ForumsGame WalkthroughsNecronator 2 Pro Guide/Review

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Credentials: I have every shield from the human campaign minus 3 from the premium-only level and every shield from the first two countries of the undead campaign, plus assorted shields from the third.

First, let's get the review out of the way...

Graphics: 9/10
They're solid. The cartoony look contrasts nicely with the part where you're killing people and stealing their souls. Base 10/10, -1 point because I was hoping for the 8-bit look Necronator 1 had and didn't get it.

Sounds/Music: 8/10
Decent. There's nothing wrong at all with the sounds, shouts, and music, although it's all ultimately forgettable. Base 7/10, +1 because the Spartan King's shout is epic.

Story: 4/10
Meh. This is one of those games where the story exists merely to give you a reason to go raze towns to the ground. It's nice to see different factions' takes on things, and I'm looking forward to seeing what the upcoming campaigns have to offer. Base 3/10, +1 because each faction does something different and it's just barely enough to make it not totally boring.

Gameplay: 1/10
Don't hurt me yet, this will be explained. The concept is fine for a RTS game. The units all have their own strengths and weaknesses, heroes each have their own niche, and the enemies are varied enough to keep things interesting. The problems come in the technicalities of the way the game appears to be programmed, which will be elaborated on in the guide portion of this post. Base 10/10, -9 because of stuff I'll go into detail about later.

Total score:
Graphics = 10 points (9/10)
Audio = 10 points (8/10)
Story = 10 points (4/10)
Gameplay = 70 points (7/70)
Total = 28/100 = 2.8

The guide will be in the next post.

  • 43 Replies
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General tips:
-Level all your units to maximum ASAP. There's no point in trying to fight using underleveled guys.
-Buy premium or you won't get anywhere worth mentioning. Knight Cavalry and the human heroes are seriously that good. Not only that, but in the undead campaign you start fighting knight cavalry units on either the final level or the one before that, and unless you have knight cavalry of your own then you won't stand a chance even on Easy.
-Only buy a tower if you know it'll slow the enemies down enough to be worth the cost.
-Neutral taverns can guard themselves to a certain extent, so don't go running off to conquer them if you don't have the manpower to keep the enemy from taking them back.
-Unless you're spamming the earlier maps to level your soldiers up, NEVER use the 2x speed option. You will be far more successful if you leave it on 1x speed and micromanage your soldiers.
-Speaking of micromanaging, on maps with branching paths (most of them), turn auto move off and guide your troops yourself. Left to their own devices, they'll just get themselves killed.

Specific human campaign strategies:

First Boss:

Restart If - The enemy takes the tavern.

Help! I keep getting overrun! - If the enemy captures the tavern, it acts like a second castle. You don't necessarily have to conquer it yourself; just make sure the enemy does NOT get their hands on it, because otherwise you'll get drowned out by all the elven archers it spawns.

Help! I can't kill the big orc! - The Orc General hero is a melee unit that can use this "Echo Slam" attack that does some absurd amount of area damage in his vicinity. You can deal with him in two ways. First off, he spawns at 1:30 on the clock, so if you finish the map before then you won't have to deal with him at all. Second, you're going to want two melee units and all the archers (elf or human, doesn't matter) you can afford. Split the melee units up and put all the archers in a cluster. When Mr. General rears his ugly head, wait for him to get in archer range then run a melee squad into his path, then wait about one second then run the other one at him. He'll use Echo Slam on the first group, wiping them all, but the second group should stick around long enough for you to have taken out most or all of his health by the time he Echo Slams them. If you're a magic person (I'm not, as you'll probably discover by reading this guide :S), a well-timed Blizzard will practically give you the kill for free on Easy.

Final Boss:

Restart If - The enemy takes either Tavern, the Nazgul attack the northern Tavern, or the Nazgul reaches the southern Tavern before Thor's ready to meet him.

Walkthrough - Summon two Knight Cavalry and one Mage and have them attack the neutral building nearby, then send them straight at the southern Tavern, because that's where the enemy's forces will be heading. Spawn a second unit of Mages and have them follow your first batch. After fighting off the enemy's initial attack and claiming the southern Tavern, go after the huge village nearby but do NOT go anywhere near the other village or Tavern. As long as the huge village and Tavern are in your control, the enemy will ignore the northern front entirely, and that's exactly what you want them to do. Once you have the southern Tavern and huge village, park what's left of your inital force out of tower range then summon Thor and as many Mages as possible, sending them to assault the southern castle when ready. Your initial force should be enough to hold off what the enemy sends your way until Thor and his entourage show up. At this point, all you need to do is run Thor at a tower then follow up with your Mages. The towers will focus entirely on Thor, letting your Mages mop them up with relative ease. Thor's hammer will trash any minor units that try to stop him, and on Easy and possibly Medium he can take the Orc General plus assorted reinforcements by himself, assuming no towers are involved, so backing him up with a huge squad of Mages = overkill. There's no reason he shouldn't last until you've leveled the southern castle, at which point it's merely a matter of pushing north and finishing the job. Once the southern castle's down, the enemy won't put up any serious resistance unless you let him. Note that I didn't say to cast any spells in here; you get a shield for beating Hard without using any spells so I tailored the walkthrough to account for that.

Forgotten Kingdom:

Restart If: The enemy reaches your castle with more than a unit or two.

No matter what I do I get owned! - Are your units all maxed out and do you have premium? If the answer to either of these is no, then leave and come back when you can answer yes.

I have premium and maxed units and I still get owned! - OK, look one point below for the walkthrough.

Walkthrough - Your opening can vary here. Summon two units of any combination involving Archers, Mages, and Knight Cavalry. If the enemy starts off with militia, etc. then Archers are your best bet. Otherwise, stick to the upper-tier units. Your goal here is to get Thor and a couple Mages out before the enemy's wall of units takes your two southern villages. IMPORTANT: Put your waypoint next to the tower point closest to your castle, otherwise your Mages will get hung up attacking the enemies coming around the northern bend and they'll leave Thor to die, which basically spells game over. Once you have your coalition ready, just push the enemy horde back as far as you can, capturing any buildings you can afford to. Turn off Auto Move at this point and start summoning Mages to sit at your castle; Thor's going down eventually and you want to make good use of the added food. Once he does go down, summon him again and cancel anything that's in front of him in the queue, then add it again behind him. Odds are that the enemy will be moving in to attack your southern villages again by the time he comes out, so make sure you get him down there ASAP. This time it should be a lot easier to gain ground thanks to the additional Mages, so start pushing the horde back again. With a little luck you'll be able to destroy the enemy's forward castle with this push, and once that's done the battle's in your hands. Just keep this strategy up and you'll win in no time. (Random side note, I encountered a glitch that let me summon multiple Thors the last time I played this map and it was really funny seeing 4 or 5 of him pounding the crap out of the enemy units )

Dragon's Lair stuff and undead campaign strategies coming up in the next post.

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Dragon's Lair:

Restart If - The enemy reaches your castle with more than a unit or two.

Overview - This level is a tug-of-war between you and the dragon army. A proper formation of Thor + huge mob of Mages will utterly annihilate this level... until the enemy hero spawns, that is. On Easy, a lone Thor can take down the Firestarter plus assorted reinforcements on his own, assuming no tower involvement. However, since you probably need help playing this level on Hard, that's not exactly an option. Note that, whereas in other levels you could potentially get away with using other heroes with different formations, this time is different thanks to the Firestarter. The thing with him is that he's a Hero Grenadier, meaning any meatshields not called Knight Cavalry get wiped in one attack, and even they can't stand up to him on Hard. Thus, running a ranged hero (Robin Hood and that other ninja guy) and meatshield spam isn't going to work. Spartan King is nice, but his foot soldiers get wiped in one shot and he has to rely on the Mage support to take out enemy reinforcements, whereas all that he has to offer over Thor is his useless foot soldiers and the part where he randomly casts War Cry on himself and anyone in the area. I personally prefer Thor's melee-attack-plus-Chain-Lightning attack because the lightning hits enemy reinforcements in addition to the target, but that's just me. Regardless of how you go about building your forces in this manner, you're going to wind up going back and forth across the map until the enemy runs out of Firestarter summons. On Easy he spawned 5 of them, so I assume that number holds true for the other difficulties as well. After enduring all the Firestarters, the battle is yours to win; at this point any supported hero can tear apart the enemy forces with minimal effort.

Undead Campaign Strategies:

First Boss:

Restart If: The enemy's moving towards your castle and you don't have any units out to defend it.

What's that golem do? - The Nature Golem is a melee hero that casts a healing spell akin to that of the Orc Priests. Because of this, you want to make sure to keep the pressure on him as much as you can. Unlike the Orc General, you can feel free to mob this guy because his melee attacks are just simple attacks and not Echo Slams.

General tips - If you want the no-effort way to win, just play on Easy, spam maxed-out Archers, take your one shield, and move on. Knight Cavalry spam will take care of this level no problem on higher difficulties. The reason behind this is entirely because the hero doesn't require any special attention beyond making sure he doesn't get a chance to heal himself back up to full health. Because of this, I consider the Nature Golem to be rather underpowered as a hero (not that I'm complaining :P).

Second Boss:

Restart If: The enemy takes either tavern.

General tips - Your units will want to go north. Turn Auto Move off and force them to meet the enemy forces on the southern front head-on. Open with 2 Knight Cavalry and 1 Mage, and summon additional KCs and Mages as needed throughout the battle. This battle is literally as simple as taking the southern village, stopping the enemy from taking the southern Tavern, and keeping the pressure up on the enemy castle. Properly mixing KC summons in with your Mage summons will keep the inevitable Orc General away from your Mage horde long enough for them to deal with him and any nearby towers. Once you've broken through and are attacking his castle, just spam KCs.

Final boss:

-OK, hold up for a bit. I haven't even beat this level on Easy yet, and the reasons for that happen to be the same reasons that I gave the gameplay a 1/10 in the initial review. No, I'm not some kid who gets sad when he can't beat a level (I have all but 3 shields in the human campaign [well, 5, but I don't have a Twitter, so...]. You have any idea how long it took me to figure the last few levels out?). I'm not irked because I can't beat it. I'm irked because of WHY I can't beat it.

The overview: Each side starts with 2 castles (one castle and the Portal to Hell for you). There are two Taverns, one north and one south, and there are several villages strewn throughout the map. Every path has a minimum of two towers on it for the enemy, whereas you get half that amount, and to top it off yours are in much less useful places. There are four paths between yours and the enemy's sides. Simple enough, right?

The problems come when actually trying to play the map. My current opening is to run two Knight Cavalry and one Mage and attack the southern Tavern head-on to prevent the enemy's KCs and Knights from overrunning it and ending the map before it's even started. Those forces have no problem. The problem comes when the second wave of forces move in; my KCs and Mage squad are fine assuming they listen to me when I tell them to IGNORE THE FREAKING TOWER.

Big problem #1: Your units flat-out ignore your commands sometimes.

The real problem on this map comes on the northern front, where an equivalent squad of KCs and Knights are bearing down on the northern Tavern, which can't defend itself thanks to a tower parked 5 feet away that wipes anything it tries to summon. The southern Tavern has a similar problem, which is why I go after it ASAP. The thing is, though, that the player simply is not given enough manpower to be able to guard both taverns on a map where losing either tavern equates to an instant loss of the battle.

Speaking of that, Big Problem #2: The enemy has unlimited resources.

Here's where I go into the nitty-gritty mechanics of how the AI works in this game. At its core, the AI units work exactly the same as yours do if you set them to Auto Move and leave them. They attack the closest unallied building to them as well as any units that get in their way. They give no thought to formation or anything of the sort; they merely walk and attack when able. Enemy castles run on a timer whose length varies depending on the map and difficulty. Timer hits 0, random unit is spawned, timer starts over. The reason this is a problem is because the AI doesn't need to worry about food or gold; it'll summon as many units with as much power as it wants as long as the timer allows it. The only exception is hero units; these also kind of run on a timer, but not exactly. They're programmed to spawn when the in-battle clock hits a certain time, and the AI will only get a certain number of them per battle. Considering how you'll often find yourself face-to-face with enemy heroes before you can summon your own to match them, this is a fair tradeoff.

Anyways, back to the castles. The biggest problem I have with this game is that enemy taverns operate the exact same way that enemy castles do. Basically, that means that if you let the enemy take over a tavern, you may as well restart because on certain maps (like undead campaign map 2-5) there's absolutely no middle ground; either you stop them from taking the tavern and the battle's a cakewalk or you let them take the tavern and they overrun you.

My problem with the way this was programmed is simply that taverns don't do that for the player. In a lot of cases, owning a tavern actually becomes a liability, because it turns into a point you HAVE to defend or else it's death by mercenary spam for you, whereas you could just leave the tavern to deal with the enemy on its own and it would actually succeed due to neutral taverns acting in much the same way as enemy castles.

So, suggestions to fix this:

1. Make the enemy have to decide where to summon from. Timer hits 0, they pick one building and that's where they get their one unit from.
Pros: Losing a tavern is something the player can come back from.
Cons: Forgotten Kingdom loses most of its difficulty.

2. Bind the enemy's resources in the same manner as the player's. The AI gets the same food and income restrictions as the player.
Pros: Results in a much more "fair" game and removes the "cheated" feeling you get from losing to an enemy with an unfair advantage. This could also potentially open up the possibility of giving the enemy spells to use in a manner that wouldn't seem cheap to the player.
Cons: Doing this would require Toge (or whatever the guy's name is) to program an AI capable of making advanced decisions in regards to what units to summon and when, and considering how he can't even make a game where your units don't ignore your orders... yeah.

3. Make taverns act this way for the player as well. Tavern units spawn on a timer, don't count against your food/gold, move and attack in the same manner as enemy units, and ignore your orders entirely (which they already do on occasion, so that part shouldn't be TOO hard to program >_&gt.
Pros: Taverns become a massive guaranteed boon to the player instead of being half-useful sometimes and a massive liability at others.
Cons: Let's use undead map 2-5 as an example here. Take both taverns, POOF! Instant super easy mode assuming you summon something to deal with the hero unit. Any map with more than one conquerable tavern becomes ridiculously easy in this manner.

4. Conquering a tavern gives a food/income multiplier bonus of +1 per tavern. For example, owning both taverns on 2-5 gives the player triple food and income.
Pros: Player-owned taverns become able to defend themselves without seriously eating into the player's main resources.
Cons: Someone please give me a con for this idea...

That's everything. Sorry for taking multiple posts to do this; I had to take two breaks (one for lunch and one to use the little gamer's room) and I didn't want something stupid to happen to what I already had typed out...

...that and I still have no idea if there's a character limit on this forum or not.

Thanks for reading.

1 posts

ArchPieLord Thanks for the walkthrough really helped a a lot getting through the final human island.

I just beat the last undead level on hard so I have a few suggestions on what you can do. (This can be done with or without the expansion pack now that there is the Christmas update).

First of all I agree with most of ArchPieLord's advice except for his reliance on spell's and Thor.

a) Spells are awesome I love spells, but when push comes to shove and you want a repeatable model for how to win they are unreliable. The second thing about spells that are only so many tech trees you can max out and spells arn't worth the cost of their tree.

b) Vader is BOSS and nothing beats a free hero. Least be honest, without getting into an argument about certain characteristics and what is better than others, can anyone seriously argue that any Hero is worth 8 shields over a free hero (Vader, Santa, Frost). Definitely not, with those 8 shields I can max out the tech tree for another trait like weapons or armor something that will give me a crucial advantage over the enemy in a long battle.

So what to do...

The prep:
1)Max out the levels on the Heavy cavalry and undead Mages and Vader (Santa if you don't have the expansion pack)

2)Then max out the tech tree on Weapons, Armor, Food, and Wealth. If you have any points left over get chain lighting and upgrade it one point. Even after doing all this I still have points 5 left over so you should be all set and the LAST point in food is NOT CRUCIAL.

*** This requires you get all the points from the Christmas island before you fight the last level ***

3) Way-point position!!! really important!!! I don't like to micromanage so I always play 2x Speed with Auto-move on. This makes way point positioning really important! I put my way point about an inch right of the center of the map in between my two castles. Do this immediately after you start. This is because by upgrading your units MAX you now have the best units for the cost, so there is no reason to use that other castle filled with loser units.

4) Execution, so finally its time to battle! My unit choices are: Militia, Heavy Cavalry (HC), Undead Mages (UM), Vader (V), Santa, Frost.

Winning comes in three stages. Early control of the center. Control of the sides, Holding the enemy heros and counter-attacking.

Start with HC-> UM-> HC-> HC. If you time this right you units you should have control of the center of the map! This should give you the food and money to start attacking the sides.

Send a detachment of 2HCs and a UM down the bottom to clear out the tavern. After you take the tavern DESTROY the tower next to it. reinforcing with melee units from the tavern as needed. After the tower is down leave those units alone.

Then pump more units into the center! Always hold the center!! If your center is secure then repeat capturing the center for the top path remember to destroy that tower!

Whenever your enemy spawns a Hero drop whatever you are doing and queue up Vader followed by HC->UM->HC->UM. Set your Way-point so that Vader and his entourage will intercept the Hero. That means if hes coming along the center set it to the center and if its to the side set it to that side. When the heros clash cast a chain lighting to wipe out all the ranged units around it.

Two things can happen now. If you sent Vader down a side and you destroyed that tower earlier...Great! Automatic counter-attack! If you sent Vader down the center or you did clear out the towers he will probably die, but no worries will have clear that path for next time.

Honestly, though what happens to Vader after you send him out doesn't matter as long as he kills the enemy hero. You should be paying attention to the minimap. Watching where they units are coming from, pumping out units into the center and occasionally diverting units from one side to the other to recapture a tavern. (I don't actually make units from the taverns, but they serve as a buff so I can get my units to intercept.)

Rinse and repeat until and "Victory" sign pops up. =)

149 posts

I picked the $4.99 option for premium but didn't get Vader. What gives?

In other news I already beat the last undead map on Easy, but I'll be sure to take your advice when going for it on higher difficulties.

Also, a little bit on Hero units:

-Spartan King: Spearman unit, comes with one big spearman who can take a lot of punishment and three smaller ones that are going to get owned pretty quickly. Special Ability: Randomly cast War Cry on nearby allied units. Recommended

-Thor: Knight unit, comes with one Viking-looking dude with lots of health. Special Ability: Melee attacks cast chain lightning. Recommended

-Robin Hood: Archer Cavalry unit, comes with one dude in green riding a white horse. Special Ability: All attacks shoot 3 arrows in a shotgun-esque formation instead of the normal 1. Not recommended, meatshielding for him gets costly and you'd be better off putting your resources into ranged units.

-Isis: Hooded assassin-looking Archer unit. Special Ability: Throw 3 ninja stars (sprite swap for arrows; they behave the same as far as I can tell) when attacking. Not recommended, meatshielding for him gets costly and you'd be better off putting your resources into ranged units.

-Santa Claus: Knight unit with high offense who's dressed like the big guy we all used to believe was real. Special Ability: Randomly cast an upgraded War Cry on all nearby allied units. Recommended.

-Jack Frost: Archer unit that looks like a snowman. Special Ability: Shots sometimes explode like a grenade. Situational; he's better off being used as a distraction somewhere than as a full-blown tank.

-Nazgul: Heavy Cavalry unit that looks like an evil guy with green(?) hair riding a black horse. Special Ability: Resurrect fallen enemy units as Undead Knights or Spearmen (I forgot which). Each takes up 1 food and follows the Nazgul around. Limit 5. Not recommended, the units he spawns don't last long enough to be useful.

-Necromancer: Mage unit with a black cloak and cool-looking want. Special Ability: Resurrect fallen enemy units as Undead Knights or Spearmen (the opposite of what the Nazgul creates). Each takes up 1 food and follows the Necro around. Limit 5. Not recommended, the units he spawns don't last long enough to be useful. Also, his attack, despite being a magic attack, doesn't chain hits on enemy units, making him weaker than a pair of undead mages...

-Orc Chieftain: Orc Champion unit wearing red armor and wielding a huge axe. Special Ability: Randomly use an Echo Slam attack in combat. This attack deals massive damage to the area immediately surrounding the Orc Chieftain. Not playable as of now.

-Nature Golem: Elven Knight unit wielding a tree. Special Ability: Randomly shout "Nature Heal!" and cast a healing spell on all nearby allied units. Not playable as of now.

-Salamander Firebreather: Draconic Grenadier unit who looks like a Native American chieftain. Special Ability: All attacks throw 3 grenades instead of 1. Not playable as of now, but I have a feeling he's going to be a freaking beast in the Dragon campaign...

381 posts

good. very good. and you dont need premium to compleate it on hard.

381 posts

Isis: Hooded assassin-looking Archer unit. Special Ability: Throw 3 ninja stars (sprite swap for arrows; they behave the same as far as I can tell) when attacking. Not recommended, meatshielding for him gets costly and you'd be better off putting your resources into ranged units.

its ezio and hes not ranged. he dose tons of damage and is good at cutting down infantry
149 posts

Last time I used him he threw ninja stars from afar at stuff. Lemme get back to you on him.

381 posts

he does. but he has a fast meele attak aswell

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inflict is right about Ezio... why did I think his name was Isis?

In other news, I'm currently working on the Orc campaign. Shamans replace mages in their army, so a new strategy is required for the higher levels. At this point your only options for dealing with an enemy pile are grenadiers or an Echo Slam from the Taurus Chieftain or the Ogre, and both of those cost 8 shields to unlock.

Speaking of the Ogre, his Echo Slam seems a bit bugged. Instead of him just slamming the ground and all nearby enemies dropping dead, he slams the ground, nothing happens, then he starts attacking at Ludicrous Speed for a split second. Not sure why this is or whether or not it's intentional...

Beast Master is pretty cool though. He's like the Nazgul except he summons wolves. Still probably going to run into the same problem the Nazgul did when dealing with mages, grenadiers, and anything else with an attack that hits multiple targets... considering how the player doesn't get mages this time around, those levels are gonna suck...

Something I noticed when attempting to train my Ogre is that the enemy appears to have a unit cap in this campaign. +1 for the developers.

As of now I'm halfway through the second country in the Orc campaign with 60-something shields and about half my army's levels maxed out. Grenadiers leveled up at 100 and 200 instead of 500 and 1000, was that intentional?

Oh, and I still don't have Vader even though I paid $4.99 for premium. What gives?

4 posts

Has anyone been able to get ALL the shields for the human campaign, including premium stuff? I bought the full premium deal, completed every single town (all challenges and difficulty modes) and even did the facebook and twitter things to get the extra 2 shields (I checked my shield count when I did them, and they did indeed add a shield each). I double-checked that I completed everything for the towns. I also then grinded a bit more to get all the trophies. So, as far as I can see, I did everything possible to get all the human campaign shields. And it still says 145/147 shields... -.- WTF!

381 posts

u dont have vader cause you need to pay over 4.99

i use a different tactic for the orc camp.

the good thing about the orcs is that thier champions are stronger than their champion horsebacks... manly cause of food consumption. this makes it easyier to compleate with out premium.

also cause of this you end up just building tons of champions with some grenade support.

also santa is the best hero for this campain mainly cause of his war cry.

with all your units on leval 3 and picking up as many shields as you can...

you can win nearly every leval by spaming champions. ( with no grenades, cause of shield price+ on all the hard levals the undead suply you with ranged units.) and when you get 300 make a santa.... #
this is pretty unbeatable.

and make sure u target enemy taverns and things first. it make levals soo much esier.

149 posts

The popup told me to pay over $2.99 for Vader... :S

In other news I'm gonna take another swing at this after a round of MW3.

Oh, and to the guy asking about the human campaign, I have all 147 shields. You clicked all 4 links (2 for Facebook, 2 for Twitter), right? If so, I think I have the same problem with the undead campaign; I'm missing 2 shields there even though I know I clicked all 4 links...

149 posts

OK, I have 3 shields left to get in the undead campaign (plus the Twitter shields that seem to be bugged) and 20 shields left to get in the orc campaign (again, Twitter shields are bugged here).

My thoughts on the orc campaign:

inflict is right about Orc Champions. You get much more out of them than you do the Champion Cavalry, solely because the cavalry have a 6 food cost instead of 4 like the undead cavalry...

While leveling my non-Christmas heroes I came across another potential strategy: Run a Beast Master and spam shamans behind him. I haven't calculated the shield cost of this strategy VS champion spam, though, so it might not even be worth using in the end. The funny thing is that if you stack enough shamans, the Beast Master becomes practically invulnerable. Give him one batch of archers or undead mages as cover in addition to 15 or 20 shamans and he'll win the battle for you. Of course, this strategy makes it really easy for the enemy to flank you, so don't try it unless you know what you're doing.

Oh, and one last thing, I temporarily switched to a spell build for one level that wanted me to kill 3 squads with spells. If you're willing to invest a good chunk of shields into your spells, then summoner heroes (Nazgul, Necro, Beast Master) can become practically unstoppable. Just give them a few ranged units as cover and cast an attack spell on any enemy ranged units that get close. Without ranged units, the enemy piles have no effective way of wiping the summoned units, and that basically means you win.

I'll be back later after trying this out more. So far the only weakness this strategy has is that it leaves all but one front unguarded. Mixing things up a little could cover for that weakness though; more testing is needed...

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"You clicked all 4 links (2 for Facebook, 2 for Twitter), right?"

Err....4 links? I just see the "Follow us" option at the bottom, and when I click that, I get one button to "like" on facebook and one to "follow" on Twitter. So, 2 links, from which I already got my 2 shields.

I have not done any other campaigns, by the way, but I am assuming that the human campaign shields shouldn't depend on any other campaign.

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I should also mention that I am playing on mochi games, but I shouldn't think that should matter...

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