ForumsGame WalkthroughsPocket Creature Walkthrough

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To get S-Rank you need to complete the last mission with 40 or less missions played.

Every mission consists of 2 rounds. If you win, it will count as 2 missions played and if you lose, it will count as 1 mission played.
Training always counts as 1 mission played.

Since there are 15 missions, the obvious minimum of missions you need to play is 30. If anyone succeeds in clearing all missions with only 30 missions played, please post your solution.

In this guide i can only show you how to do it with no less than 31 missions played, which is the minimum i've reached so far.

Note that some monsters do have abilities, which have a certain chance to trigger. In addition there sometimes do occur some weird situations where monsters get hit or don't get hit when normally they should'nt or should, respectively.
This may lead to some unfortunate missions in which you get killed really fast or can't kill an enemy for a really long time.

The Fastest Team

1) Buy 1 Dragon and 1 Spirit
Arrange your team: Variant-Variant-Dragon-Corpse
2) Play mission 1,2 and 3
3) Feed Corpse thrice and evolve it into DeathEater
4) Play mission 4,5
5) Feed Dragon thrice and evolve it into BombardDragon
6) Play 1 training mission
7) Feed BombardDragon twice
8) Play mission 6
9) Feed BombardDragon once more and evolve it into ShadowDragon
Arrange your team: ShadowDragon-Variant-Variant-DeathEater
10)Play mission 7
11)Feed both Variants thrice and evolve both into Warps
12)Play mission 8
13)Feed one of your Warps thrice and evolve it into SoulSeeker
Arrange your team: ShadowDragon-SoulSeeker-Warp-DeathEater
14)Play mission 9
15)Feed DeathEater thrice and evolve it into EntropyAlien. Also feed Warp thrice and evolve it into EarthShaker
Arrange your team: ShadowDragon-SoulSeeker-EntropyAlien-EarthShaker
16)Play mission 10, 11, 12 and 13
17)Feed ShadowDragon, SoulSeeker and EarthShaker thrice
18)Play mission 14 and 15

As you might have the grades you get won't be too great, which is irrelevant if you ask me. If you want to win all missions getting the S-Grade and still win within 40 missions played, it can be done.

The All-S Team

1) Buy 2 Spirits
Arrange your team: Variant-Variant-Variant-Corpse
2) Play mission 1,2 and 3
3) Feed Corpse thrice and evolve it into DeathEater
4) Play mission 4 and 5
5) Buy 1 Dragon feed it thrice and evolve it into BombardDragon
Arrange your team: Variant-Variant-BombardDragon-DeathEater
6) Play 2 training missions
7) Feed BombardDragon twice
8) Play mission 6
9) Feed BombardDragon once more and evolve it into ShadowDragon
10)Play 1 training mission
11)Feed one of your Variants thrice and evolve it into Warp
Arrange your team: ShadowDragon-Variant-Warp-DeathEater
12)Play mission 7
13)Buy 1 Puppet, feed it thrice and evolve it into Chronos
Arrange your team: ShadowDragon-Chronos-Warp-DeathEater
14)Play 2 training missions
15)Feed Chronos thrice and evolve it into ScarFace
Arrange your team: ShadowDragon-Warp-DeathEater-ScarFace
16)Play mission 8
17)Feed DeathEater thrice and evolve it into EntropyAlien
18)Play 1 training mission
19)Feed Warp thrice and evolve it into SoulSeeker
20)Play mission 9, 10, 11
21)Feed ScarFace and ShadowDragon thrice
22)Play mission 12 and 13
23)Feed SoulSeeker thrice
24)Play mission 14 and 15

Now that you finished all missions in time you got Romeo-S and can play the endless mode.
Romeo-S has great stats and randomly gets other monsters passive abilities everytime you start a mission.

The Endless Mode:
Since there is a time limit it is pretty obvious that you should get as far as possible in this time.
If your team dies before time is up, then your team is definately no good.

The Easy Team
ShadowDragon - ShadowDragon - Spartan - Spartan

Sometimes you won't survive you for the whole time, but you'll always get 40+.

The Ultimate Team
ShadowDragon - ShadowDragon - Spartan - Romeo-S (with Spartan passive)

Enter endless mode again and again until Romeo-S has the Spartan passive ability, which grants life steal.
This way he can survive on his own forever and you can get 90+.

I hope this helped!
If you need further explanation or some screenshots as proof, please comment.

  • 10 Replies
16 posts

it helped alright

100 posts

Why dont you just get the puppets ?

126 posts

great dude it helped me a lot

1 posts

how to save this game?

1 posts

very helpful

2 posts

The PvP Poc Creatures, how do we beat Juliet?

1 posts

If you want to beat Juliet, use two Shadow Dragons, One Soul Seeker, One Earth Shaker, and One Scarface. For PvP, use one Galio, and 4 Azrael. I'm not sure what the best is for endless mode as I can't get past wave 30, does anyone know any combanations that can get someone past 30?

2 posts

I only have one Azrael and would like to try this team with two.

For endless mode 1 max attack Azrael, 1 +15 attack Shadowkiller, and 3 +25 speed Entropyaliens will get you past 30.

If you don't have an Azrael you can use 2 max attack Chakras and 3 max speed Scarfaces. This is less reliable and rarely gets over 30 but I have gotten as high as 36 with this combo.

2 posts

I got my second Azrael.

2 max attack Azrael and 3 25 speed Entropyaliens breaks level 45 in endless no problem.

7 posts

Moon Castle I is hard. Any help?

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