Hey everyone, this topic is for song writers. If you like music, then you'll like this topic. All you have to do is go to [url=http://www.finalemusic.com/notepad/] and download Finale Notepad. Then, share your music here!
Instead of posting sheet music, I'll post a couple of my midi files You guys can do what you'd like with 'em, as long as I get some credit if you submit them to NG or somewhere similar.
Beatboxing is awesome. I used to, but I don't think I'm really good enough to make much of it.
Hm, to be honest, I think I prefer Sibelius. However, I really did have to fork out a bunch and that's why I haven't upgraded in yonks.
Speaking of which, there are a few dozen pieces I haven't finished...and a couple that I have...
Page of a draft orchestral exerpt. Posted for the lulz; that's right, I want to see you cry! Started writing this like 3 1/2 years ago, haven't touched it for nearly as long.
Rats, all my popular songs and stuff aren't written properly. Being a pianist, my guitar writing is a tad on the 'not suitable for guitar' side.
Where can we upload MIDI files to such that we can link to them/embed them here?