I can't even find my old thread, so here's one just for a silly short story I've been working on.
Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock.
The room is empty, but for three people. One girl works patiently at a grandly large desk, writing furiously. She has wavy blonde hair thrown into a bun, and is wearing a sleeveless collared shirt with ruffles adorning the front, a name tag pinned on her chest reading "Vice President." Her legs are hidden by the massive furniture. Stacks and stacks of paper are piled around her, all with barely legible writing scrawled on them, and all labelled with a heavy red stamp: "NEEDS SIGNATURE." Behind her a gigantic clock is embedded in the otherwise unadorned wall, hundreds of arms moving slowly to apparently no particular beat, and sporadically throwing out loud chimes that cause the already beaten desk to rattle alarmingly.
Tick tock tick tock.
Behind the girl two others stand, one with darker hair leaning casually against the wall, and the other, with brown hair, peering over the blonde's shoulder, glasses glinting under the fluorescent lights. The darker haired girl is dressed much more casually than the blonde, combat boots kicked out for balance, while the brown haired is wearing a buttoned down shirt and slacks. Respectively, they wear the name tags "Secretary" and "Treasurer." The two of them look at each other and let out a simultaneous sigh.
The Vice President bolts upright abruptly, sending a pile of papers fluttering around the spacious room. Her face is livid with frustration. "That is it. Where is he?" "Where is who?" asks the Treasurer quietly, eyes blinking in alarm. "Him, of course." The Vice President gestures to the empty space across from her. "Why else are we here?" "Ah, right." The Treasurer nods her head in understanding. "Him."
Very well done, Tacky. I do wonder as well, if there will be more to sate our curiosity on the plot and conversation. The mystery of the lacking male and the clockwork.
I do wonder about your use of description, why the colour and quality of their hair is more important than the rest of the description, that is just touched upon lightly.
The description you put about the three people is so much. Can't wait to read more. Wait, is there more?
I'm envious of your vocabulary and descriptive work. Great job, man. Although I don't know what it is about.
Very well done, Tacky. I do wonder as well, if there will be more to sate our curiosity on the plot and conversation. The mystery of the lacking male and the clockwork.
Thank you! Yes, there is more plot planned out, but it's not too orderly. Though I am intending it to be a bit chaotic.
"Bah, he's never here anyway. Why do we even need him?" grumbles the Treasurer, bending down to pick up some of the fallen papers. Some of the ink, still wet, smears onto her hands and shirt. "Confound it." Tiiiiiiicktoooooooooooock
The Vice President, still standing, looks at her with an expression of abject indignation. "How could you not know that? Look at all these papers that need signing! Look at the state of this office! We need new floors! We need new tables! I've got half a mind to fire you, honestly." "Calm down." says the Treasurer crossly. She drops a pile of collected papers on the Vice President's desk. Crack. "Firstly, I was joking, and you know it. Secondly, you can't fire me." She slams both hands on the desk. Crack. "And thirdly, the President hasn't been here since this office was new. Why do we need him now?"
The clock chooses that moment to throw out an earsplitting chime. The desk collapses, and the Vice President finally throws her hands up in exasperation and runs to the wall, throwing open a curtain. "This is why." Outside the window there is a wall of vivid colors, sounds, shapes and faces blurring by. Little blurbs of sound make their way into the office, and flashes of light explode at random intervals, tearing rips in the wall. Lines and numbers scale wind their way through the mess, weaving back and forth before finally disappearing in a burst of light. The process continues, the numbers and shapes blurring more and more. The three officers stand at the window, watching, until finally the Vice President slams the curtain shut. "That is why." she repeats, angrily. "I didn't know we had a window there." whispers the Secretary. "We don't." replies the Treasurer.