ForumsWEPRWhat do know of the taboo religions?

25 7363
136 posts

The respect reilions thread got me thinking after my post on the subject, what do the users of this site know about religions such as wicca, voodoo, satanism, and the likes of.
Norse runic mythology, the 'I am also a God' believers, Sumarian, all that stuff.

  • 25 Replies
140 posts

I know very little about taboo religions. I've watched a few documentaries on them but if I knew everything there would be nothing to learn so I hope to see this thread blossom and bloom. Wicca? I don't know a single thing about. Never even heard of it until now. Voodoo practices are widely known, and mimicked around the world. Tis' a cult on the usage of dolls to reap revenge on your enemies. Satanism is the practice of worshiping Satan, obviously. I know about Paganism as well, a cult, originated off an Asian country in which nude practices and rituals are held. Also, I forgot the name to many cults in Africa, Thailand and Malaysia where there is self sacrificing.

Please, everybody, understand everyone has their own beliefs so matter how taboo it is to you, what you do is taboo to them. Please be understanding and mature and do not flame Satanism, they aren't big fans of you either. Thank you, and I hope to hear from everybody on what they know of these cults.

10,816 posts

That said, 'Satanism' is a bit of a taboo term largely because of the variation in its usage.

Properly, as the poster above me said, "Satanism" is the worship of Satan. Interestingly enough, this is not necessarily (as far as I understand) in diametric opposition to Christianity, though I'm sure that some Satanists and probably many more Christians will believe this opposition to be the case. Definitions of "Satanism" can range from this, to even the refusal to worship Christ as the Lord and savior (which hinges on a rather literal interpretation of certain passages in the Bible to the effect that "if you are not for us, you are against us".)

I am not sure what defines "taboo" here, and as such which religions would be included on this list...for that we'd also have to clearly define what "religion" means too. For example, I could list 'antheism' which has certain shared perspectives with some religions but as to whether I could call that a religion itself I am not sure. Then there's things like the Ba'hai church, which is its own religion but is somewhat universalist- it allows you to incorporate your own religious too should this be defined?

I'd love to see some real discussion on this but unfortunately I'm not confident that the AG demographic will yield much. But we can hope!

752 posts

Never heard of those religions before

291 posts


Satanism has branches - Laveytan(?) Satanism and Spiritual Satanism.

Laveytan Satanists do not believe that Satan exists as a real being - but rather as a symbol, they are sort of like atheists. Here's the irony, though - They don't believe in Satan as a diety, but they do perform rituals and magic using his symbols.

Spiritual Satanists are the ones people are most familiar with. They do believe in Satan as a diety, and believe that they 'see' and interact with him.

I do not know a lot about Wicca, either - but I understand it involves casting spells, witchcraft. I also know that they believe in reincarnation. Similar to Buddhism, the soul never dies, and will take the body of another once it's first body is deceased. This will go on until all that can be learned has been learned (do they not understand that new things are being discovered everyday?) After that, the soul remains in a place of happiness called 'Summerland.'

That is all for now, I'll stick around and see what others have to say. This topic interests me.

-Skyla <3

140 posts

I didn't know that Skyla. See, you learn something everyday. I doubt something revelatory to witchcraft and spellcasting would be like Buddhism which I know much more about, but you never know. I'll be happy to do some research for you guys if anyone requests it.

Taboo is a widely used term and I dislike it for its generality. Taboo is in relation in what YOU, know as a custom. For those who we might call taboo, they think doing so-and-so is taboo. Please be a little mature about some things soon to be discussed here. Like nudity in some practices and piercing of the body in others. Thank you.

I'll be watching this thread as it might be insightful.

564 posts

shouldn't it be nirvana?

291 posts


Wiccans believe they go to 'Summerland' when they have learned all there is to learn.


I only meant the reincarnation part. Wicca is nothing like Buddhism - except for the belief that the soul is everlasting, and will join another body after it's first has died.

-Skyla <3

2,120 posts

I heard you mention Norse Runic Mythology. I don't know that much about the culture, but I know where a good deal of information can be found about the runic writing system. Try looking here if you're interested.

136 posts

Way to go Ubertuna. Well here's what I know of the subject that can be seen through his link. The Norse were not only deeply paranoid, they were big on mystisism. So big in fact that in the start of the civilazation they had there rituals and went into trances and such. And in there trances came the writing.


Read if have the time, very interesting stuff.

You also forgot to mention modern Satanists. The one Aton LaVey started that believes you should do something that you deem to be natural. Like Premarital sex, smoking cigs or pot, cussing, etc., etc.. They do things like rituals and such just because its like a rite. Kinda like Catholics, but less petophilia. They don't even belive in Satan if you can believe it. They just use that as a protagnist to irritate Christians.


Voodoo does more than use dolls. They have rituals and ceremonies as well. Have you ever seen "The Devils Advocate"? The character Phillipe Moyez is a Voodoo practicioner.


If you don't like um, don't comment or read. Go back to the Tavern.

1,058 posts

can anyone stop these religions forum topics?
i mean,it's ridiculous and get nowwhere.

Funny you say that right after you post on one...

I actually used to study Wicca, and I practiced it a little bit... it's wonderfully interesting. I have some relatives that are Wiccan, and a few friends as well. Witchcraft is not as ... 'out there' as people say that it is. Really, it's more about training your mind to see what you want to see. It is also very in tune with nature, very peaceful and respectful. There is a lot to memorize... but its really fun and interesting! Its less of a religion and more of a way of being, really.

In response to the Satanism topic that Strop brought up, Satanism couldn't be in complete opposition of Christianity, because if you believe in Satan, you'd have to believe in God, and the story of how he cast down Lucifer from heaven.
6 posts

In response to some of the things said about satanism im going to clear it up(laveyan satanism that is).
i am a laveyan satanist. and we only percive satan as a symbol of the truth of mans true nature without the inhibitions of a society you might or might not agree with. so while it does not condem such things as murder it does not condone them either, and we do NOT use satan as a protaganist to simply irritate the church(though that is a perk). he is a SYMBOL! not a stick to poke christians and catholics with.

753 posts


I read a Wicca bible once... not pretty.
134 posts

Cinna would you care to explain how it was "not pretty" jw

3,085 posts

I think the only reason many of the 'taboo' religions ARE taboo is due to the main religions pushing them down and oppressing them. I'm quite open to learning about any religion and trying to understand their beliefs.

166 posts

I think that alot of the reason that the taboo religions are 'taboo' are because of the way they are precieved due to misuse of them in movies and misinterpretation from media and misunderstanding by the public.

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