ForumsGame WalkthroughsWarlords 2 VH Mode

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So, I've just complete Warlords 2 in Very Hard Mode with High Elves, The Undead, The Human Alliance, The Demons, The Arnolds, the Mountain Trolls, and finally The Men of the West. As of yet, I have not been able to complete the game in VH Mode using the Orcs (North and South) and the Wood Elves.

Using some of these armies presented quite a challenge in VH Mode, but the best, easiest, and most 'fun' for me was The Men of the West. Here are a few 'guidelines' on playing this game in VH mode with this race.

1. Get the Shieldman as early as possible, even before a single 'upgrade'. They only cost 900 Gold. Now you start the game with 500g, so you should have the Shieldman early on.

2. The Shieldman is immune to missile fire and spawns quickly. This makes him idea for using in a line. Most early battles (up to level 15) can be won with a simple line of these troops.

3. The Shieldman stands well against all Spearman (including Demon), although reinforcement with the Battle Mage may be necessary against the axe troopers.

Try The Men of the West in Very Hard mode. If you like this game, I think you'll have a good time!


  • 2 Replies
2 posts

I need help countering enemy Shieldmen spam followed with Javelins... any axemen I send get killed by the Javelins, and the Shieldmen bunch up into an invincible warhead...

btw this is PvP

1 posts

Sounds of the game is fun, I've been playing on
2007 runescape gold

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