gregor Outridge
Age: 376
Gender: Male
Race: Ghoul
Class: Mage
Stamina: 78/105
Health: 55/55
Skills: Telekinesis, Freeze
Weapons: Wand, Long Sword
Armor: Wizard's Robe
Level: 2
XP: 0/15 (Every level, you get 5 stat points)
Strength: 5
Agility: 8
Dexterity: 6
Reaction: 6
Intelligence: 10
Undead Race Stats:
Flesh-Resistant: 6
Humanity: 8
Mood: 6
Roy; Level 2; Warrior; Quick Slash; Rage; HP: 65/65; Sta.: 113/113

:O I expected ghouls to be tall and skinny, lol. We'll see if we can sneak into the meat store.

2,539 posts

Is there space for another player? This looks interesting.

330 posts

Name: Gunter Arceus
Age: 73
Gender: Male
Race: Elf
Class: Rogue
Stamina: 108/108
Health: 50/50
Heels on Ground
Dual Daggers
Cloth Armor
Level: 1
XP: 0/10
Stats: 30
Strength: 8
Agility: 9
Dexterity: 4
Reaction: 6
Intelligence: 3

I grab some cabbage and threaten the man, that if he tels anybody i will kill him.

Showing 16-30 of 352