[My AMW Thread v2: First one messed up the Img. BB Code. Same OP, but fixed.]
Hey. I have been around here since a few months now and felt like creating a thread here. People say that having a good thread here is a good start and a step towards the right way, so I'm exposing some... stuff. I've even created a Photobucket login!
Section one: Introduction
I'll now present the expected layout of this thread. I wouldn't call it "Art", but I've written stuff (mostly school texts, but it's fine) and took pictures of stuff (totally non-professional. You can tell this by the fact I can't even make the dates of the pictures fade out :I). That means: I'll post pics and texts.
Pictures: I took some pictures with a digital camera. A common one. Not a professional, super-duper-cool camera. A simple camera.
Ba gua:
Took this picture in a friend's house. It's a colored Ba gua made of wood.
Took those pictures in a square in my city. These panels are made of wood. And were exposed next to a bank. I guess I have the picture of the inside of the bank. (Notice that I erroneously named the pictures "Grafitti" that, besides being a typo, is not a correct nomenclature to that painting). They are the same, but one picture was taken from a shorter distance.
The bank? Ah, here it is:
This farm belongs to the family of a friend of mine. It's located a few kilometers far. The sky looked rainy and the sheep were gathered together, so I took this picture.
A Plane:
I went to an air show (I don't know if that name is correct: I'm referring to those festivals where pilots do crazy stunts with their airplanes) in the Air Force Base of my city. This plane was there, waiting to take off and I took a picture of it. I found this picture adequate enough to post here. The writings on the side say "Brazilian Air Force".
Bonus picture:
My own Windows XP dog:
I'm not willing to post personal pictures here, but I considered that one too good. The dog in the picture is mine and I'm posting this here because the way she posed reminded me that Windows XP wallpaper, the one with the black dog. She's so cute, isn't she?
Christmas Decorations: Look! Christmas is here!
My town have nice decorations, most made of recyclable materials, specially soft drink bottles.
The tree looks amazing!
And the lights are all over the place, giving a Christmas feeling to the city.
A sight:
This bridge is located near the exits of my city. It's named "God's Valley", but it's popularly known as "The Devil's Throat" because many people jump off there D: This has been taken from a distance. ____________________________________________________________
Texts: I'll post some writings soon. I have to translate them :P. ____________________________________________________________
So... that's my first AWM post... I expect some constructive criticism. Thanks!
Ahh! I did it! It came out too big, but I did it. I'm not used to the more complex BB Codes, so re-sizing it sounds like a hard task. If you want to see those images in a better way, please follow those links to my Photobucket Album.
(if anyone knows how to resize it, can you re-size them, please? :3)
Go to your photobucket account. Fine picture, press edit. Scale it down, save as original. Congratulations, you photos have been made smaller, and they will correct themselves here? There is no way to resize images via bbcode.
As for the pictures, some of them does seem a bit, well, blurry and somewhat badly lit. While I do understand the basic amusement in taking the pictures, a bit of patience with the pictures to get better light might be advice-able. The last two are pretty good, though. Also, if the sheep one had been taken with the camera a bit closer to the ground (by crouching, I guess), it might have gotten a better form.
Though I can't exactly say I would do any better, since my favourite motive is clouds.
As for the pictures, some of them does seem a bit, well, blurry and somewhat badly lit
True. But the reason why they got blurry is because two things:
1st) You can't expect too much from a 8.2 Megapixels, 2 year old, simple Kodak camera. :S 2nd) I tried to avoid using flash. When I used flash, the light hit the objects nearby, making the objects that were far look dark. But, when not using flash, EVERY SINGLE movement made them blurry. I had to decide between which problem was less impacting. These shots were the best I had. D:
And, honestly, by the time I took them, I never knew I would be posting them here!
The last two are pretty good, though.
Thanks. :3
Also, if the sheep one had been taken with the camera a bit closer to the ground (by crouching, I guess), it might have gotten a better form.
Hmm... nice point. I guess that if I did that and went a few meters back, that would really look better.
Cenere, thanks for your opinions! Umm... *hugs*
I'll take some pictures during daylight and try to submit here.
Anyway. I have a regular, old fashioned non-digital camera and my phone, so I understand the hardship with below average equipment, but I know sometimes it is just as much getting impatient.
As for the light, well, it wasn't because of the lack of using flash, it was more because you end up standing with the light coming at you, which makes the picture darker. Preferably, always make sure to have the light in your back, it will work as a natural flash.
@Sheep: I sometimes, when I play with my cell phone or my sister's camera (not that it has stopped me from using my own this way), stoop down or almost lay down to get a certain perspective on the picture. Apparently stuff seems boring from human-face-height, I don't know, it just ends up looking better that way. Or going up a ladder or standing on some rocks to get another view of the surroundings. It's always amusing to play around with.
Now, one piece of advice I would like to give seeing above is... Well, get a photo manipulation programme. Gimp or something similar, anything that can just give you the basics to get your pictures presented better. Photoshop filters are probably a bad idea, but being able to change the hue, saturation or contrast a little to make things look fresher, greener or more lively is pretty nice. I think you can do the same in photobucket's interface, and it would probably be fun to play with.
And I took the liberty to make an example: 3 minutes with a few slides of brightness, contrast and so forth: It makes a difference to the presentation, at least. Whether this is interesting to you or not, it is worth trying out, even if you decide against it.
Oooh, nice advises! Nice improvements you did thar. I'll try to improve the next images I submit there. I use a program named "Paint.NET" to edit photos. I'll fix them using it. I'll not do that to those (^) because that if I re-submitted then, the thread would look like a DP fest.
(Unless you allow me to re-submit then. Do you have anything against doing it?)
Well, you could try the edit function from photobucket again, if you want to try it out, but otherwise you can always use them for showing your improvement for later.