ForumsGame WalkthroughsLast Stand Dead Zone In-Depth Walkthrough and Tips

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Alright so this is My second post but I sayed I was going to make another it is now very updated I am sure I could add more but I'd prefer Having the first post on here for the game not to be a complete Jerk. But I just hit Three Thousand words I decided to finally post it on here I hope this all helps Right At the momment I am Level Twelve so this is were the info is coming from. Hope it helps

So first of all Attack building Always attack the five minute areas first untill you run out of them because they give you a fair amount of resources plus once you are done raiding and looting the area you can Spped Up your return with out it costing any fuel because it is free when something is under five minutes also when raiding I never have ran out of time before looting everything usually I only spend one fifth of the time to get all the looting done if I am fast but once you are done never just go and leave get you charecters to the green zone and let them kill zombies untill your time runs out I believe you have to wait a whole day before you can raid and loot a building again so get the most out of it by waiting and kill the zombies you get more expirence and more leveling up and the game has no ammo need for weapons so far in beta so take advantage of that. But if it is an area that is really hard and you mite die then don't do it but I always do this and while I wait for the time to run out I usually add tips to this or play a game of Solitair.

Now for picking your Charecters first of all I put my second charecter I got to A scavenger doing this just makes it so your charecter auto matically level's up there scavenging stat's hen they do level up and for my main charecter I give my best weapons to nad keep leveling up his Fighting. So one charecter can be scavenging really fast while the other is killing zombie really well and protecting the scavenger. Also your main charecter has the abitlity to heal other charecters and there selves . This really helps if your doing a level with zombies higher then the level of five. Use lot's usually it is really quick about three or two seconds it also is free wich is amazingly helpful so also take advantage of this.

Also this is not very much but a great helpful tip is when you are scaneging and looting an area it can really help if you scoll your mouse wheel it will zoom you in and out I really like it because I can scroll out and see the whole building and find all the places to loot but either way it is really helpful also for helping your guys from getting attacked and keeping them cordinated thru-out the whole scaanging and Looting of that area.

Now on Auto Savanging I have not used this yet because it doubles the time of return wich is a bit repetative but I see it could be really useful like right before you log off like send you charecter to a really far area that has lots of resources on an auto scavange so they will do it on there own and they will also return while you are away. I can also see how it will be really useful for when you get a few more charecters so you could send some charecters to one raid and scavange to one area on auto and do another area on your own with a few charecters. I am not sure what the charecter limit is or if there even is one . But I believe there is a limit on how many charecter you can send on a raid and scavenge which is five so if you ever hit about ten characters your not going to be able to use all your charecters on one raid so that would be the ideal time to use and auto raid with send five of your charecter wich is the maximum to one place and sending the other Five you have wich is the maximum to another place and conduct the raid manually.

Now if your looking for a good or decent weapon in my opinion I always go to the "Small Street" locations I went to Four of these Locations and found a weapon every time first round about I got An Maintained Improvised SMG and an Improvised SMG that wasn't maintaind second time around I found Yet another Maintained Improvised SMG and a Lawson .22 Pistol. Third time around I found the weapons that I am using right now wich is a Maintained Manning .22 and a Manning .22 that was not maintained. And this is the most recent time I scavenged a Small street and I found another Manning .22 and that's all . I suppose you can also find weapons at gun shops but I have not really found anything to great at gun shops there always have only been pistols Like a few Tarron 9mm and a few Lawson .22 pistols. And once in a while you will find a Lead Pipe.

Now on what weapons to use I don't have that many types of weapons so far but at first I was equiping my charecter with melee weapons the advantage of melle weapons is they do not need to be reloaded because they don't take ammo even tho ammo isn't required in the game so far ( tho I am sure there will be ammo soon because there was in Last Stand Union City , but maybe not because there was no ammo required in Last Stand One And I don't Think there was in Last Stand two ) but any ways the downer to melle weapons is zombies get a chance to damage you because melee weapons have no range. But damage is not really that important because your leader charecter should have the ability to heal wich don't cost anything . As for ranged weapons they are what I am useing now because the weapons I have right now have a thirteen range wich basiclly cover all small building wich is nice downer to range weapons is they have to be reloaded or your charecter has to change the Mag this usually is pretty quick but It can be a nuicense if your up against alot of zombie's or enemies. But either way you could use melee weapons or Long ranged weapons as of guns it is all up to you I don't have any suggestions on that.

Alright now this is for more of the beginners on building first of all Instead of upgrading your Wood storage, Metal Storage, Cloth storage, Food and Water Storage. Build another one if you have not reached your maximum amount already it is way more efficient at the start of the game it cost way less resources plus all of these storage's are under five minutes so the can be sped up for free so Instead of upgrading one Storage to level three which takes about maybe about ten hours to reach the storage limit to hundred and fifty just build two more of that storage which will get it the the storage limit of hundred and fifty really quickly with way less resources required same with upgrading bed's just build more.

Okay now for fuel I Have never actually scavenged any fuel before but I do know it is lot's of money so use it it wisely there is store on The Last Stand Dead Zone Were you Can buy thing with fuel . Never Ever do that there gear and weapons suck for there Price I just hit level eight and I have a few weapons way better that did not take that much effort to get . And did not cost any fuel so Best is to not spend any of your fuel in the shop .

Now this is probably going to be a short paragraph but when you are done scavenging an area then staying in the Green area to Farm exp. From the zombies with your remaining time Click on the Leave button But don't actually leave after you click it there will actually be something showing you check marks that tell you that your character is actually safe in the green zone just do that then select Stay This just helps to make sure you characters are in the green zone. Sometimes it looks like they are but there really not and Having an Injured Character Can Really Suck Alot.

Now I don't believe I have talked about this yet so when you first start the game there is something call a begginers protection when you are in your compunt it is at the top of the screen it looks like a Shield with two golden ranks on it and right beside it is the time you have left the begginers protection just makes it so other compouds or people can't attack you. But the begginers protection expires early if you attack another compound or person so I just want to say don't attack anyone else till it runs out use the best of it because it is good protection and I usually do not attack anyone anyways because well it is better to make allies on the game for when some one decides to be a jurk and attack you they can help you out and attack the person that helped you plus with allies when you visit another persons compound they help you with anything that you are building or upgrading they can help speed it up or take a bit of time off it.

All Right now once you starting leveling up a bit more if you have time send your characters out to really far weapons places I just recently sent my characters to a level twelve Security in RiverSide and the loot was amazing Usually when you are hitting high level weapon or food places you always get a bit of resources I found Four-Hundred-Thirty Wood , Fifty Iron , and Four-Hundred-Sixty Clothe. And It was a weapons place. As for weapons they were amazing I found a "Balanced Stock Longarm" it does Seventy to ninety Damage and Fifty-Seven Point One a Second I also Found Two Pick Hammers that do only Thirty-Six Damage per Second .But I found an really amazing weapon to it does Eighty-two to Hundred-Five Damage and Sixty-Eight Point Six Damage Per Second it was the "Light Thumping LongArm". I found a few other weapons but they all only did about Thirty Damage Per Second Which Sucks compared to the weapons I have. But any ways good Idea if you want a good weapon and your about to leave some where get you Characters to attack a far away weapons place they always have lots of resources food and water and amazing weapons.

Now once your begginers protection runs out it is a really good Idea to make allies but it is also really helpful to attack other compounds why? because well the ycan be way closer then high level places so it will take far less time and they can have crazy resources this is my most recent raid on another compound

I have never found any weapons raiding another compound but first if you can visit there compound look to see how good they are and check there resources storages and drop offs yu can easily tell when they are full like the vegetable Garden will have fully grown plants in it. But once you are there it is really easy to kill there charecters because it is fast damage but they damage you really fast to the only disadvantage to this is you can only attack with five of your charecter I beileve so if they have more then that they have an advantage . But if you want people usually are dumber with the place ment of there check points which is were there characters auto-matically spawn and it is always placed in dumb places well usually ( Always place your character spawners near your resource storages) but if they don't do that you can be sneeky and steal there resources with-out taking damage this is one of the great uses for the character skill "Reacon" and also there is Gear for your characters located where you give them your weapon. Were you can give them Greater Ammo or Glasses or Running shoes and this is a great time to equip them with the running shoes which boosts there speed or another great one to equip is the hand wraps and gloves which increase there scavaging speed.

Now I have not really touched bases on weapons yet I won't quite yet that much but I would like to talk about my weapons and just my opinion on what a great weapons to use atleast at my level . Right now my preferred or favorite weapons are for one the "Four Shot" it is a great weapons doing a smashing Seventy-Two to Hundred-Eight and an amazing Seventy two point four damage per second. It has a great accuracy of about eight percent it could be better but it is decent but the Capacity is terrible with only a One Capacity it has a Reload speed of about One Point five for this weapon I always have the character equipped with it always has the gear set as Ammunition Pouches or Bandolier which both of these increase the reloading speed so it is not so repetitive You could also could equip your characters gear to "Extended Mags" which increases the capacity I have not tried that yet I am not sure if it will work because the Capacity is One and the gear might have to boost it by atleast one-hundred percent to do anything but I am not sure. Now my second favorite weapon or preferred weapons is the "Polished UMP-45" it does a great damage per second which is exactly Seventy-Four which I like It does about it does only Fifteen to Twenty-Two Damage which is not to smashingly fantastic the reason for it's high damage per second is its attack speed it shoots alot a second like alot so what I did was equipped my character using the weapon with the gear "Ammunition" it increases damage with that increasing damage to the weapon and it shooting fast it is crazy good and it really works well. But anyways these are just my favorite weapons and ideas how to boost there efficiency to you if you want I suppose you need to make a file or go as a guest but comment saying your favorite weapon and what your strategy for it is.

I just did a bit of a talk on weapons now I suppose I will talk about gear this is probably going to be really drab tho because I am tired stayed up till Four last night and I am only Thirteen so it take a bit of an effect. But any ways I have talked plety on gear here and there I am sure everyone should be familiar with it now but I am going to talk a bit more about it and what it does and uses for them like good scenearios. ALright so there is lots of different Types of gear . I will start out with the gear "Ammunition" This gear increase damage for weapons these are best equiped on characters using weapons that have a really good firing speed but bad damage and that is mostly it for ammunition. Now there is a gear for every trait of a weapon like Damage , Range , Accuracy , Capacity , Etc. There is also gear boost for characters like Speed , Scavaging , Healing Speed Etc. The gear that boost Accuracy is Cleaning kits these are great for your characters equiped with weapons that do really high damage but not so great accuracy like the "Four Shot" I am sure there will be an RPG sooner or later in the game there probably already is one I am just not high enough level but I am sure it will do super high damage this is a weapon you may want to use the Cleaning kit with. Now For Reloading speed there is two Gears for this as far as I am conserned the Bandolier and the Ammunition Pouch these are great for well I guess these would work great for a weapon like an RPG to or a small Capacity weapon because they have very slow reloading speeds usually and if not they have to reload alot. Now the boost for scavaging speed or the gear you must equip is either Gloves or Hand Wraps they are great equiped on your scavanger obviously the ones that do the scavaging while the other protect them. Now for Speed Boost for speed or Gear which is shoes there I believe is plety of types of shoes Just "Shoes" , "Dress Shoes" , or things like that they are great equiped on your Recon characters who there to sneek around the enemy compound and steal things. Now for Range on your weapon these boost or gears are Glasses these are great for your character equiped with gread damaging weaons but bad range like at earlier level I gave them to my characters equiped with the "Death Adder" I believe it works great with melee weapons because they do super amazing damage but obvoiusly there rage suck Varying from One to Five Range . Now For Capactiy there is boost or gear called "Extended Mags" I personally never use them but I suppose you could put them with any weapon of your choosing. Now for the last boost which is Healing boost the gear or boost for this is things like "First Aid Kits" or "Medical Kits" I do not usually give these out but I have one equiped with my medic right now because lately I have not been attacking other compounds I have been attacking Different Places Trying to Find Nails. And That is the last of Different gears hope it helped.

  • 9 Replies
199 posts

I miss named this Post it is supposed to be Last Stand Dead ZOne but anyways it should be fixed soon in the meen time if you liked this support me at my blog

1 posts

you should try adding more periods and correct punctuation,because i can't really make out what you are saying

1 posts

dafuq did i just read? o.O

1 posts

This is what happens when someone with a grade school education attempts to educate us on playing a game...

199 posts

At least your being constructive in a way hear that all the time from teacher's it's those damb run on sentences.

1 posts

I'm pretty sure some beginners may still find this useful!

199 posts

Yeah I just realized that looking back at this now I'm at level thirty or something . Pardon me level twenty-nine

1 posts

Keep it up! make sure to take the comments mindfully though ))

2 posts

this one helped me alot

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