ForumsGame Walkthroughs6 Differences Walkthrough

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Here's the walkthrough if you're stuck:
LEVEL ONE: The one with the man staring at the sky.
1.The moon 2.The guy's shirt 3.The neon sign 4.The building at the far right 5.Some lights on the tallest building 6.Some spots on the tree
LEVEL TWO: The one with the highway.
1.The tallest building 2.A light post on the far left right net to the left side of the highway 3.The building right to the building with the number 4.The building to the left of the one with the number. 5. A light below and a bit to the left to the building with the number 6.I really don't know, just press h on you keyboard to skip.
LEVEL THREE:"Book your next event sign"
1.Birds on top of the sign 2.Second letter on the graffiti 3.The number four 4.Building on the far right 5.Some railing at the left part of the sign 6.The letter E
LEVEL FOUR: The one with the traffic light.
1.Something at the top of the traffic light 2.The blue/yellow light to the right of the trafic light thing 3.Two yellow lights that are really close together at the left 4.The colored light (green/red)on the traffic light 5.The white wait/walk light 6.Red light when it stops blinking
LEVEL FIVE: Stop and One Way signs
1.The S/N on the top sign 2.The Prtl/Ave on the Lestar sign 3."One Way" sign arrow 4.The right side of the sign behind the One Way sign 5.Me/Em on the stop sign 6.A light to the right
LEVEL SIX: The one with the man and the door.
1.The paper on the wall on the left 2.A red/yellow box on the left 3.A spot above the "O" of "corner" word 4.Blue sign on the right 5.Sign on the far right 6.Line on the ground
LEVEL SEVEN:The blurry-with-a-hand-moving level. (Note: I will take as left/right reference the Left screen)1.Something at the right of the door 2.A blue/red paper atop those bunch of things right of the door 3.Something on the bottom-right 4.Something that looks like a yellow bowling pin atop those red Xs 5.The picture with the eye 6.Press "h" again
LEVEL EIGHT: The one with the Houses and the blazing light.
1.The cone 2."No Trainspotting/Trespassing" sign 3.Tree above left house 4.Light right to left house 5.Something that supports the light on the post 6.After train passes, left bottom window of left house
LEVEL NINE: Deer on Subway
1.Deer's tie 2.Spot behind deer's head 3.Name below far window 4.Red grafitti 5.Window's Reflection on far window 6.Sign at the top of the door
LEVEL TEN:The one with the railroad thing
1.Rumiant/railroad corssing sign 2.Green/orange door on house 3.Left "B" on road 4.Yellow lines on road 5.Light to the right of house 6.After giraffe passes, blinking red dots
LEVEL ELEVEN:Space Available with Space
(left screen As reference)
1.AvaILable/avaLIable word 2.Star right above the building at far left 3.Small paper on a wall 4.Somewhere near the middle pinted white 5.Brightest star above purple lightning line 6.Spot on moon
LEVEL TWELVE:The one with the white-shirted guy
1.The shadow of the guy's legs 2.Bottom edge near the middle 3.Star near middle 4. Opossite side of where the guy is staring in the machine 5.A "T" like thing on his machine 6.You guessed it: press "h" on keyboard again
LEVEL THIRTEEN: Factory level.
1.Five/Six on sign 2.Blue/Red thing near the far right 3. Mountains on bottom left of the sign 4."Obey" poster on factory 5.Second light from right to left on top of factory 6.Tower above and to the right of Factory
LEVEL FOURTEEN: "Clear Body Clear Mind" sign.
1.Crow's head 2.Bottom part of ribbon like thing on the right of cross 3.Moon 4."Your ad here" words 5.Number 10/1 right of word &quotroverbs" 6."Will be f und/found out" at bottom of first part of sign
LEVEL FIFTEEN: Couple staring at horizon level.
1.Non blinking red dots near hand 2.Sign near couple 3.Light above girl's head 4.Hand on horizon 5.Press "h" on keyboard 6.House on edge

  • 2 Replies
1 posts

for level two, it's the line on the bottom right of the screen in the middle of the road with the red cars

14,745 posts

Good catch there @borealisalaska! =)

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